Workout Warriors Pushing On June 14-20

I hope you all had great weekends! We were up at the field for 8 hours on Saturday and 12 hours yesterday and had a blast. Derek's team took second out of 8 teams and lost to a really good team 2-4. It was a very emotional trophy ceremony as it was a memorial tournament for a man who was killed in an accident a few years ago. His two nephews and his 7 yo son are all on Derek's team. No dry eyes to be found on the home side of the field.

Yesterday morning I got in a short 4 mile ride. Wildlife sightings included 11 total deer, a pair of mallards and flushing a turkey who felt the need to fly up across a field above the treetops to safety - cause I'm so scary. ;)

This morning I was back to STS Disk 1. I'm thinking it was a really good decision to just do this straight though this time. My good old self was very into the WTH do you feel the need to do this and can't we just sit around and eat chocolate and get fat thoughts. :p However, I stuck with it and managed to get all my reps and weights, but I will certainly confess that I did a lot of modifying on the push-ups. I also did it barefoot and I'm planning to do all my weight workouts barefoot. Hoping to get some yoga in this afternoon - along with a nap to make up for my shortened sleep on the weekend! Derek and a nightmare early Saturday morning and then the next night a skunk decided to walk under my window and the smell woke me up and then the robins were having a sing off at 5 a.m. and I decided to just get up and start getting things ready to go.

Have a wonderful week! And Heather I REALLY hope your neck is better!
Hey Warriors
I had a very nice weekend with my MIL which was a nice surprise! I did my Program Min. Kettlebell workout this morning and my neck/shoulder is a little sore but seems to be much better overall. Today is a sit and get work done day! So I might throw something else in later on just to kick things up notch!
Here's what I did
WU: Wall squats (seemed brutal today), around the body, halo's, arm swings, pumps
WO: 12 min of 15 swings, 50 jumprope or 30 Mountain climbers repeated for 9 rounds.
CO: 4 Rounds 45sec on/ 15 off
reverse Lunges, goblet squats, one legged squats from a chair R then L
Between each round I did 15 swings.

I really tried to make sure that I was good and warm and I occasionally used the 12kg instead of the 16 to lighten things up a bit during swings. My plan is to use my high step for one legged squats and gradually lower the height of the step till eventually I can do a pistol :). My right leg is soooo much weaker than my left is sad.

Cathy - I am so happy for you that you are finally getting to start STS again. I think that is probably for the best that you do straight STS for now. I really can't say how much I like working out in barefeet! That sounded like a crazy baseball weekend. When you were talking about packing food for a full day I can totally relate. Being gluten free there is nothing fast food that I can eat so packing food is a necessity and I really don't want the kids eating that stuff anyways but it does get a little complicated at times. I am pretty sure that it was the rows that got me again and I think that I am just going to avoid that move or really lighten my weight with it!

Janis - Yesterday I just went for a run, just a plain simple not worry about time run and it was so nice! I worked but it was relaxing at the same time! I'm a pretty disappointed with myself as I had always thought that my run was 6 km (I am sure that I checked the length before) and I just checked it again and it appears to be only 5... so I really thought I was motoring but really I'm not... oh well what can you do! How are the kettlebells going?

Tara - Glad to hear that you are back at it and doing well. I'll have to go back to the last post and read what's going on with you!

MJ - Hope all is well!

Rode 6 1/2 miles this morning and knocked 4 minutes off my time for that route. Heather don't you hate it when you miscalculate your mileage! I've done that a few times. My bike is over 20 years old and the speedometer/odometer died long ago, so I have to pull out our county map and a little ruler to figure things out and sometimes I find out later that I messed up.

We generally take all out food everywhere with us because we're vegan and it's not easy to eat away from home. There's a concession stand at the field, but there's little the boys can or are supposed to eat there. Nicholas has been really pushing the limits on that (with his own money) and if his Dad knew how much he'd have a fit. Mostly candy, which we do very little of, and a few things with dairy ingredients. Derek still is more inclined to not push it, plus he's more likely to be off playing with friends than sitting around watching and trying to figure out what he's going to eat next!

We have a free day today - all day! But, one of Nicholas' teammates is playing on our field tonight with an area team that needed more players so I "might" take them up for one of those games. I told DH we'd make the recycling run anyway and the field is like 2 minutes from the recycling drop off, so it's not like we'd be making a special trip. The boys don't know it's a possibility yet. Have to see what the weather does.

Heather I'm really glad you had a nice weekend with your MIL - always a plus and very glad that your neck is doing well enough that you can workout again!

Enjoy your day all!
Hi Warriors

Last week sped by, this morning I couldn't figure out what day it was. I had to look on-line. No kiddin'. :D

This morning I did an easy-pace six mile run, now I am having a little snack before I do KB Turkish get-ups and do some, much needed, yoga.

I have the same problem with my running distance, but it is the opposite direction for me. During my run with the running club on Sunday, I discovered my Polar HRM foot pod is not calibrated correctly, which I figured, since I used the TM to do it and it turned off mid-way, remember? I didn't realize it was this off though - 4/10ths of a mile. So I have been running more than I think for each run.

Heather - The KB workouts have been going well. I am following the program minimum while I watch Steve Cotter's instruction for swings or TGE, and then add in a circuit workout from either Steve Cotter or Lauren Brooks. I have been using the 16kilo for swings, and my 20# bell for everything else. Tomorrow I am going to have a look at Providence. Building a KB program slowly, using good form while building strength, has been a really good approach for me and a huge confidence builder. I'm glad your visit with your MIL went well and that your neck is better. What movie did you go see on your girls night out?

Cathy - The teachers came over to see my ds12's Rube Goldberg machine, or rather his room size contraption. It was his 3 week science project, which he did in lieu of going to school everyday and being bored out of his mind. The teachers that came over I've known for 15+ years and consider them my friends, They had not seen our house, but had heard all about the aches and pains of building it, so it was really nice social event too.

Tara - I hope you had an ecstatic weekend visiting with your mama. It will be so quiet once your mother and daughter are gone. I bet you'll be wondering what to do with yourself! :D

MJ - Are you getting a lot of tennis in?

Here's to another Warrior-like week with no injuries!
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Hey Warriors

Today ate me up and spit me out! I had to leave really early for work and then got there and they weren't ready for me... alot of waiting and then the work went late. Thank goodness for parents, I had to get my Mom to pick the kids up. It was a worry day for a bunch of reasons (house, work, money, DH's company and sick family member - just a short list... it all just seemed to get to me today) so my head hurts and I am plain old tired... actually feeling old.
So today is TGU day so I just finished 8 min and I was getting a headache so I think I will go and have a hot bath and wash away the day and the dirt! (I stood in a windy field all day).

Janis - Glad you are having fun with the PM, I really like the idea of building strength... I think that the Clean and press is going to have to start with the 20lber too. The RHS is easy but the LHS is not impressed! I found that snatches with the 20 lber felt wrong but when I used the 12kg then they seemed to smooth out... Who knows! I wish my distance mistake was the other way too. Crazy that your Polar was out of wack all this time. Did you get it corrected? We went to see Sex in the City 2... I wouldn't recommend spending money on it. There were some very funny lines that I think should not be missed but it is definitely a renter.

Cathy - My boys love a free day! There should be more of them. This summer I had big plans for all the camps that I was going to send the boys to... but now I am leaning for more free days. I didn't realize that you are vegan. So no dairy either? I would like to try it someday but beans don't really agree with me so I worried about how I would get enough protein and importantly iron... seeing as I am already 2 bags of blood down at this point. Very interesting.

Hey Tara and MJ

Gotta go to bed!
Talk to you soon
This morning was STS Disk 3 - the leg workout the generally kills me. We'll see how I'm feeling tonight as I often start feeling that one in less than 24 hrs. Have to get my cleaning and some other things done this morning as I'm watching a friend's kids here this afternoon and then the boys both have games tonight. I get the road game as it's also the town the kids I'm watching live in, so I can run them home.

Did you guys see A-Jock's Famous Track Workout for the Unrunner. I'm thinking it looks like something I can do in the backyard. Though I'm also thinking I may have WAY too much help in the form of Sparty!

Heather that certainly sounds like a very crazy day! I hope the hot bath helped. We do about a half hour of schoolwork a day during the summer, but other than that the boys have plenty of free time during the day. Since we are doing baseball, we don't do any other classes or camps during the summer. I've been vegan since '88 and my husband was vegan when we met. We'll see what the boys end up being. I think Derek's more likely to stick with it than Nicholas.

Janis I remember you talking about your son's project, but didn't realize they would come see it at your place. I think it's great that they let him do that instead of going to school during that time. Must have been quite a surprise to find out how much your HRM was off! At least it wasn't less than you thought - just think of all those extra calories you burned because of it!

MJ & Tara how are you doing?
Hi Warriors-

Just wanted to pop in quickly tonight...I have been going through some extraordinary issues at work the last few months and it has come to a head the last few weeks and this week there will be some kind of resolution. However, if it does not get resolved in the way it really needs to be resolved, it will cause me to have to rethink how long I can actually stay working at my company, which means basically until I find another things are very overwhelming at the moment.

In order to help me focus on something other than work and feel some sense of doing something useful while everything unfolds, I built a crazy rotation yesterday that I started this morning, basically 100 days (10 rounds 10 day cycles.. 9 days of workouts, 1 rest day) that takes me to the first day of fall. I actually stuck it out on the rotations page just because I actually created one. lol So we will see how it goes...

Anyway, it looks like all of you are doing pretty well this week which is good to see. Sorry for the self-centered post, just needed to put some of this out there since no one else around me in my life knows what I am going through right now.

Will hopefully be back tomorrow with a much better post. lol ;)
I split my workout today and tried to do a double metabolic dip to make up for yesterday! Life is slightly crazy these days are we are getting ready to go to a cottage and I seem to have a tonne of work. Dh is panicking about work which always stresses me out and because we are going away I am going to miss being able to do a big project - so I loose alot of cash - which we could really use right now....long story. I have to say that my workouts today really calmed my mind about everything! Tomorrow is a very early morning so I am really hoping that I can get my workout in. Just need to decide what to do besides TGU's

Today's workout:
AM: Cardio Coach 5, 36min of running and interval training. I made it to half way through challenge 2. Had a good sweat going.
PM: Total about 30 min Kettlebell combo with Zuzana workout.
40 swings 16kg kettlebell
15 rounds of 2 jump squats, 1 tuck jump, plank to 2 push-up, push-up to squat
5L/5R x 4 snatches 12kg
6 rounds 10 crab kick-ups, 10 jump mountain climbers
40 swings
4 rounds 10 one legged squat, 10 one legged pike press
40 alternating swings with 12
20 Flip over push-ups.
40 swings

MJ - Ya know you can totally vent on us and we aren't going to tell a soul! I totally know what it is like when you can't really discuss things with anyone and sometimes that in itself can really help you work through it... as well as a really good workout! Hang in there and we are here!

Cathy - I had a looks at A-jock's list... they are awesome for ideas. I think I might give it a try too!

Janis - So how did you son do in the end with his stay at home project? Still think that is way cool. My kids would eat that up!

Tara - Hope all is well.

I had better go to bed as I have to get up super 3AM
MJ! Glad you posted. Heather is right - please feel totally free to vent whenever you need to. I'm really sorry you are in such a lousy position right now. Sounds like a great rotation you have planned and working out will definitely help with the stress.

Heather how soon do you leave on your vacation? I hope both you and your DH are able to relax and really enjoy yourselves and put your worries aside. You are really rockin your workouts right now!!

Disk 3 struck again - though I don't think I have the worst DOMS it's ever given me. I did manage to get in a 4 mile ride this morning which hopefully kept it from being worse and B&G Stability Ball Abs. Then we had Derek's B-Day party at a county park with a creek and I got to be in charge of Sparty for a little over an hour before DH got there. Believe me THAT was a heck of a workout in itself. I used the extra long leash 12' maybe, so that he could go in the creek, but I didn't! He loved it! And then his little buddy Alvin showed up. Alvin is a 13 lb Malti-poo and the two of them unfortunately want to do a full out wrestle - well and Sparty wants to mate with him. Silly Alvin doesn't seem to care and we're afraid that Sparty will hurt him accidentally (he actually will pick Alvin up in his front paws and hug him!) and they get all tangled up. So after a few times of letting them play we try and keep them apart and I basically have to plant myself and forcibly hold him back. Anyway, it turned out to be a beautiful day and Derek caught a few dozen crayfish and a couple water spiders to hold captive until we left and they all played in the water and swung on the rope swing. He's very pumped for his real birthday and presents tomorrow.
Hey Warriors

Today was another audit day so I was up super early but didn't get to actually do the audit because of the weather.... so looks like I will have to come back for a night/day to do the audit next week. If I let someone else do it then I loose out alot of cash so i can't do that right now.
Anyways, today was short but sweet. 10 min TGU's and 4 min Tabata of high knees jump rope.


Cathy - That sounds like a great birthday party! My kids would have loved that. Very funny about the dogs.... and that really would be a workout to manage wild "mating" dogs! We leave on Sat for the cottage so I will be out for a week. You'll have to keep the warrior flame alive!

Good night everyone
Hey Back again

I am off to an audit but I did get up and do my swings this morning. Trying the KISS method right now while everything is a little crazy!
WU: around the body, halo's, squats
WO: 12 min swings, 20 swings then either 10 step ups, one legged squats or 20 slides.

I did one legged squats and step ups mostly with my right leg as it is so much weaker.

Hope everyone has a great day and I'll check in later to see how everyone is doing to day!
Hi Warriors!

I am so impressed, Heather, that you are keeping up with your work outs despite your brutal work hours, money stress, and all the household stuff you need to do for your trip. KISS is smart, that way you get something done, they still sound tough though. I hear you on the right leg weakness. I really need to work on mine. Have a great time at the cottage with your family.

Cathy, the birthday party did sound like a blast. I bet all the kids had fun. How is your ankle?

MJ - Yes, feel free to vent, in long sentences or brief sentences, it can be a relief. Anonymity has it's (huge) benefits. Your w/o plan sounds terrific.

Tara - Is it all quiet now ?

I have had an unusual couple of days. Yesterday, I intended to run but ended up only doing Core Cardio Circuit, and today I have to head down the mountain to Santa Rosa, this will be my third time this week! Sitting in the car is not doing anything for my back/hips/knees/shoulders.
Hi Warriors

It looks like I am talking to myself again!:D

After a lot of pain yesterday, and a lot of thinking, I have decided a few things -

I am going to begin STS again on Monday. I enjoy the kettlebell workouts, but I have reason to believe that while KB is a good (and fun) adjunct to any fitness program, it doesn't work for me as a stand alone program. I feel like I am losing some muscle and strength, but more importantly I believe it is the cause of my hip/glute pain. The action of semi-squat/swing/hip snapping forward is aggravating my piriformis and sciatica. The first time this injury presented itself was during a week of KB. It took an entire week of yoga to work out the pain so that I could run again. Ever since I began my KB intensive it has been hovering in the back ground as a niggling pain, but now I need to take it seriously.

I also am cutting down on my weekly running miles. I may work towards shorter-daily runs, but right now I am going to cut back to three 4-6 mile runs a week and add in more yoga and abdominal work.

I am also making an appointment with a Sports Medicine Doc to help me sort out some of my physical issues and get a plan of action in place to deal with my functional limitations, injuries, pain and hopefully create a fitness plan which will prevent future injuries.

So, that's it for me.
I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.

p.s. I am not going to re-do my 1RM. I've lost some strength, so I think my original numbers are right on target.
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