Would this bother you???


I was in Kohl's yesterday with my DH and DS doing some shopping. DH was looking at something so I was standing in the aisle with DS. I turned around and saw the lingerie department behind me. There were racks of bras for the younger girls there and on top of one of the racks was an advertisement for a push up bra for a YOUNG TEEN GIRL!! The pic was of a girl who couldn't be any more then 14 with a push up bra on and her breasts were hanging out of the top of the bra the same way they would show it on an adult woman! This turned my stomach. I thought it was completely inappropriate. Am I alone in this?
Not at all Wendy! The rampant sexualizing of our young girls is perfectly scandalous and repugnant to me. I don't even like the shorts and sweatpants with cutesy sayings across the rear end! For young'uns I mean, not the grown up girls :)


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
Oh yeah....you BET it would bother me!

I'm currently dating a man who has a 14 year-old 8th grade daughter and I simply canNOT get used to the way these girls dress and the makeup they wear! Keeping in mind that I'm raising 2 boys, and that I have NO idea what fashion is like these days (lol), I'm almost embarassed at some of the thigns they wear. His DD went to a dance a few weeks ago and she took off her sweater thingy and revealed what TO ME looked like a lacey nightie top! OMG! SO was laughing at my expression on my face! lol

ANYWAY.....I am in agreement with you! Inappropriate!

You know, I had a VS catolouge come the other day and there was pics of young girls in this one with panties on. I thought it was waaaaay over the top! It wasn't sexy panties, more like colorful boy cut ones, but still, who wants to see that? Im not sure how old they were but again, they only "looked" 14. I had to show it to DH cause I thought it was sooo disgusting!Probably doesn't help that I have a 12 yr old. What is the world comming to?

>Not at all Wendy! The rampant sexualizing of our young girls
>is perfectly scandalous and repugnant to me. I don't even like
>the shorts and sweatpants with cutesy sayings across the rear
>end! For young'uns I mean, not the grown up girls :)
>Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you
>owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.
>It lights the whole sky.
>- Hafiz

What she said ;)
I would go to the Kohl's website and complain to their customer service department. If they hear about it, maybe they'll correct their ways. MAYBE. I do think it's gross, too. I can't believe what parents let their high school girls wear to prom either. They dress them like junior hookers. But one thing is certain, it won't change if no one complains about it.
I would go to the Kohl's website and complain to their customer service department. If they hear about it, maybe they'll correct their ways. MAYBE. I do think it's gross, too. I can't believe what parents let their high school girls wear to prom either. They dress them like junior hookers. But one thing is certain, it won't change if no one complains about it.
What is even more amazing to me is that parents buy and/or allow their children to wear it. Back in the day my mom tolerated my multi colored punk rock hairdoos, leather mini (they covered my arse unlike some of the skirts marketed to the teeny bopper crowd now) skirts with doc martens, ripped t-shirts, etc but there were limits and I knew to abide by them (or face Momma WhoopA$$!)
I would be appalled. I remember my Aunt bought me my first makeup when I was 12 or 13 (I just got my period and she felt that now that I was a "woman" I could wear makeup lol).
I got yelled at, picked on and spit on at school.
I also remember when I was 14 I asked my dad for some Victoria's Secret underwear. I got my first two bra and panty sets. Satin and lace. They were just for me, they made me feel good (I was poor and when I moved to a rich school district all the girls were "better kept" than me).
I have noticed that in my school years girls didn't get their nails done or get hoochie. Then again, it was the "grunge era" and that was thning at the time.
Girls nowadays get kinky with other girls and act like lesbians to draw the attention of boys. It's wierd I know.
Dr. Phil has a show coming on this week I think (maybe even today) talking about a 14 y/o that sends her BF nude photos of herself. Young girls also take nude, drunk photos of themselves and send them to poeple at school and even post them online.
If I were any of you parents out there I would NOT assume that you have the perfect "open" relationship with your child that you think you have. I would always be on the suspicious side (even if you have to think about your own relationship with your parents-- if you were a naughty child :)
It amazes me how naieve parent get, thinking that they "didn't raise their kids a certain way so therefore they CAN'T be that way".
My own mother raves about how wonderful her son is (my much younger brother) and she doesn't even realize that he throws underage drinking parties at her own house when she's away-- and that's not even the HALF of it!
So yeah, I would be extreemly offended by the ad. It goes with the "sex sells" motto I guess. Some people got offended when Madonna did things back in the day, but that was the repsonse to it. Well, "sex (appeal) sells", for ALL women, even the young ones.
Sad, and it's sooo hard to know how to make sure your own kids do not get sucked in to the hype... just like when my grandfather tried to tell my mother that she couldn't pierce her ears or he'd disown her.. she did it herself anyways. I know it's not the same, but I got harrassed by my family when I pierced my own bellybutton when I was 16.. and now girls are pressured to wear thongs and go to
rainbow parties. Big generation jump.
Be aware of your kids' ongoings-- even if you have to be real annoying (and of course, less of a "friend"), that's what my parent did. It made it pretty hard to lie about what I did :)
Yes, this bothers me. I'd see if I could complain to Kohl's as someone else suggested.

>>>whatever happen to the good old training bra with the little pink
flower on it.<<<

Good question! That's what I wore! Today it seems as though they are in padded push up bras with wild designs on them from day 1! UGH! x(
DD(18 yr old) told me I would be shocked to see some of the panties and bras some of the girls wear. She notices when they are changing for gym and/or sports. A VS cataloge came in the mail and she pointed out a lacey pantie/bra set that a freshman girl had on.
Maybe I just remember all too well what it was like to be that age, but I don't have a problem with this.

Then again, I was having sex at 15, and I knew plenty of girls that were "more experienced" than me. We wore that stuff then, too. (BTW, I'm 31). In fact, I remember making special trips to the local Value City so that I could buy fancy bras and underwear cheaply.

You could try contacting Kohl's, but chances are very strong that they're going to direct you to the company that is marketing those bras, as they are likely contractually bound to advertise for that brand/bra.

I do agree that kids today are definitley dressing more risque than what they used to be. But I really believe that advertising is not the cause of it. Tween and teen girls are mostly impacted by each other. If their friends are doing it, it's highly likely that they are too.
>happen to the good old training bra with the little pink
>flower on it.

.. not all girls can wear those. I did (and probably still could lol).. but a lot of my friends growing up (Cuban/Latino especially) we more "developed" at 12 then I am even NOW lol!
They could get away with the trainers until maybe 10, then it was the cups for them :)
ITA Wendy, but what also gets me is the clothes that Kohls carries for the younger girls. All they did was take teen clothes and shrink them down to 4-6x age group. My DH refers to clothes from Kohls as the "hoochymama" line. This alone has me not buying my 4year olds clothes at kohl's anymore. I refuse to dress my preschooler as a teenager!
<Maybe I just remember all too well what it was like to be that age, but I don't have a problem with this.>

I remember too, and the immense pressure that came along with it and to this day I am thankful that mom laid down the ground rules so that I could enjoy my life as child, even if it didn't seem so at the time (my teenage frame of mind considered her Stalin). The world is plenty dangerous enough without promoting adulthood to teens whose bodies, but not their brains, are developed (or developing).
As a high school teacher you would not believe the outfits I see at school everyday. Many girls don't even wear underwear anymore. It used to be you could see the thong sticking out of their jeans. Now the jeans are slung even lower and you can see the tops of their fannies with no undies! The skirts are sooo short too. Shirts are both low cut and show off the bellies. There is only so much I can say to a student without crossing a line. Many times we can send a student to the office but many times the parents back the kids...even though we have a dress code policy.

I know that some kids do change when they get to school so parents don't see what they are wearing. However, don't the parents see these clothes when it comes time to do the laundry? Don't even get me started on the prom dresses!

I am fairly young (33) and find the clothes offensive. Kids are growing up much faster than we did when we were that age. They also are not afraid to tell us the things they do on the weekend! Boy how the times have changed.

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