Workout Warriors Jan 17th - Jan 23rd


Good Morning Warriors!

Today starts a new week and a dedication to some goals for me to accomplish to make me stronger mentally and physically….it is definitely something that is needed. It has been a very long year this past 12 months or so with more stresses than I care to remember piled on each other. I am sure as the months go on; I will start to share them with all of you as the come to resolutions, positive or negative, because either way, I can really use the support, or at least a safe “place” to talk it out.

So the first to start to find a temporary resolution is with my grandparents and my mother’s health. A few months ago, I ended up with my mother and my grandfather in the hospital at the same time, making me the primary decision maker on both of their health issues. Luckily, my mother was nothing as serious as the doctor’s originally thought and she recovered quickly. However, my 95 year old grandfather, who has not really had any kind of issues with his health, is now to the point where the body is starting to let itself go. He is still able to function daily with some sort of assistance from occasional caregivers or my mother, but every week you notice something else slowing down mentally and/or physically. Then, a month after that, my grandmother, who is 91 and basically healthy except for dementia that is continuing to come on strong, went to the doctor for back pain and found that she had a large cancerous tumor in her colon. We opted for surgery in hopes to make whatever time she may have left more comfortable and she has now gone through rehab, recovered from the surgery and is relatively back to almost where she was before the surgery. The point is, I spent the last few days helping my mom finally get both of them in an assisted living facility that kept them together despite their differing health statuses. Hopefully now, at least for a little while until whatever phase comes next, the stress level will come down a bit for my mother, which will lower it for me as well. My main concern is and has been keeping something from happening to her while she has been dealing with all the stress of end of life decisions for her parents.

So now with one of the stressors somewhat under control for the time being, and despite the stress of the other issues in other areas of life I am dealing with daily, I need to start re-building some of my foundation that has been lost along this past year’s journey. Even though I have put together a whole rotation around a full undulating STS plan, I am going to just start with focusing on this first week to get some accomplishment under my belt. So this week, I plan to do my first 3 C25K run/walks, play tennis 2x, all 3 STS workouts for the week and cardio of some kind on the weekday mornings. I have the week laid out, but will organize each day based on what is happening in the day so I don’t talk myself out of continuing with plan because its not “perfect” to what I arranged on paper.

Oh yeah, I have one more goal for this week….to start to be a better warrior check-in buddy. I have been reading all along and enjoy learning about how everyone is doing, even the tough things (Mary, I am sorry you have such a tough road ahead with Simon, but I am hopeful to hear you are going to visit him, I hope you enjoy your time there) they daily stories help me along my day and I want to be able to participate fully, in time, with all of you as well.

Check back with all of you later. Have a good Monday!
Good morning.

I need to be a better checker iner too. :eek:

MJ I'm so sorry you are going through that. I've been there, but only dealing with 1 family member, not 3. I'm glad it's calmed down a bit for you, and I hope it works out for your Mom. as well as you. Your fitness plans sound excellent, well rounded and ambitious.

I have been following my Meso 2 and 3 with cardio rotation I started Christmas week. The weekend got in the way and threw me a bit off track. I worked out, but felt it was unfocused. But as of this morning I was back at it with Lowmax, and Disc 21 is on the radar for this afternoon.

I took a minute to read through last week. It sounds like all of you warriors are hard at it. I'll look forward to reading your updates.

Have a super Monday and we'll see you all soon.
Happy Monday All!

MJ--love that your grandparents were strong and healthy into their 90's---AND that it is hard to see them declining now. So glad they are together in a place with round the clock care. Support for you, your mom and entire family.

It IS inspiring and educational to read how and what other Cathe friends are doing.thinking and planning for their workouts... even when 'life gets in the way' --- love that @ this check-in thing...

BTW, someone here last week mentioned the Eliptigo --- I looked it up and wow that thing looks cool. It's a stand up, outdoor "bike" that works like the ellipitical machine. Anyone tried it before? Wonder how it would do in hilly North Georgia ---they do not have any Georgia distributors yet, so that may be saying something about how well it works in hilly areas--- don't know ---thought it looked cool.

My first work out of the week will be - a new one by Michele Dozois---Cardio Strength. I do one total body weight/circuit workout every week ---hope this is a good one.

Like Michelle--her cue-ing is always good and her workouts are somewhat challenging (not as tough as Cathe, IMO), but usually very good, with a nice professional and positive energy and flow. Will let you know how this workout is IMO, later today or tomorrow.

Thank you to all for sharing, encouraging and for being such a nice community of good people.

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

All the Best,
Happy MLK Day, ladies! MJ, I'm sorry you're going through so much these days. I'm glad you're keeping exercise on your schedule, though, because it can only help to relieve your stress.

Suzie I was the one who mentioned the Elliptigo. Coach Jenny posted about it and it piqued my interest... until I saw the price tag. I don't know why it looks scary to me for hills, but I'm sure it's a lot like cycling - especially going uphill.

I had Meso 1 Week 4 Chest/Shoulders/Biceps on my schedule today, but I think I'm taking a rest day. I haven't had an entire day off with no exercise in 6 weeks. I can juggle my schedule around this week and not lose out, so I'm just going to enjoy my day off. Probably shouldn't after the Chinese take-out pig-out I had with my boyfriend last night.... but ehhh... I'm not doing any nude scenes with Brad Pitt this week, so I'll live dangerously.
Okay, so as part of this goal setting, pushing myself out of my box to accomplish something new, I am being brave and I signed up for this today....

the 5K, not the half marathon of course. lol ;) Its right at my local beach, about 5 miles from where I live. I have no one I know who are runners or would attempt to do something like this (perhaps I need new people in my life too, but I digress) so I am on my own.

Anyway, I have never done a race in my life, competed in other sports, but nothing like a running race. So this gives me a total 12 weeks to learn to run and to be ready, 9 weeks for the C25K plan, then 3 additional weeks to train up for the race. I dont really care about speed at this point, obviously, just want to be able to run the whole thing straight with a semi-respectable time.

So all of you on here that are so fond of running are going to be relied upon to help me get through the new runner obstacles and give plenty of advice and support. I hope you are ready. :p

Ok, now back to work before I start freaking out. lol :eek:
Ok, so I checked in this morning on last weeks thread. DH is off work today and it just did not seem like a Monday. His being home weekdays always screws up my internal calendar. :p

MJ fantastic that you signed up for the race! Can't wait to follow your progress and a great chance for you to meet new fit and active people. :D If I have the cash and it doesn't fall on a baseball weekend, I want to sign up for the Cheetah Chase at the zoo in June. Doing the walk not the run. Unfortunately, my body just doesn't like running and never has. :( I'd like to do some organized bike rides, too, but with $$ at a premium I have to figure out what comes first.

I hope that now your grandparents are settled your stress level with really calm down. Wonderful that they can be together. I can't imagine the stress of trying to take care of three people at one time. I still have one Grandmother 90, who lives alone and I'm glad my cousin is the one keeping tabs on her. She's adamant about staying in her house and still drives, but really needs someone keeping a closer eye on her. She won't allow it though.

Oh, and for those of you who knew about my Mom's surgery for the colon tumor. It was cancerous and she's now in her second round of chemo and so far handling this round much better. She's back to walking a couple miles a day and her attitude is good.

So Donna, do you have nude scenes with Brad Pitt other days. ;)

Our visit to the school went great and I'm pretty sure Nick will be going in the fall. And boy did Derek's eyes light up over the computer lab. :D He says he wants to take art and computers, so we'll have to see if we can get a schedule that works out. It'll mean 4 trips into town each day, but in good weather it's only about 5 minutes, so I can deal with it. 4th - 12th grades are in the same building, just different parts of it, so at least it's only one place to go.
Hello Warriors

Wow – if you miss a day of posting – you miss a lot. I had to play some catch up.
I hope that everyone is well, healthy abd happy.
I went to see the movie The King's Speech today and loved it. Great Acting!

Janis--I am by no means and expert on Barre workouts and have only been doing them, for a short time but I am loving the results. I am, slowly building up my barre collection. Many of the workouts that I do are based on the Lotte Berk method. Recently, I have also taken classes with the Alvin Ailey dance company. I can’t say that I have any dvds that I can not live without but there are some that I enjoy more than others. Some of my favorites:

1. Ruah- Release and Warrior (Release is my favorite of the two)
2. Leah Serago - downloaded workouts from
3. Pure Barre- Pershing Square 1 and two

Kim- Yes I am planning to go to the 2012 Olympics. Did you get STS yet? Cathe is offering a rather good deal on STS. The sale was extended another week.

Cathy- The last ten pounds are always that absolute most difficult to lose.

Morning Star- Those were impressive weights with STS Total Body. Slow and Heavy workouts work well for you. It is interesting how everyone's body responds to different stimuli. I find for me (especially since I recently gave up power lifting) that I must constantly change it up for my body to respond. Also I have such attention deficit when it comes to workouts that I must constantly change it up I doubt that I have every done exactly the same weight workout twice. Some variable always changes- weights utilized, lifting speed, sequence of exercises, body parts worked together, etc, etc.

MJ- you have many good solid goals. You have been through a lot but it is good that you are handling it with grace and a good perspective. Good luck on your race. How are you getting ready for it?

Suzie- I love the two new Michelle Dozois Peak Ten workouts. How did you like them? I think that she is coming out with a Peak Ten System later this year.

Donna-- I too rarely take days of from working out although some days are more strenuous than others. Your comments about Brad Pitt were funny! Do you know him?

My recent workouts:

1.--Patrick Goudeau- Lean Hot Body- I love this workout- 5 stars. This is a very tough, advanced interval workout. It is a fun workout with great music.
2. Shiva Rea- Yoga


1. Pure Barre- Lowry Lofts 2
2. Dozois- Peak Ten Cardio

1/17- chest, shoulders, biceps- my workout -using dumbbells and TRX)

Well it is back to work tomorrow! Have a great Tuesday.
Today I went to Aqua Jogging class at the Y. This is the first time I have ever taken any type of water class. The class was a lot of fun.

MJ, the race you signed up for sounds fun. I'm not much of a runner. Last year I ran a 5k and my hips hurt for days afterward. Can't wait to hear about your progress. Hopefully this will give you a way to relieve the stress from being the caretaker of your mom and grandparents. Those decisions have to be hard to make.

Cathy, that's great that Nick liked the tour of the school. It sounds like he will have no trouble adjusting, he already has plans for what he wants to study.

Regina, I have Pure Barre Pershing Square 2 but have not done it yet, maybe tomorrow. I'm also thinking of ordering a couple Core Fusions and the orginal Pure Barre. I also see you got the new Patrick and loved it, I watched a clip and it way to advanced for me. My favorite Patrick's are the Hard Work Condtionings.
LOL, no Regina... I don't know Brad Pitt. My bf and I just happened to watch 2 movies with him in them last night, so he was the first hot actor who came to my mind. He's so pretty....
Donna- Don't know Brad Pitt- Ah I was so hoping to get an invite to meet him and drool.

Jenn- I have these Exhale Core Fusions: 1. Pilates Plus 2.Pure Arms Abs and Arms 3. Body Sculpt and 4. Thighs and Glutes. I like all of them. I also like all of Patrick's Hard Work Conditioning workouts and aqua aerobics. When I first started I did not think that Aqua aerobics would be much of a workout, but was I wrong!
Hi everyone, just a quick post.

MJ...good on your for keeping up the fitness during this time. The couch to 5k program looks really good to me. Hope the stress subsides for you and this year will be kinder than you seem to anticipate?

Donna...sounds like your kids will enjoy the switch, I wonder if you will too? :eek:

Today's workouts were bad. Started out nicely with Body Max 2, which I cut short to make my cycle class, but by 15 minutes before the start of the class, all the bikes were 'saved' with towels/water bottles. I had intended to finish the tape after cycling, and to do MMA Fusion. Since I was no longer warm at all, I put in MMA Fusion. Not thrilled with that one, and not good at it. Tried to go back to BM2 but just couldn't get into it again, so I never did finish the last 40 minutes of it. Guess I still got a good enough workout anyway.

Better luck tomorrow for me, eh?

Very sad right now, don't know what to do with my time. I know I can't work out anymore. :( Back to work tomorrow.

Sorry that you were not able to get into your spin class. I used to have that same experience and that is one of the reasons that I now have a spin bike a home. I use my itunes library and make up my own playlist based on the type of ride that I am dong that day.
Happy Monday Warrior Princesses!

MJ – This is a safe place to process and vent. Please feel free to process or vent anything at anytime. You are such a supportive daughter and granddaughter; worrying about your mom on top of added stress at work is a lot to deal with. Your running and 5k goals are fantastic! I know you will do it and we are here to support YOU along the way. (((HUGS))) If all goes well, maybe I'll be able to run a 5k around about the same time. :) Oh - and I am an all or nothing kind of girl too, so I can relate to your comment about reality sometimes not meeting expectations.

(Kadet) Kim – I hope you were able to get STS, did you see (as Regina also pointed out) that the sale was extended one more week? Many of us here are willing to send it to you. I had too much of a merry Christmas too. I am determined to get back not only my fitness level but also my physique. Gain lose gain lose – criminee, will the yo-yoing ever end? Loved your description/reality consideration with PowerMax. I was in a yoga pose the other day and happened to see my butt in a mirror. I practically yelped – "how’d it get so huge?" lol.:p

Mary – Were you able to find a stretchy dress for your trip? You’ll have a lovely, memorable time with Simon. How long will you be there? Being able to truly love someone is the gift we are given in this lifetime. I am glad you were able to find that with Simon. I am sorry you are sad...:(. What do you mean you don't know what to do with your time, the time available after no spinning class?

Cathy – Shall I torture with 70’s, sunny, and I wore short sleeves today! Ah, you gotta love California. It won’t last though, we are sure to have a few nasty storms and no sun the next month or two or three. Glad Nick liked the school scene. Will Derek be going to public school too? Sorry to hear about your mom, glad she is responding well to chemo though, I bet your dad is relieved that this round is going better than the first. I bet she fells better keeping active.

Kimberly - What sort of job do you have which gives you changing hours weekly and bi-monthly? Good for you - keeping up with your workouts...and man, Boot camp followed by Total Body!? Excellent! :D

Donna – After your success story and recommendation, I signed up for Cathe’s nutrition program and love it! It is so easy to use and fun too, love the A-F grading system. I like that kind of feed back. It’s probably the most useful and satisfying program I have tried and much better than the Excel spreadsheet I had been utilizing after reading BFFM. I also bought Tonique mat. (enabler :)) Hey did you see on OD that Cathe had lunch with Sylwia Wiesenberg? Wonder what they ate? Probably not bloat-er-ific Chinese. (yum yum, btw, and lol about Brad.)

Suzie – I like Michelle Dozois too. I only have her Pilates for Dummies, which is very good. I’ll have to check out her other dvds since both you and Regina like her. That elliptigo bike – wow – interesting and tough, doubt hills would be a sales killer though. If I lived in Florida, like MJ, or in Southern Cali, I’d buy one of those thingies it would be great along the beaches.

Regina – thanks for the list of dvds and the dance company, I will definitely check them out. Michelle Dozois too. I like her. She is one of the few instructors, other than Cathe, that I really like. Good personalities are hard to come by, it seems. Where are the Core Fusions on the annoying scale? Patrick Goudeau’s workouts do look tough…but fun! Do any of the plie squats executed on your toes hurt your knees?

Jenn – what is confusing me is the user name. Were you using a different one or am I totally losing my mind? JHarris? Isn't that you? I used to do Aqua Jogging when I was recovering from an ankle stress fracture, that is one solid workout, looks so damn easy, but not so, not so. Do you tread water during the class too?

Melissa – Hey, it is nice to hear from you. Are you still doing a lot of kickbox? I love that type of workout. I am going nuts with this injury – wondering if/when I should try my old faves. I know what you mean about the weekend getting in the way! Lol, has happened to me too much.

As for me – last night I decided I would start Couch to 5k (synchronicity MJ!). So this morning I walked on the treadmill for 5, then ran 60 sec walked 90 sec, repeat... for a total of 20 minutes, I added 5 minutes more of walking at the end to make it 25 minutes. Then I did STS disc 7 SCB, followed by Alisa Wyatt’s Intermediate Pilates. I like her, second to Michelle Dozois. After a quick sandwich Rowan and I drove into town for groceries, a 2 mile walk and some play time with his friend, a little Aussie Border Collie mix. For some reason my injury is twinging and tweaking. I hiked, vigorously, for 3 miles on vineyard hills the other day with no residual pain, why this hurts today - I dunno - but it is discouraging. A heating pad and ibuprofen has helped a lot, so we will see what tomorrow brings.
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Janis did you try Tonique Mat? My butt was on fire when I was doing it and I was really expecting some DOMS on Sunday.... but nope. I never, ever get them and it bums me out a little. Once I pass the initial week of getting back into working out after being off for a time, DOMS are a thing of the past.

I did see that Cathe posted something about having lunch, but didn't read it. I'm sure they didn't do the Chinese pig-out, but I'm sure they had fun. That Sylwia seems like she's a trip.

Cool you're starting a running program. I'm so glad I've caught the running bug. I'm signing up for my 2nd race today - the Shamrock Run. It's only 8K and my first race was a 10k. That was actually supposed to be a 5k, but I lined up with the wrong group and didn't want to look uncool by moving once I realized my mistake. But I made it with little difficulty and am planning to do a few races this year.

Please make sure you baby that injury - you'll only make it worse by pushing yourself too soon.

Jenn I can imagine that aqua exercising can be a tough workout. I've never been a big swimmer, but I remember always getting tired out doing it. Since my eyes got bad enough that I can't go without glasses or contacts, I haven't done much swimming at all. I hate not being able to see.

OK, so today's workout... treadmill run this morning, STS Meso 1 Week 4 begins this afternoon! Woo-hoo!
Donna and Janis- Tonique Mat is a good workout. It does fry my backside. I have Sylvia's Tonique Cardio Mat and Tonique 1 and 2. I don't do her workouts that often because of their length. Cardio Mat is 75 minutes. I most often only do segments of her workouts and add them on to my leg routine or a short barre workout

Janis- The Core Fusions are good workouts - my favorite is 'Pilates Plus'. I do not find them annoying, although most instructors do not annoy me. Actually, very little of anything annoys me. I guess it was all of those years that I spent in the Army that has numbed me to annoyances. I have so many (actually too many) workouts that I do not often get to the same workout twice very often.
Plie squats on my toes do not bother my knees. It is 70 degrees where you are! I am so jealous. We had more rain, snow and ice today. Janis, you had a Mega workout today! How are you taking care of your injury?

Workout this am- chest, shoulders and biceps- my workout. I will mostly likely do 30 minutes of cardio and some yoga this evening.

Have a great day!
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Hello ladies,

MJ, How very cool you have signed up for a 5K. Not being a runner myself, I feel your angst. But I know you will nail it!

MKeefe- Sorry the spinning didn't work out. I used to hate that at the gym....always with the ellipticals right after work. :mad: BM2 is certainly a good one...even a part of it.

Regina- what kind of spin bike do you have? I'm dying to get one, and not sure which way to go.

Suzie, how did you like cardio stregth? I have it but haven't broken it out yet...should I? ;) I love a good circuit workout.

Donna, enjoy the rest. After 6 non stop weeks you certainly deserve it!!

Jenn, Love the water and haven't been to a class in eons...maybe it's time for me too.

Cathy, so glad to hear your Mom is making gains. Back to working a few miles is super.

Janis, take care of your ankle. Hilly hiking can do that to a always shows up the next day on me, too.

Today I was up bright and early, but I just couldn't face STS back and bis today. not sure why. So after leafing through the DVDs for a few minutes, I ended up with Athletica. only could get in 45 minutes with all the wasted time trying to choose. Hate when that happens. But I do love Athletica.

Have a great day. I'll check in a bit later.
Melissa what's Athletica? I Googled and all I could find was yoga clothes. And I totally hear you on the STS Back & Bis. That was me yesterday - only it was Chest, Shoulders and Bis. Sometimes the thought of all those push-ups... Gotta pay the fiddler today, though, and Just Do It! Good thing I love doing shoulders and I'm learning to appreciate biceps more.
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Hi Warriors!

Well - a heating pad and ibuprofen seems to have helped. I still feel a little iffy so I am going to be extra vigilant today. It has been seven months, seven, since my injury developed. Seems like a loooonnnnggg time to me. My ankle stress fracture (last year's injury) healed faster, my concussion (my injury which brought me to STS/Cathe) took less time to heal. This is so frustrating. :mad: During the physio therapy process I was diagnosed with scoliosis in the lower lumbar and right hip. The scoliosis creates a counter pull on the iliopsoas tendon, which evidently has never been able to strengthen and do it's job properly. This injury was 47 years in the making.

My husband bought me special physio therapy re-usable ice packs to use, HI-RICE treatment for injuries. (hydration, ibuprofen, rest, ice, compression, elevation.) I loathe icing. I just read an article at the Mayo Clinic website that recommends ice baths. Baths. Can you imagine? No way, man. :eek:

Well - any way - I did my rehab program this morning. I cut short the stationary bike because I could feel the tendon winding up tightly. I followed that up with 10 minutes of heating pad, then stretching, after which comes isolation exercises, then more stretching. When I was done with the rehab portion of my morning I did a new Pilates dvd, one by Jon Belanger. I actually liked him a lot. He is a former military officer. He gives great instruction. The set and production value is not impressive, but I like to mix up Pilates instruction as each instructor brings some thing new/different to the program, Jon did not disappoint.

Ok enough about me, me, me.

Donna - I bought the Tonique dvd, snail mail. I'll let you know what I think later in the week. :) Funny story about your first race -5k turned 10k. My first, and only, race was a 10k, but I missed the turn for the 10k runners and was almost to the end of the 5k race when someone directing the 10k racers saw my bib number and flagged me down in their car. I turned around, ran back to the turn off, ran with the 10k's and still finished 3rd in my age category. Never mind that there were so few runners registered in my age category!:p:p lol. Athletica is one from Ilaria Montagnani. She's great! (Thanks morningstar. :))

Regina - Thank you for the info. I looked at Core Fusion Pilates Plus. I suppose I should employ some self-discipline and transcend my tendency to be annoyed by certain fitness instructors. I am impressed that no one annoys you! My new mantra: Be indifferent. lol. :D:D

Melissa - How many times have you done Athletica? It hasn't been out very long, right?

Tara - How are you?

I hope everyone is having a splendid Tuesday. I won't give you the weather report. :)

ETA: Melissa slipped in her Powerstrike post before I was finished composing. I was eating an enormous salad, which makes posting take longer! Sorry for the repetition. :)
Melissa- I have a Star Trac NTX 7090. Atletica is one the workouts that I have been considering. From the clips it looks like Illaria does alot of kettlebell inspired moves. It also looks like it is fun. I already have many kettlebell workouts so I was not sure what this dvd would add to my fitness library. Can you give me your opinion of Atletica?

Donna- Atletica is a workout by Illaria see: search=atletica

Janis- let me know if you get the Pilates Plus workout. Also let me know how you make out with your new mantra 0f "Be Indifferent" The Mayo clinic recommends ice baths? That seems so brrrrr! I love hot showers and warmth. I hope your injury gets better soon. Tell me more about Jon's Belanger's pilates workouts. As a retired Army officer myself, maybe I would like his workouts

Has anyone ever done Bikram Yoga?
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