WOW!!!! WHAT A WORKOUT!!!!!!!!


I did STEP FIT and WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

I felt like a 42 year old cheerleader doing this tape.
What is it about these step workouts that make you feel so good about yourself after you do them .
I just love those flying angels they were the most fun.
well I gotta go hit the shower now, But I just Had to brag about another awesome workout.
I love Step Fit! I like to alternate it with PowerMax, and throw in Step Works once in a while for a real blast. These are tapes I never attempt on an 8" step!

Just Do It! :)
Did you get the Cardio Hits DVD? I can't wait to hear what you think of the others if you've never done them. Doesn't the end of section 2 rock when Cathe puts all of the moves together? I just love her workouts so much! How can they be so fun and so tough at the same time? The eighth wonder of the world...
Hi! I was thinking of buying Step Fit... I already have Step Works and Powermax- is Step fit very similar to these two? Do you find it to be more difficult or easier? I was looking for a tough tape similar in intensity to Step Works. I have RS and LOVE, LOVE that tape too! Thanks for the help!

>I did STEP FIT and WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I felt like a 42 year
>old cheerleader doing this tape.
>What is it about these step
>workouts that make you feel
>so good about yourself after
>you do them .
>I just love those flying angels
>they were the most fun.

I love your description! Its so true though. I remember when I was first introduced to Cathe (not THAT long ago) and tried the first couple of step tapes - how exciting it was to make it through - and the time just flies!

At first I could only make it through the first 2 step sequences and already I can make it through to the end. I've really seen a lot of progress with her tapes.
Absolutely love StepFit. Cathe does a bang up great job on that one for sure.

Kinda funny too, "was that a sheep?" ROTFLMAO!!!!


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