RE: xxxxxx...Watercoolers...xxxxxx....Sunday, May 25, 2...
I'm using my Blackberry as a modem to connect to the internet!!! But I'm going to cancel this feature after the free 30 day time period. They want to charge me an additional $30.00 a month on top of my already expensive cell phone minutes and internet on the cell phone only bill. SHUUSH!!!! Till then, I'm going milk it and type in bed!!!!:7
Kim: That is a long time without a rest day! Take it easy. But, it sounds like your body is conditioned considering you don't have any leg DOMS. About the only DOMS I have from my mish mosh is climbing stairs too. So, I avoid it as much as possible. I'll send the kids to fetch what I need.}( Wow! A million dollar furnished house. Can you imagine the taxes on that prize!
Usually, I don't do mish moshes. I leave that for Traci, Tracy, and Sandra. But, I got mega bored with Low Impact Step, tired in my shoulders with Kenpo, felt like working my legs a little more with B&G since I had my band and stability ball with me, and wanted to do some extra stretching with yoga. I've done Shoulder ^^ so many times, I could do it in my sleep!!!!
So, the mish mosh kinda evolved in the moment!!! I enjoyed it so much that I will play around with creating mish moshes more now!!! It's good to change things up... just like your seasonal running and Jeanette's biking. Running is much better therapy than say alcoholism or curled up in bed. Do you get that runners high too?
Patricia: Are you still going to the Eoin workshop? I sent you a PM two Fridays ago. Talk to me about Sin6. I've thought about getting it before I bought P90X.
Debra: Are you getting excited!!!! I can't wait to see you again!!! Did you find out if we're able to use our cellphones without roaming charges? I'll have to call Verizon and find out. So, you're neighbors are boring? Or just bored with you?:+
Did the Diva come home baptised? Phil cracked up when I told him about the other Fundamentalists in your life!!!! Hope your head is feeling better today!!! Sending ~~~~Forehead :* :* :* ~~~~ your way!!! There. Does that help?
Sandra: After you finish the two YMCA courses, will you be certified to do personal training too? My eating was pretty bad today. I had: 3 mini chocolate covered doughnuts and coffee for breakfast; a Starbucks Peppermint Chocolate Latte with whipped cream and fruit cobbler for lunch; grilled shrimp, blackened trout with Asian inspired salsa, cooked bok choy, and brown rice cooked in diced tomatoes for dinner; and a slice of my chocolate marble cheesecake for dinner. Well, I tried.:+
Okay Ladies, I'm going to surf the net. Chat more later.
Oh! Tonight, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I was thinking of doing Core Synergistics since I should work my core sometime this month.:+
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!