Let's see - yesterday I did Gym Styles Back, shoulders, biceps, some light yoga and later in the day B&G.
This morning I was going to run 4 miles and do Ilaria's Powerstrike 5, but my calf cramp returned, so I ran 2 miles and Powerstrike at a moderate level.
Tomorrow I was planning on running with the running club a pre-race 10k on the scheduled route, the actual race is next Sunday, but with my calf cramping - I don't know what I am going to do. The plan is to get hydrated and take my mag/cal supplements, and then see how it goes.
Heather - I have Steve Cotter's Encyclopedia of Lifting dvd series, which I am making my way through, and I just bought Extreme Lifting. Unfortunately I paid full price for both
, thanks for the coupon code at Groundfighter.com. I have been doing hypertrophy splits this week with Gym Styles; I'll resume KB-ing next week, it's coming up in my rotation, then it's strength splits with Slow&Heavy. Your short tabata workouts sound fun and effective, way to go. How's the treadmill? Are the repairs going to hold?
Cathy - Ahhh, there is nothing like spring weather and baseball. Just as tulips pushing through the snow are a sign that spring is on the way, baseball games in evening's twilight mean summer is on the way. YAY! So, what book were you reading. (Voodoo 101? LOL!)
Tara - I too want to congratulate you on completing and passing your fitness test. EXCELLENT! High fives ^^^ to ya, girl.
Work sounds brutal.
MJ- Tennis???
Gotta hit the shower