Hey there Janis and Cathy!
My arent we a depressing group of warriors this week...creeping weight gain, stress fractures and then me and my work situation which has turned out as I had feared, so I am none to happy on that front and my rotation has suffered to boot. Pathetic week
Anyway, I was so mentally burnt out and physically tired that I just decided to take yesterday and today off from work to give myself a break, not even using vacation days for it. Yesterday I was so exhausted that I didnt really do anything but watch Wimbledon, some laundry, grocery store and nap on and off through the day. By the end of the day I was so sick of feeling this way that I decided I had to do something that would feel good or at least make me fake it a little. So this morning I was brave and finally went and took a tennis drill class. An hour and 3/4 of constant tennis drills in the almost 100 degree heat! It was insane and tiring in the good way and I definitely couldnt think of anything else but what I was doing which was good. Plus I got the most points over the course of the different drills and games through the practice that I won the session. lol I earned a can of tennis balls! lol Thats as exciting as anything is going to get in my life for a while lol ....yes pathetic I know

At least I made myself go do it, eventhough I have been inconsistent with workouts for the longest time now. Maybe a few of these classes will help get me back on track.
Cathy - Good job on staying up with your new STS rotation. Dont worry about the creeping weight, a few small tweaks, not big ones to the diet and just consistency again with your workouts will take care of it. You will not end up being your mom! lol
Janis - I am sorry you are relegated to sofa time for a few weeks. Are you allowed to swim? Your in CA, there has to be a pool somewhere you can use. Dont assume your running days are over, people recover from these injuries all the time and get back to doing what they love. It just might take a while. Furthermore, resist the urge to read everything on the internet about it, you know there is alot of misinformation and lots of peoples fears out there that may not be true in your case and the fact that you are already healthier than 95% of the population to start with, thats got to give you a healing edge.
Alright, back to the sofa to tweak my workout rotation and to rehydrating. I may be brave again tomorrow and try another class.
Hang in there everyone. We will get through all of it.