

Hi and I have a question for you cathe fans. I have bought a few tapes now and I like them. But I have to say that I have been a fan of firm and the fitprime tapes. I love the energy of the instuctors and I really do like the workouts. But I am desiring more definition than they can give me. I have been running 3 days a week and then on alternate days doing a weight video. Can you help me desine a plan using cathe tapes for definition and still use my firm tapes. I was wandering if I should quit the running again, because of knee and hip aches, and just do firm or fitprime with really light weights on my run days and then do heavy, heavy cathe tapes on my weight days. I really don't mind quitting the running, it is just not what is used to do for me a few years ago. I like muschle mass. I used to work out in a gym and build up nicely but have decresed in size since staying home with videos and free weights. I want my arms and shoulders back!!!! I used to look like I lifted weights. I really don't want to give up my firm/fitprime though. I also read somewhere on here that Crosstrain express works one part per day per week? Is this so? Thanks for any help on this. I would like my arms and shoulders back by summer.

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