WW/CJ Plan Check-In

Ok, Lori, you suggested we kick this off on Saturday, since I'm up & no one has started here we go....

Anyone is welcome. The CJ Plan is another way of doing WW, designed by someone that is active like we Catheites are. Here's a link for you to read more about it. I can provide helpful information, as well. http://home.mindspring.com/~cjplan/ If you need more information, I can provide a pretty decent explanation for you via email. Use my email addess below, don't send me a PM, I'll never find it! LOL

You may also have heard about the Wendie Plan, here's a link for more information on that. http://groups.msn.com/POINTingMyWaytoaNewLife/theoriginalwendieplan.msnw

I just weighed myself & this morning I weigh 143.5. My goal is somewhere between 130-135. So, saying 130, I'm looking at 13.5 lbs to go.

A little about myself, I'm 5'6", 39 years old & have been using Cathe's tapes for 2 years. I have educated myself on nutrition & exercise through the forum here & through research on the web. I don't have any fitness certifications but I am considering the ACE Group Fitness cert. I'm in the low range of points according to WW, 18-23 before activity points.

Today for exercise, I'll be doing both PS upper body tapes today earning 7 Activity Points that will not count towards my bank. I'll eating whatever I feel like eating, without going overboard. Today & tomorrow are my SSHDs. No guilt.

I was thinking that it might be fun to track where we are & how we progress through the coming weeks. If anyone would like I can start a spreadsheet showing our weight, our points ranges & we can even track our points that we eat for the day. Let me know your thoughts & I'll get to work creating something.

Have a great day everyone!

[email protected]
Good Morning.....I am starting out at 143 also. I do not know if I will get any excercise in today, I have a show 2 hours away, and then on my way home I have to stop and meet my husband for a family birthday party. I have to leave by 10, and I probably won't get home until 8-9. It is not the best way I would like to start out, but I will do great on my food. Well, I have to go and get my food ready, and iron my clothes. I would love a spreadsheet as long as I can figure out how to use it!!!!!!
Lori S.
Good Morning ladies,
I was up pretty early as well but I got caught up in cleaning the car and truck.I didn't weigh as soon as my feet touched the floor today,I had an XL coffee first but I think most of it is gone down the tolit now:)
Oh dear, I tipped the scale at 133.5! Last year this time I was 124.;( What happened to me?
Well, I am 5'4" and I guess we are suppose to try and lose 10% of our body weight.That would mean 13.5 lbs.I don't think I would be able to lose all of that b/c I am fairly muscular.My muscles use to be more visual but guess what they are in under? The 10% goal would take me where I would love to be,120lbs.Seven years ago I was 116lbs, before I got pregnat.Since then my lowest as been 123lbs.
I am not doing this b/c I feel totally horrible about myself.It is more of a money issue.You see, I don't fit into ANY of my jeans right now.If I don't lose this weight that I have gained, I am going to have to go out and buy all new clothes.That I can't afford, considering jeans are almost $70 a pair, I figure it would be cheaper if I just kept my mouth shut for a while.
I use to be very strict on my eating and working out but lately I haven't been doing so well.Maybe it is the fact of hanging out with people who don't workout?:+
I am not sure what todays workout is going to be.I am following the Aug rotation and I didn't do yesterdays workout b/c I worked 2 jobs and didn't have time.I plan on doing a long cardio today and then maybe ME, or PH.
I also have a staff BBQ tonight.I made a cheesecake to take with me.(I was in charge of dessert)I am going to try not to have any but if I do it will be just a tiny piece.We will see how the night goes.Besides for that there will be a few drinks around but I am not a big drinker so I am not going to drink either.If I am going to go over my points it is not going to be with alcohol,it would be food.
Well, good luck everyone.I hope our first day is EASY.I think the first week of anything is the hardest.But we are all here for support!
Hello everyone! I did not weigh this morning and I'm not officially starting this week. My sister and her family live in Romania and they are here for only another week and a half so we have been eating out alot. I don't want to worry about points while there here. I have been very consistent with my workouts. This morning, before a get together I threw for my sister and her friends...brunch, egg casserole's, homeade cinnamon bread, etc...I did Boot Camp. I originally lost 23 pounds and had gotten down to 128 with WW. I am 5'5". I have never been really small and want to find a weight that I can maintain for life. I would be happy to weigh in around 130 to 135, leaning more towards the 130 mark again. I have put on muscle...I can see it in my arms and legs since working out with Cathe. I am finishing up the MFH rotation. BUT...I can also see where I have put the weight on and the scale has gone up. I will officially start next week when school starts back for me. I am a teacher. I currently am afraid to weigh and may get back to you on that next week! I find that I enjoy going by how my clothes fit more. I tended to get obsessive when I was on WW before and I know that I need to maintain a healthy weight and not strive to be too small. I may get to a low weight but I know that I cannot maintain below 130. I look forward to supporting each other in our fitness goals!
I too am 5'5" and got down to 128 two years ago with WW. That actually was my normal weight however, we lived near a Ben and Jerry's which helped me achieve the all time high of 147!!! I have since been hovering 130-135. I was 139 at the beginning of the summer but fine tuned my workouts and added Cathe tapes (mainly step right now). I shaved off 5 lbs. since June and was 134 this morning. I would like to get to a weight which works for me. At 42, I need to understand I can't be 125!!! Also, I am in better shape and have muscle that I never had before. I am a lot stronger. Mentally, I would feel better at 130 but it has been slow. I should feel good about taking off 5 lbs. while doing a great deal of strength training. At least I know I am NOT losing muscle. By the way, I am a teacher as well!!!!! The clock is ticking!:7 Debra
Debra, What grade do you teach? I teach a Kindergarten Behavior Class! Teachers go back to school on August 18 the children come the week after. I never feel ready to begin the new school year, but somehow all the work gets done. It is hard to turn down all the sweets and goodies at school, but for some reason I seem to do a lot better during the school year than during the summer.
Hi Angela!
I am a choral director on the high school level. I do alot of body work in my voice classes with the students (posture, breathing movement etc.) as a healthy and strong body makes for a lovely sounding group.
I agree, it's easier to eat better during the summer - no daily temptations! If I continue on my path, I can at least begin the year with food discipline! Debra:)
I don't know how I am doing so far.I did great yesterday until that BBQ, and I didn't even stuff myself there.But there was some stuff there that I didn't even know what was in it.SO, the points went right out the wondow.
Thats o.k though, b/c now I have that out of the way and that was the last gathering that I could see in the near future.I will just have to be super good all week.
Is anyone sticking to the low end of their points? I may try to do 18 today..we will see.
Hows everyone else doing?
Well, I went 1 point over yesterday on my first day. We went to a family b-day party, and all's I had were some baked beans and a 1/2 of a deviled egg. I tried. One point is ok though, I will go one point under today. Hopefully I will have a better handle on things today.

I am really confused about joining online with this new program coming out. I think I would rather join online, but I would also like the new materials. I will have to think about this. I have meetings a 1/4 mile from my house on Tues. nights, but I have alot of shows booked on Tues., and it is hard for me to always make it.

Deborah, I have a question for you. I am kinda a perfectionist. When you do WW's online, they only give you 4 activity points per day. Doesn't that bother you that if you use4 all of them it will show a deficit by the end of the week?? That is what kinda threw me off the last time I did this.

I am going to do MIS pretty quick here. I was lazy this morning and did not go to church either. I am 40, and live in MI. I have 2 kids, 17 and 15. I love Cathe and have been doing her about 3 years.
Lori S.
I signed up for the WW's at Home Plan. That way I will get all of the reading materials. It will be shipped next Sunday, or Monday morning. I am not the smartest on the computer, so I had some trouble figuring some things out on the Online Version. I think this wii work better for me. Well, I am off to eat a little something, and then on to MIS. Have a good day everyone.
Lori Sax,

I HATE that WW online doesn't allow more than 4 AP & it drives me nuts not logging them "perfectly." Which is kind of why I started my own spread sheet. I can get my points values from the on-line program & then log how much I eat & earn on my spreadsheet.

Lori Hart,

Remember if you earn activity points, you should eat them. Stick to the low end of your food points, 18 but go ahead & eat your AP. You don't want your body to go into "starvation mode" and not lose weight.

If everyone will send me their email addresses, I'll send the "tracking" spreadsheet once a week. It will show where we all started & where we are at present & what our goals are.

Here's how I will be eating this week.

S&S are super high days no real tracking
M & T-18 points, plus 2 activity points.
W, Th, & F-21 points, plus 2 activity points.

Talk to you all later.
Good Morning everyone. Had a great day yesterday, and did MIS. I haven't done that in so long, I forgot how absolutely hard it is. I have been doing a 12 week rotation that Mandy put up on the Ya-Ya's site. My first 5 weeks were not very good, hopefully the next 8 are better. Then I hope the new vids are in my hands!!!! I hope I succeed at this. I have a hrd time trying t6o stick with a food plan. But, everything else I have tried deprives you of something, this does not, it just teaches you PORTION control. Well, have a good day everyone.
Lori S.
Hello Ladies,
It is not such a great day here.It is raining pretty hard.Can't do much but hang out and watch t.v. It is my last day off, back to work tomorrow.42hrs in 4 days! Blah!
Well, I am suppose to do cardio today but I have a hour massage booked for today.I figured I should do cardio and PH.Whats the sense in having a massage today and then doing weights tomorrow? I will be sore again the next day.Besides for that it is raining so there is nothing else to do.
My plan today is to try and follow the eating patterns of BFL.(minus the cheat days)I tried this before and then I added up my points at the end of each day and I was only using 17-20 points.I could see a difference in 1 week.:7 The other reason why I am going to try this route is b/c I am working early mornings the rest of the week.So I will be eating my breakfast at 6,I will be starving by lunch time so I need to have a snack around 9.If I don't do it this way I will probably over eat.Now I have to make a trip to the grocery store to get some eggs and cottage cheese.
Hope everyone else is doing o.k.
Hi, I would love to join you guys on the WW/CJ plan.

Here's a little about myself; I'm 37,(5'2 128lbs would like to lose 10lbs) a stay at home mom with 3 kids (8,6 and 4), I have been working out with Cathe since 1995. She is the best.. I am a lifetime member of WW's and lost all my weight with WW after having my children. Over the past year 10lbs has creeped back on, and I have finally had it. All my clothes are way to tight and I can't stand it another minute. I have been wanting to lose this weight for the past few months but I have had no motivion what so ever. I think tracking my progress with you guys will give me the motivation I need and knowing we are in this together will make it more fun. I think the CJ plan sounds great. Let me know what information you need from me on a daily/weekly basis - I'm ready to roll!!!

Kit Fileman - [email protected]
Hi everyone!

What a great idea Deborah! Thanks for starting this check-in, it is just what I need. My name is Heather and I'm 27. I have two little boys: a one year old and a two and a half year old. I gained a lot of weight with both pregnancies (like 50 pounds each :eek: ) I joined WW back in November and have lost 27 pounds :7 I am at 167 now. Oh and I am 5 foot 7 inches. My WW goal is either 150 or 155. But I would like to be under that someday. I workout everyday during the week and do something as a family (hike or ride) on Saturday with my hubby. Right now I am doing a modified Slim/cardio rotation. I am doing a slim one day, then a cardio, then a slim, then a stretch/rest day. Please include me in the spreadsheet stuff. Although I can't promise I'll understand how to use it. I also used to teach school- 3rd grade. Now I am staying home with my boys. I am off to do Shape it Up! Thanks, Heather

[email protected]
Good Morning everyone. I did the most grueling bike rida last night!!!! I love to ride my bike sometimes just for a change of pace. I was gone for an hour, and I pedaled just as hard as I could. I went up every hill I could find. There is a long hill by the high school that is at least a 1/2 mile long, I went up it 3 times. It actually was fun, and I am 1/2 tempted to do it again today, but I think I will do Cardio Kicks.

I have been searching the stores here, and I can not find the new WW's magazine. For some reason Michigan is the last to get the magazines. I am really anxious to read what they say about the new program. I think I am really going to LOVE this. I think this is going to finally be it for me. I just hope you still get to count activity points. Well, have a good day.
Lori S.
Good Morning ladies,
How is everyone doing? Well, I have been doing pretty good.Last night I started not eating in the night time.I never use to eat after dinner, and I never use to want to.But once again, one of those habits I picked up along the way, to I don't know where.
I worked all day yesterday and I took some cookies into work with me.They were mostly all gone but I did get to have atleast 2.x( But I didn't have much for my meals.
Breakfast-yougrt and cottage cheese
Lunch-salad with turkey(4 onion rings)
snack-yougrt and cottage cheese
Dinner-chop suey(ck breast,made at home) and some lettuce
That was about it, and add the couple of cookies in there.I really wish that I could get rid of this sweet tooth though.
Then I ended my evening off with a 50min run.I think I may be doing to much high impact lately.My knees and ankles are getting sore.I should probably try dome kickboxing for a couple of days
Okay, here I go...I'm 5'5" and I weighed in this morning at 143. That makes me so sad because a few months ago I had gotten down to 128 and was trying to maintain in between 130 and 135. Anyway, I have totally gotten off the bandwagon and not been very healthy in my eating....sweets, picking, and eating out. I need to start planning my meals again and planning my cheat day or meals. That worked great for me before! Monday I did a combination of 10 intervals from Imax 1 & 2 and PUB Chest. Tuesday I did BC and PUB Back. Today I plan on doing CK or a kickbox mix and PUB shoulders. I LOVE working out and I can see strength gains since I have been doing the Pyramid workouts regularly, but I can see where I have gained a lot of the weight back in my hips and gut. I want to be part of the spreadsheet. I will e-mail my address to you Deborah! Have a great rest of the week ladies!
I'm going to take a hiatus.....

I am sorry to be posting this, but some things have come up that make it necessary for me to drop out of challenges & check-ins for a while. I've gotten a new job that is going to mean very little internet time. I start on Monday. I'm very excited about it. I'm getting a chance to work with my mom. I really admire her leadership ability so I look forward to learning something.

The other thing is that I'm having surgery on the 22nd & won't be able to lift weights for a month. I have been really slack for about a month now anyway so I'm going to just take this time to get rid of the burnout I've been feeling. I'm hoping that the new series will be coming out right at the time I'm able to begin working out again. How motivating will that be?!

I never got around to creating the spreadsheet with our stats in it. Sorry to drop out like this but I just have to take some time & get things done at home & recoop.

Good luck to you all!
RE: I'm going to take a hiatus.....

Oh,thats rotten!:eek: I'm very happy for you that you got the new job but it is to bad you have to leave us.A little time off doesn't hurt.
Maybe you can rejoin us in a monthes time or so.Whenever you feel like popping back.
Good luck on your new job and I hope that your surgery goes well.

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