"X'ers - ***SATURDAY***


Morning Xers,

I am finished with my workout Cardio-Camp with Kimberly Spreen. This one has Hi/Lo and Kickboxing mixed together. Reminds me a little of Cardio Kicks. :D

Did the Barry's Chest and Abs yesterday, and I will come back later today to give update on that one so Traci can see when she gets back from the bay. The treadmill workout in this is a killer. }(

Have to run my youngest DD to dance class, and I still haven't had my cup of java yet. x( :9

BBL, have a great day!


Good morning,

I couldn't believe it when I logged on a few minutes ago and there was NO Xers post yet! It's almost 8:30am here! The Traci/y's are sorely missed! Thanks for having enough initiative to start this, Laurie, even without your coffee! I was waiting to finish mine before typing. I don't trust myself to type coherently before my first dose of caffeine!

LaurieX - You're so good with typing out all those workout details. You make Barry's series sound very interesting, and I like the idea that most (all?) of the strength conditioning is done with body weight. What is the website for this series? I'm curious enough to check it out.

JeanetteX - I didn't have time to write much yesterday, but wanted to let you know that your story about going through the window was a crack up! And yes! Thank heavens you work out, so you can start a career as a professional house-theft! Doesn't Joe Cocker have a song about how she came in through the bathroom window? LMAO! And I bust a gut when I read LeaX's comment about how wonderful it is that you can fit through a teeny-tiny window! Talk about a rather odd Non-Scale Victory (a WW term, I think). And only an LA-er like LeaX would be vain enough to take it personally if she wasn't able to fit through a window ;-) Your measurements are smaller now, and you're feeling/looking leaner? Awesome!!!! How much cardio are you doing, per week? And are the Slim Series weights similar to Cathe's endurance work, like in ME, PH & CTX?

LeaX - when you go clothes shopping, has anyone ever asked you your "window size"? Kind of gives a whole new meaning to the term "window shopping." Okay, okay, I'll give it a rest now. How's Crystal? Have you gotten the hang of giving her the IV drip yet? That really doesn't sound easy.....

DebraX - so how was KickMax? I'm glad you managed to squeeze it in! Have a great weekend with DH and DD! I take it you have no desire to move to Russia with him?

TraciX - the road trip sold out in 3 MINUTES!!! There are a ton of people who will be disappointed, like you. Hang in there. It's probably not as fun as we imagine it will be :p And for the money it costs, I can buy a whole bunch of videos! I just wish Cathe would hurry up and announce the next round of filming. If she sticks with her original plans, she'll be doing that 4-day cardio/weights split, and a SS step cardio. I'm looking forward to both of those more than anything else she's done since the BodyBlast series.

Yesterday my plan was to do B&G, no core. But I was exhausted. Thoroughly, completely, every-cell-in-my-body exhausted. I was also starrrrrving. I spent the entire day just waiting for my next meal. I think my workouts from the past week have caught up with me, combined with my 1800 cal/day limit. Obviously I was eating way more in a day than I thought I was! So I decided that I needed a day of rest, especially if I was going to prevent a junk-food binge. As it is, I went to one of those "parties" at a friend's house, where they sell you stuff. It was a Princess House party. Never heard of them before. Of course, I bought stuff because I wanted to help my friend get the hostess gifts, etc. And since it kept me up past my 9pm bedtime, I ended up eating a bit of her snacks: pistachio nuts, cheese & crackers, etc. I didn't go overboard, but I finally filled the hole in my stomach. I feel much, much better today. Energetic. I'm trying to decide on today's workout now. I still want to do Butts 'n Guts, but also want to do some cardio. But I don't want a 2 hour workout. And I would like to do the BG core work, too. What to do? I'm also thinking it would be nice to do a Terminator or HardCore Extreme workout, since I rarely use those. Oh, what to do? Then JeanetteX pipes up that she's getting slimmer on less cardio, and I think maybe I should stick with something lighter. ARGGGGGHHHH!!!! I'll think of something, I'm sure.

Okay, I've typed enough for everyone who's MIA today. Time to go.

Hello to Monica, Stephanie, Tracy and Traci.


Good morning,

Wow, very quiet this morning. I have some things to do today and my son's girlfriend may be coming over and mentioned doing a casual bike ride with me so that could happen today too. DH is working, his last day of this 3 week long maintenance shutdown at the plant. He'll be back to work on a regular schedule starting on Tuesday, which I'm sure he's very happy about.

Today'w workout was really not too much. I did the cardio from Amy Bento's Hi-Lo (only about 15 minutes or so). It was fun and then I did a couple of combos (lots and lots of slo-mo and pause framing) from Tracey Staehle's Hi Intensity Step. So really, ladies, not much of a workout, but I'm okay with that. I have a tough bike ride tomorrow so I'll treat this kind of like a rest day.

Laurie, sounds like a good workout for you, all bright and early. Shoot, it's almost eleven and I just finished, need to jump in the shower too.

Sandra, so far for cardio this week I did on Tuesday Cardio Fusion and then I did a bike ride last night for an hour (pretty intense though) and then today's half-a**ed cardio. Tomorrow's ride will be the toughie as it has nearly 3500' or so of climbing along the way of a 50 mile ride. Really, less than I used to do. Seriously, I like to feel hungry. I hate that full, blah feeling and eating every couple hours because I'm supposed to be keeping my metabolism up. This old ladies metabolism is not easily fooled. The Slim Series are really boring in comparison to CTX, ME, MM. I only use the 3# and 5# weights, sometimes 8#. Lots of reps but it's working for me right now. My biceps and triceps are still cut, but just more compact. And I'm not retaining so much water. I'm just holding my breath right now as something's working. It's kind of like when you go on vacation and don't work out at all and you notice you just feel leaner and less big and wonder why and you get on the scale and you weigh less. All I can say is that I needed a change. I'm still eating pretty much the same as during P90X (but without the protein powder). I only do oatmeal in the morning and no other complex carbs during the day, just veggies, fruit and proteins. I haven't stood on the scale this week. When I weighed last week, I was 2# below my final P90X weight.

Sandra, what did you decide to do workout wise? The most workout I've been getting here lately is on my credit card.


Morning gang. Small group this weekend I see(as I look into the mirror to check myself out;-) ). Today was BM2 for me. The entire thing. I really need to lose some body fat. I have not been taking care of myself like I should.

Laurie X - Thank you for starting the thread. I hope you get some coffee soon. I too am going to check out Barry's Bootcamp. Sounds very interesting.

Sandra X - Oh, miss Sandra. What I am going to do with you? I will admit there is sooooooo much vanity out here in L.A. Too many tv and movie studios with enough ego in it to fill up an entire country. It's amazing. Did you say what rotation you were going to do on the 2nd? I am very excited to start again. Need to get in tip top shape for the summer. The IV for the cat just makes me really really nervous. I hate holding her down with a huge needle in her for 5 minutes to get her fluids in. Only two more days though. What are you up to this weekend?

Jeanette X - How do you like Cardio Fusion? I haven't tried it yet. I hope you get a fun bike ride in today. Tomorrow sounds fun but tough too. Glad that DH is happy to get back on schedule. Is he keeping up with working out. To be honest, I have been really lagging on reading the posts this week. Sorry.

All right gang. Time to clean and get the DS's out of DH's hair. Have a good one.


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