
......combined with clean eating is doing wonders for my tummy is going down !!!!!!!, I am astonished, and encouraged more than ever :7

Hi Anna,

Isn't it amazing? I'm starting my third week of CTX tomorrow and my body just keeps looking better and better. I did LL for the very first time yesterday and loved it!

You brought up a very good point about combining CTX with clean eating. I forgot to mention that I did an overhaul on my eating as well, but I do have an occassional slice (or two) of pizza :D.

How long are you going to stay on your rotation?

My tummy has gone down too after I started CTX. Of course, I don't really have a "rotation" but I noticed I really lost weight. BUT I also cut calories a bit. I think the high intensity cardio really pushes you to a new level..
Fab news Anna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soooooooo happy for you.

Keep on doing it and keep on smiling

I also love the CTX rotation. I'm into my second week now and already my posture is much better, although I'm sore as heck :)

That is a good question about the duration of this series. I was going to do it until March 1, and then start the "tank top" rotation (PS, CTX & MIS).
Hi Anna,

Good job!! I just started a CTX rotation today, so I was really encouraged to hear about your results. How long have you been doing the CTX rotation? I LOVE to hear about results. :D :D


I am going to take a peek in the mirror at the end of 4 weeks, and see what I look like (GROAN...), and then stick to it for a further 4 weeks. May as well give it my best shot :) And then I will re-introduce IMAX 1 and CARDIO KICKS back in (WAH ! Because I miss them ;( )

Keep me posted as to how you get on.


I have only been doing it for 10 days !!!!!!!!!!! This series is amazing !!!!!! :7 I began on 30th January,(I have also thrown in a Cardio & Weights, and a Powermax session, instead of, on two nights) and have been going for it literally. I am also throwing in the bodypart workout from MIS as an add on, so if I do Step & Intervals Chest, I will add on the MIS chest workout too. This is because I really love doing the weights, as much as the cardio actually, and I have PH withdrwal symptons ;(

Keep us posted on your progress, and good luck !


What do I love about this series ? It definitely has to be its versatility :). If I don't fancy doing the All Step cardio, I can do the Kickbox instead, and so forth.
Tonight for instance, I did the cardio parts of Kickbox, and Step & Intervals, combined with the biceps and chest body parts - I got a great workout...literally....:) And on a normal night I wouldn't do 2 cardio portions, it is just that I am getting visitors Friday and Saturday night, and so getting 2 rest days instead of one. So it all balances out in the end. :)

My CTX series is on VHS, which is a pain having to stop and switch tapes all the time, so I can imagine the dvd is awesome :)


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