CL/PH2/WK3/Day5: YogaX
Good morning,
Traci - thanks for the encouragement. My PMS power mode ended yesterday and today is the Day of the Crash. I'm tired, sluggish, and craving simple carbs to help boost me back up. There's always a price to pay, isn't there? Oh well, at least I understand why I feel this way and I know I'll be feeling better in a day or two. You have seen amazing progress over the last (almost) 90 days! You should be so proud of yourself. Are you interested in knowing how many power-scissors there are in IMAX1?
DB - enjoy your dinner with Mom!
Laurie - I haven't done BC in ages, but I'm betting I'll be better on the core work in that one, after P90X. The core-only premix from that workout is super effective, IMO. I hope you find the terminator climbers a bit easier, too.
Jeanette - which SH movie did you watch? Sounds like you had a really nice night.
Lea - Your post is helping motivate me to get YogaX underway this morning. I will feel much better after that. And after the double-dipped chocolate Harvest Bar I'm eating right now
The chocolate is singing its siren song today....
DD1 decided again this morning that she wanted to dance to a Cathe workout, so I put the step on the floor and put on SJP. She danced a bit, then went over and got my 1lb weighted gloves. She's got these things on and seems to like wearing them. After a good half hour of dancing, she's now collected some of her books and is sitting on the step, drinking a bottle of milk, and reading her books. And yes, she's still wearing the gloves. Crazy kid. I took a few pics and added them to my picture trail, if you're curious.
Have a great day,