Wouldn't you like to get everyone turned on to weight lifting?!!!!!


I reason I say this is because I caught a Y class ending and the particants leaving. This is a class called Cardio Cross Training, and it ain't for sissies. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised to see some older chicks (by older I mean my age - 53 - or older or slightly younger)in the class.

What disappointed me, is that I could tell that a good number of them are obviously not as much into weights as they are into cardio. It IS very easy to be a cardio queen, and not spend much time on weight training. I was guilty of that for too many years, and it took the last few years of reading and getting feedback from these forums to change my way of working out.

I would love to see those gals get into the weight room and so some serious lifting! I know they'd be pleased, but how do we get them "converted?" Ladies, weights are NOT going to make you BULKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's all - I'll shut up for now.
Yes and no.

Yes, because I think everyone over the age of 30 should be working out with weights for the many benefits.

No, because then I wouldn't look better than a lot of people }( ;-)
I respectfully take exception to the statement that you would not look better than most people! We ALL are way too hard on ourselves as far as what we think we look like, and I'm no exception. I give my daughter-in-law the pants that got too big for me and she wears them, BUT, I still think she looks smaller than me! Go figure!

You two, don't be so har

Just Do It! :)
i too would like to see more get really into weightlifting. my sister was for a while and then it seems like there's always an excuse to not do it. right now she does have a valid excuse, one of her ovaries is "tilted" the wrong way or something like that so they've told her not too exercise right now. but one thing she constantly does is her weight yo-yo's so much and when she ends up getting big again, she runs back to "weight-watchers". i can't tell u how many times she's done weight watchers since she was 23 (she's 38 now). sigh.....
Sounds like my sister and your sister should get together! My sister just started working out at the Y(again)and informed me she's taking a weight training class a couple times a week. I was very happy for her. She says she doesn't really like it but knows she has to do it for her health. I told her to give it time and as soon as she sees the changes she'll make she'll get hooked! Now I just have to work on my sister-in-law. She's a beautiful women. All of 5' and maybe 105 pounds. She hates to exercise though and she wants to tone up so what does she do? Says she needs to just lose a few pounds! Arghhh!! I tell ya.... Susan
I second Honeybunch's comment that "Ladies, weights are NOT going to make you BULKY!!!!!!!!!

All those posts about women fearing bulking up from heavy weight training are really unfounded. First of all, you really have to be genetically inclined to gain a lot of bulk. Second, you have to really watch your diet and eat tons of protein. Third, you have to find that magic combination for your own body that will make you gain size. Even despite all of that, I'd take two pounds of muscle over a pound of flab any day!

Hit the weights ladies!
RE: Wouldn't you like to get everyone turned on to weig...

I never knew what I was missing with weight work til I found Cathe! I think the way it is presented, the music she uses, her professionalism and just, downright FUN tapes, makes me WANT to use weights. If there is no encentive, it just ain't fun! At least that is my excuse! I have spent 20+ years doing just cardio and VERY light weight work and never saw much change in my body, although I know my heart was strong. Adding strong muscles into the mix was just what I needed and I intend to keep at it til I look plain silly at 90! Hope Cathe is still putting out tapes for us then. (I think that will make her around 78??? :7) KEEP ON PUMPIN'!!!!http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/sprite10.gif

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I agree, but they need to use challenging weights. And quit with the spot reducing! My SIL keeps asking me for an exercise for hips. Well you can tighten and strengthen the muscles, but there has to be some fat loss too.

Now, I know HB has downsized her legs with certain exercises. Do you think it was "spot reducing"? Or did you just finally find exercises that work your muscles the right way?

I'd call it part of an overall program that includes watching my eats, cardio, and total body weights (not sissy weights, CATHE weights) with proper attention paid to the trouble zones. And, I think it WAS finding the right mix of working the muscles the right way.

Does your sister-in-law think she's going to do an exercise for her hips, and let the rest of her bod go? It's sort of like people buying those ab gizmo on TV and thinking they're going to get in super model shape!
I think my SIL would still do cardio, but just work her hips instead of doing weights. But, I'm around her all the time so I'm bound to be an influence...right?!


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