You know what concerns me is hearing on the news that children have a lower life expectency than adults and that childhood obesity is growing. What I would like to see is more exercise videos geared more towards kids, teens, beginner and intermediate adults. I know from reading various post that some people are disapointed when Cathe does beginning and intermediate videos. I think Cathe has attracted more advanced exercisers. But, Cathe, you have a lot of talent in your studio already. How about a couple of your counterparts making some videos geared towards kids, teens and beginner/intermediate adults. Something needs to be done about childhood obesity. Personally, I think that aerobics (step and hi/lo) should be introduced in gym class in elementary school and carried all the way through High School. Personally speaking, I was never good at team sports. I was always awkward and lacked confidence. I was always afraid of being blamed for making my team lose in gym class. I got enough exercise through other activities, but it wasn't until college that I discovered and started doing aerobics and attending aerobics classes. For my Bachelors degree, I needed 2 phys. ed credits and I was so happy that they had aerobics. Luckily, aerobics has helped me stay trim and fit and has helped me gain confidence in myself. I think that that is what a lot of children are going through who aren't good at team sports like myself. I think they need to gain individual confidence. I would like to see someone taking on the challenge of not only making childrens exercise videos, but teaming up with the educational system to bring individual exercise and aerobics into the classroom.
I know that there are some kids exercise videos out there because I purchased them for my own kids, but would like to see someone from Cathe's studio really take on the challenge.
I know that there are some kids exercise videos out there because I purchased them for my own kids, but would like to see someone from Cathe's studio really take on the challenge.