Hi, back again!
Medical appointments went okay for DH and I. My blood pressure was low (118/64) and pulse 56 I think. Blood oxygen was good as it could be also. She was impressed. However, getting blood from my arm was tough (and hurt). She finally put a butterfly? on it and the blood came out. What an ordeal! After that, DH and I went to lunch and did a little grocery shopping. Came home and he helped me put up some new blinds that I had made at Home Depot. They look nice.
Sandra, your enthusiasm with your workout sounds like mine this morning. I almost threw in the towel before starting but decided against it. Sounds like you really brought it anyway! 15# for all tricep work, way to go! The strength increases of P90X are phenomenal! Re: the triathlon, no, I didn't run even once all year and of course hadn't swam since like high school or something silly like that. The run went fine (took about a half mile to find a rhythym after the bike ride), but I was sore for about 5 days afterwards, duh! I'm not sure I would call it gumption, more like a "what the heck, so I have to walk part of the run" kind of thinking. However, I did overestimate my swimming skills. They do have a triathlon class at the college this spring, but I really don't want to set aside any more time for other activities. Sold the horse because I wasn't riding him enough. Guess I've never had the runner's high before so there's no big desire to pursue running. Good for you for realizing that the bad food has an impact on your mental health too. I turned down some yummy looking cookies today. Wish they made me feel bad so I wouldn't want them any more.
Hi Melissa, welcome to the checkin! It's a great group here and they have helped me out sooo much. You will love the results you get from P90X and it'll teach you a lot about rotations and what your body needs and responds to. I have short arms so I don't want too much size, what I'm looking for is more definition of the muscle. Sometimes it will seem like you are getting puffier and bigger, but wait until your Recovery Week because you may lean out then and see the definition. I did for sure. I mostly go for the 12-15 rep count, but when I exceed that, I up my weights and end up doing like 8-10 or 12 for a while.
Oh Traci, I'm so jealous you are getting to do different workouts, but yes, I'll get there in a few weeks. Got to earn it for sure and get the X next to my name too! How long was your workout today? I like SJP a lot. Makes me feel good, probably one of my favorites.
Steph, I love Rice Crispies Treats myself. I just can't have anything like that in the house for sure. My kids are long gone and glad that DH doesn't like sweets. However, if I could get him to stop buying the tortillas chips and salsa, I'd be much better off. No more Legs & Back? You must be doing something different than me cuz I have 3 more weeks of it.
Tracy, did you do like a freestyle workoutout? 70# rows? Was that DB's or barbell? You are one strong, strong woman! Yep, my friend said to wait until you feel yourself lagging before you eat a gel or piece of bar. The idea is to teach your body to burn it's own fat, instead of relying on preloading it with sugars. Of course, that's if you want to burn fat, which I do. However, I get pretty competitive in a group and want to keep up, don't want to lag at all, ever. She said that she never lost a pound for 3 years until she started training like this and training for Ironman competitions is all she does. She is also not into drinking sports drinks either due to the sugar, but then, she had to train to get to that point. She definitely advocates bringing gels and sports drinks, but not relying on them until you absolutely think you need them. I'm going to try it for a while and see if I see a change. She asked me if I took a gel before my Spinerval sessions and yes, I did the last 2 times, because I was afraid of losing energy and said hey, what's 120 or so calories. I'm going to see if there is a difference by not taking in the pre-workout calories. We'll see.
Monica, ^5 on completing Chest & Back today. You made some improvements so that's a good thing. Yep, AbX was really hard for me the first time I did it after my last Recovery Week. I don't remember it being that hard before. However, the next time I did it (2 days later), it was much easier. Glad your friend is doing better. How scary!!!