Hi Ladies ~
Picnic went well w/ my DD. I can't believe how BIG the High School is, I just wish my son was their also, this is also his 1st year to this school, since I had to transfer him from the only school he knew since Kindergarten....He hates me now!!!
Debra ~ Thank you so much...I still feel young, turned 36 years young over the weekend RT (8/11)... My son is 16 and he is going into the 11th grade this year. Amber will be 15 on 9/8... Defiantly had my kids young, right out of school - Had my son when I was 18 years old. Defiantly had it's pros and cons.
Have a good Cardio workout today!!
Nicole ~ HA, actually I did have a Snickers and RB today...but not at the same time...I really need to clean up my eating!! Next week I am starting fresh!!! Hopefully I can get to BC tonight
I still haven't finished up all my school shopping...Did you get everything done? My Ex is taking our son out, so that is a good thing...he sneakers alone cost over $150....
Wendy ~ Sounds like you had a great time at your Yoga class...That would be me, correct this and correct that...I am sure I have horrible form as well!
I am always bad about tucking my tailbone under.... 1/2 the time I am looking at the TV and saying,,,, "What???" LOL
I am one for CC Factory's Martinis...I don't like my drinks that strong...although the one we had at Adelphia's was really good... :9 Yoga class sounds good, let me know if and when you go..ls the Yoga place on Rte 30? ... Orientation went well, but we didn't stay for the food, they were running late doing everything and I had to get back to work. We had Pizza here at work, & Cookies :9 Someone is going back to college, he was here for the summer working in our Billing dept. How is Baby doing? I see you are still Vacuumiing.... LOL I guess one good thing about us having tile floors...
Carol ~ Hey!!! Thanks again for the Rotation. I am going to start on Monday...along w/ cleaning up my Diet....LOL
Have a Great workout!!
Off to get some work done...will check-in Later
Jenn ~
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"