YAHOOOO!!! :-) :-) :-)


I just finished BodyMax for the very 1st. time. I just received it a couple days ago in the mail!! It was awesome, even for me, a klutz, when it comes to stepping.(I'm new to step--3 weeks!)I got almost all the steps--had a little tricky time with the 1/4 hops & long hops
, but I'm sure another time or two, I'll have those down. A BIG recommendation to get this tape. I think that I can even increase my weight right away. I was able to get thru all the strength with the weight I chose!!! Go for it everyone!!
Body Max

Way to go Debbie! I'm a little off my normal exercise schedule so it's great to hear of others accomplishments. I find it very encouraging.
Yay Debbie!

Sounds like you had a great workout! Doing Bodymax after only stepping for three weeks was very ambitious - glad you loved it! That video wipes me out!

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