CL/PH3/WK1/Day1: Chest & Back; ARX
Good evening,
Step Blast w/u & combos 1&3 is done, Chest & Back is done, ARX has yet to be crossed off the list. I'll do that tonight when DH does P90 Sweat & abs. I was dreading C&B so much today that I dreamt about it last night. But in my dream, I figured out how to do u/a pull ups, and could do dozens at a time LOL!! I guess I was looking to boost my confidence a little, hey?
Chest & Back felt like a beast today. I increased my push up count in most places and my form on the pull ups was much better than it has been. Did a couple unassisted. I can feel my back more today than I remember ever feeling with any of the workouts. I like that. I'm so happy to note that I only have to do that workout one more time!!
Traci - Well, that sucks that AF came so early for you this month!! Grrrr. But Mmmmmm, oreos!!!! Your DH sounds scary with his weights! My DH doesn't seem to be stuck on the amount of weight he's lifting, thank goodness. Nothing worse than injuring yourself so you can't exercise at all (unless that was his plan all along?
) And you're exactly right! One thing I've learned from P90X is that I need to be patient with myself: all these feelings pass. I'm sure you did so well with CoreSyn today because you've gotten that much stronger. All your work is working! I had planned to make that same soup this week!! That's funny. I ended up not buying the tomatoes, so will have to put it back on the list for next week. Now that it comes so highly recommended I'm determined to try it. I made her Sweet Inca porridge. That's pretty good. Very filling. I couldn't finish my bowl this morning. Tomorrow's dinner is going to be her wild rice casserole thingy. It has tofu in it. Don't tell the family.
Tracy - Very interesting that you're making up your own workouts like that. What kind of things are you putting in them? Have you ever considered becoming an instructor?
Deb B - that's very motivating to hear how well you did with MM last week. Good work!
DB - last time with PlyoX!! Enjoy!!!!
Laurie - XStretch...nice one.
Jeanette - all that you do, and you write the newsletter too? You're a busy lady! I'm glad you did so well with Chest & Back today. I wonder if we'll be feeling the same DOMS we experienced with Week One?
Monica - Wednesday?!? Oh, I can't believe you have to wait so long for such important test results. I'm sorry. I hope Yoga went well tonight. I too find some days that the most beneficial part of excerising is it prevents me from eating for at least an hour!
Stephanie - Nice to see you! I'm in a similar state as you: getting bored with the program but determined to see it to the end because I want the results. I'm seeing some increased definition, so I'm hoping these next few weeks really help me "pop."
Debra - Nice progress on SA! I enjoy that one, and get to do it on Wednesday. And yes, you appear to be a huge klutz
Please take care of yourself.
Lea - Ooooh, a child with a fever.....I hope he feels better really soon (and you don't catch what he's got).
Have a good night,