worried that something serious might be wrong



I have recently had 2 bladder infections in three months and my doctor thinks something might be going on with my kidneys. I am scheduled for an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. I normally wouldnt be too worried but the medicine he prescribed to me isnt working and then of course I start thinking what if its something life threatening. I need to be here for my family. I know this is very premature and I shouldnt do that to myself but I guess after losing my sister in a tragic accident yrs ago, I worry about this and that and drive myself crazy sometimes about my loved going places with other people etc.... I am trying to be positive but I woke up this morning early ,of course having to go to the bathroom again at 4:30 am and it just was on my mind. I'm afraid. I just love life so much and I want to be one of those 100 yr old ladies still surprising people at how good they get around. anyway thanks for listening to my concerns. thanks!
I think the worst time to worry about something is in the wee hours of the morning or late at night. Those are the times people feel most alone.
Im not going to tell you that Im sure everything is fine, b/c I dont know. But who knows, maybe your infection is a bad one and the prescription you have isn't strong enough? There could be many causes for your sickness but they don't have to be lifetreatening.It could be something minor that needs a little extra care.
Try not to stress yourself over it. There is no point in worrying about things that may not exist. In the end your kidneys may be fine but what are you gonna do about the ulcer you just gave yourself!:+
Well please let us know the second you can! My hope is that you just have an excellent MD that wants to make sure that IF there is anything else awry, you guys nip it early!

Try not to worry, it will send a bad vibe to your family! Do what you can to relax, it will benefit all of you!

Go do something FUN today! I will be thinking about you so much!
Hi Laura,

I too cannot tell you "there is nothing wrong" because that is what the DR is trying to find out.. but being someone that has had chronic bladder infections since my early twenties, I say you need to let them do their work and don;t stress too much. We found out with mine ( after ultra sound, and something called an "IVP" where they shoot die into your kidneys and take pictures", that the problem was they never prescribed the right anti-biotic for the bacteria that was causing my infection. So the symptoms would go away for a little while, but it would come back with a vengence.

Anyway, keep us posted.. (((hugs))) your way

Laura - I went to the docs and was told I had thyroid nodules. I read up on them, and discovered they may be cancerous, and went into total freak out mode. The lovely ladies here helped keep me in balance. It turned out to be simply thyroid nodules, but when I did not know what it was, the possibilities were endless and usually dark. Chances are, it's something that's not life threatening, but I do absolutely understand your panic. Please keep us informed - and as Sara said - do something fun today to keep your mind focused on the positive. I hope you find out soon! I'll be sending positive thoughts your way!
Laura, I hope you find some answers after your ultrasound. If you need to find information about your kidneys, try contacting the National Kidney Foundation in your area and ask for their patient services coordinator. You can get lots of information from them, in addition to what you get from your doctor. Good luck!


It could be a stone, it can be a narrowed ureter, it can be a ton of "plumbing" things that are nothing like cancer and are repairable..assuming you're a non smoker without a huge family history of kidney cancer (and in 20 years of medicine, I've never seen that) - this is likely fixable with some cipro, or some plumbing irrigation! Relax - but that feeling of bladder infection is the pits isn't it?
Keeping good thoughts and will try to "whisk away" all your worries.

Go ahead, just give your worries to me so you can have a good day today ;)

Let us know . . .

Take one step at a time. You don't know the answers yet and if something is happing that is life threatening, worry about then, one step at a time.

In the mean time, live life normally. Sometimes when people worry like that, they make themselves sick. Please don't come to any conclusions yet. Think positive.

Let us know as time progresses will you? You are in my thoughts and prayers. Be brave.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

thanks everyone! I dont think I will know tomorrow after the ultrasound what the results are but I will let you all know soon as I find something out. He is going to do a pelvic ultrasound. gonna be real fun. Its like the ones where when your pregnant and you put it internally to see how things are looking, YIKES! I had one when I was pregnant, its just weird. but I have never smoked, I am an active person but I do eat junk food. My family does have a history of kidney problems and my aunt was just diagnosed with bladder cancer, so I think those also play a part in my mind wondering all the possibilities. I did have several kidney infections as a teenager that left me laying in bed for days. I was so miserable and the only symptoms I have right now are urinating constantly and some pressure, little irratability in that sensitive area, if ya know what I mean. anyway, thanks everyone, I really appreciate your help!
Went to the doctor today, urine test came back no UTI anymore, ultrasound was of the bladder, not kidneys, I guess he had done that back in june. anyway, bladder is emptying okay he said but still having the issue of going alot more. doctor thinks its a female issue since I have fibroid tumors on the uterus and adenomyosis, which is enlarged uterus. anyway he says maybe one of those is pressing on my bladder causing pressure. I go to my gyno next monday so we'll see what he says. thanks for all your support!
If it was serious, I don't think they would put off your gyno until next Monday! No worries!!! Thanks for the update! Tell us what happens Monday!
thanks sarah, I didnt tell the gyno that I was having those problems but I will when I go in. I skipped my yearly last yr so I figured I better get in just in case it was something female related. maybe I am just getting a geriatric bladder since I am getting older.;-)
come to find out the medication I was taking to help with my constipation problem ,one of its severe side effect is increase urination. of course the doctor thinks it isnt that but I never had any UTI's or problem with going all the time until after I was put on the medication. needless to say I am trying other alternatives. just thought I would update ya!
You may want to ask your uro about IC (interstitial cystitis) and pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD). I was originally diagnosed with a "mild" form of IC, but my current uro believes it is PFD (it's where these muscles are in spasm alot, which affect the bladder) . Alot of times, IC & PFD are hand in hand, with patients experiencing both, but you can have either one or the other. Symptoms include frequency and feelings of urgency, pain also, with no indication of a UTI. You may want to check these out online... and talk to your uro about it, if you continue to have feelings or urgency. Good luck.
Congrats Laura ... everything is probably fine!

I have constant UTI, Kidney and bladder infections and suffer from Chronic kidney stones ... and lucky enough to have found a WONDERFUL specialist!

If you keep having them .. first I would find a good specialist you trust .. and cut out caffiene and start drinking lots of bottled water (nothing from the tap) and cranberry juice!! That really helped me!!!

Caffiene is a MAJOR contributer to UTI, bladder and kidney infections! I know I steer clear from it .. (but do secretly long for a jolt of it every now and then) :7

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