Xpress/Slow & Heavy Rotation?


Have any of you paired up S&H with Express? I was thinking about
doing one body part per day and start with S&H in the morning
and a full express tape at night. Has anybody tried this and seen results from it? Would it be overtraining? I've written it down and the rotation looks like this:

Sun-S&H Chest/Step & Intervals

Mon-S&H Legs/Leaner Legs

Tue-S&H Shoulders/All Step

Wed-S&H Back/Power Circuit

Thr-S&H Tris/10-10-10

Fri-S&H Bi's/Kickbox


Does this look okay? Would you pair them up any differently?
I know there are alot of knowledgeable people on this board and I love any feedback. Thanks in advance.

Tina (Who is desperate for the new DVD's!)
I somewhat combine the 2 but with 2 less CTX a week.

My week work out is
All 3 S&H ( I dont break them up)
1 Lean Leg (leg is my area I need to focus on the most)
3 CTX (I rotate) - I DONT do the body part.

This has worked VERY well for me. I havent mixxed the CTX body part and S&H.

What are you goals? What have you been doing recently workout wise?
Mine is similar to Robyn's. I did this last week:

Sat. S&H legs and shoulders, CTX step int. cardio only
Sun. S&H chest and back, CTX 10-10-10 cardio only
Mon. S&H tris and bis
Tue. Step Fit
Wed. CTX LL and the upperbody section from Body Max
Thu. Imax

I think this week I might cut down on cardio or just do LL on Wed. because I was exhausted last week. More power to those people that can do cardio every day while doing S&H. I was wiped out!

Wow funny how similar our routines are!

I'm with you I can't imagine doing both S&H and cardio every day!
Even this wears me out :(
Well.....I want to hear back from you when you do S&H Legs and Leaner Legs on the same day.......can't imagine. I don't think I'd be sitting well on Tuesday. I do like the combination of CTX cardio with S&H one body part per week though. Let us know how you do!!!!

I did the following SH/CXT rotation for a couple months before the Holidays and it increased my strength/leaned me out a bit:

Week 1 -
Sat - IMAX1, SH Legs/Shoulders
Sun - Cathe step tape, SH Chest/Back/Triceps
Mon - Cathe step tape (am); SH Biceps & Ab Hits Ab workout (pm);
Tue - Cathe step tape (am); Leaner Legs (pm)
Wed - Cathe step tape (am); CXT Back & Chest, plus Ab Hits Ab&Plank workout (pm)
Thu - Depending on how I felt, Circuit Max or two CXT cardio portions, like Step/Intervals + All Step;
Fri - Rest, but did an All Abs Ab&Plank workout in pm.

Week 2 -
Sat - IMAX1, SH Legs/Shoulders
Sun - Cathe Step tape, SH Chest/Back/Tricpes
Mon - Cathe Step tape (am); SH Biceps & Ab Hits Ab workout (pm);
Tue - Body Max Cardio & Leg Circuits
Wed - PowerStrike (am); CXT Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps plus Ab Hits Abs&Plank workout (pm)
Thu - CXT 2 cardio portions or MIC
Fri - Rest, but did an All Abs abs&planks workout in pm

NOTES---I listened to my body on my cardio only days in terms of deciding whether to do higher intensity tapes or more steady state heartrate ones. Also, I did the superman/planks portion of SH Chest & Back on Sundays.
The Monday requirement for CTX Leaner legs and S and H legs seems like a complete overkill. The two videos are also targetting the legs in completely opposite ways: you will probably find little muscle gain in the legs doing these two together.

Ease up on yourself a bit, please!!!

Thanks for all your replies. I must not have been thinking clearly when I scheduled S&H Legs w/ L.L. I will alternate it from week to week, just until the new DVD's arrive.

Thanks again.


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