Morning all you Xers!
Classic/Phase 2/Week 3/Day 2
Today was PlyoX and I still find this one fun, maybe not the fun it was at first but after a while I get into it. I still laugh when Tony says "don't smoke a cigarette" while doing the squat frog lateral thingies. I love his personality, still! This is a great workout, and really also works your core. I concentrated on light landings today. Last night I did AbX and helped DH work Chest and Abs. Had a good day yesterday, getting some bills paid, balancing the checkbook, little bit of grocery shopping. It's still cold outside so no walk with the dogs and DH.
Tracy, hope work is good for you today and that you enjoy PlyoX. Hope it makes you feel as good as it does me. This one makes me feel athletic. I can't believe the difference since I first did it.
Traci, DOMS in the chest? You must have really brought it good on C&B! I rarely have it there, in fact I have DOMS in my upper hips, lower back area still. Think from cycling too hard on Sunday when it was cold. I had a slight breeze against me and was really pushing hard. It's like it's on the tops of my hips. Could also be the 8# DB I used in Abx on Friday. I didn't use it last night though as I'd like this soreness to go away. You're going to add in S&A also? You are a wild woman for sure! I agree with you that a spin class is only good for so many muscles. Cycling is not weight bearing and I need more resistance than that. It is great for cardio though, plus it is fun (not so much spinning class for me, but actual outside cycling). Those one armed pushups were far from even probably resembling a real one, but I think Tony said even if you couldn't go down very far, it was good. Does an inch count? I know there are certain visuals that freak me out, I won't even go there now.
Deb, I haven't been using a recovery drink as I usually just eat breakfast right after working out, adding protein powder to milk and banana or to my oatmeal. Think that adding protein in is a good thing. Yep, AbX is pretty doable for me now. I do need to get out my Coremax workouts and really bring it with them.
Laurie, KenpoX did a job on me this week too. More soreness than usual.
Will BBL,