

I feel like I hit the JackPot this week. I just received my 4 tapes to finish out my library of all of Cathe's OLD tapes. (Sorry, didn't mean to excite anyone meaning the new ones!!!)I also got my DVD player this week and now the announcement that the new tapes are starting to ship has just made my week complete, even though I have to wait on the DVD's!! It will be worth the wait!! Just had to share.


What old tapes did you get? I was hoping to add the Wedding vid to my preorder but couldn't do that and get the discount. So I'm still holding out for an exchange!
Hi Andrea!

I got StepFit, StepHeat, PS~Back, Biceps & Abs and PS~Chest, Shoulders & Triceps! They were the only 4 I didn't have so I decide while they were still running the discount (on the older tapes) that I would go ahead and get them. I am glad that I got them now because they will hold me over til my DVD's arrive some time in September. The Wedding Video is excellent. It was one of my very 1st. Cathe's and I never grow tired of it. (Well, my legs get tired doing it! LOL! There is an excellent leg blaster section in it if you want to work those legs!!) It is also nice because it has strength too so you are getting 2 separate w/o on the same tape. Have I spent your $$$ yet?? Enjoy your new tapes when they come!

Keep doin' those old ones....

...for awhile, 'cause I won't get my videos till next week, I'm sure. I ordered the new ones about the 16th or 17th of May, so I'm sure it'll be at least mid-week. We will both live. (?) (?) Do I really believe that? It's like we're waiting for Xmas!
Hey Debbie and Honeybunch -

You are both welcome to come over and watch and/or do some new Cathe's at my place - mine will be here tomorrow!! Before I knew they would be shipped on Friday, I promised the kids I would take them to the mall for the Lego mall tour - I'm going to be dying to go home and get my new tapes!! I'll be rushing those poor kids through the exhibit!! Maybe I can bribe them to get them home!!

Hey Erica!

Didn't you hear?~They cancelled the Lego Exhibit!! JUST KIDDING!! Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
Don't know that I would be that nice of a mother. Hee-Hee! Thanks for the offer. I really do want to get together with you soon. I haven't even seen HoneyBunch in awhile. Let us know which tape you try 1st. We want ALL the details. Have a nice day with the kids tomorrow.

This is better...

...then Christmas. The adults in the family don't usually exchange so I'll think of this as a very early Christmas gift to myself. It's probably just as well I'm not getting my DVD's right now because I need to learn my new routines these next two weeks anyway. That way I'll have the DVD's to look forward to when all my routines are memorized!! This sure is hard isn't it? But, YES, we will both live!
Update!!!!!! Mine are shipped!!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-00 AT 04:15AM (EST)</font></center>

I'll get them on Monday August 28!!!!!! I was going to take an exercise vacation next week, but NOT NOW!!! Deb, when are you free next week on a weekday night, or on the weekend?

Then we really much get together with Ms. Lego out there in Chardon REAL SOON!!!!! How's your schedule lookin', Missy Erica?
Hey Debbie and Honeybunch!!

My first free weekend is 9/16 so far, what about you guys?
Glad to hear your videos are on their way, honeybunch - so much for that exercise vacation!! Mine are coming just in time - I was just starting to feel a little burned out.
I'm doing Circuit Max tomorrow and Cardio Kicks on Sunday. I don't know if I'll be able to resist trying something tonight, though!!
Have a great weekend!! Honeybunch, what are you making for your pigout day??
Hey HB!!

I just E-mailed you about my week so I'll see what I can work out. I am excited to even see the new covers. Now is that sick or what??? I'm disappointed because the DVD's won't have cardboard covers. Now is that a TRUE VIDIOT??!! Somebody want to donate me their original covers when the new improved ones come in?? I can set them up in my W/O room when I do that DVD!! LOL!! Enjoy your new tapes HB. I'll be waiting for the great reviews this week.

Hi Erica!

Maybe the 16th. of Septmeber will work. I'll see what happens over the week or so but we could try for that weekend. How does it sound to you HB? I can't wait to hear your review on Cardio Kicks. I THINK that one may be the 1st. one I try. Circuit Max sounds really inticing too, but then there is Leaner Legs!! So many choices and only so many days!! Looking forward to another roadtrip to see you Erica. Any idea on where you want to meet this time? We can talk about it over the next couple of weeks. ENJOY those new vids!!

The w/e 9/16 is good for me....

....I'll try to keep it open.

I am going to start out with the 6 pack. As for the baking, it's going to be a Jello No-Bake this week. Sometimes I'm lazy. But I have to keep up my tradition of a new dessert every week.

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