Workout Thursday 12/30


Good Morning Everyone,

Today was HSTA. I just feel so sluggish lately -I think I'm still recovering from the holidays. It's been tough getting motivated to work out but at least I'm doing it even though my workouts may not be 100%. Anyone else feeling this way?

Well off to work,
I think I am just sick to death of the workouts I have, but it could also be some mood I've been in.

Because it will be in the low 60s today in NC, I am going to run 5 miles of a hilly trail in Duke Forest, and then do ME or BC abs at home. have had some other things on your mind matter how intense, I feel exercise is still helpful to you...:)

I am doing ME and a 4 mile run. I will go very light on the leg portion as the marathon is in 2 DAYS!!!!!...Have a great day ladies....:)...Carole

Today is full-body weight training for an hour plus; then 30-40 minutes on the stationary bike at a very low resistance whike reading a book and then a 1.25 hour step class with a stretch following. Abs later after lunch and a good nap.

Take care everyone,
Hi, today I start the april 2003 rotation. Today is learner legs. I am going to add the PLB stability ball and the cardio and lower body premix of Bootcamp. I love the speed skeaters and the jacks jab plyo . Have a great day.

Mariángeles a spanih terminator junkie.:) :)
Hello Everyone,

Today is PS Back, MIS Back & Abs, Cardio of Kickbox and Power drills from CK.

Have a great day!
Laurie Mac
Wow Suzanne..that's a long workout!!

Circuit Max went well yesterday...kept the intensity down on the cardio portions and used 5lb weight for all the weight work...But, I did finish it!;-)

This evening will be Power Circuit (cardio), MIC (step) and Power Circuit abs.

Have a great Thursday!!
Morning all! Well, my intention today was to do PUB and then cardio from All Step, but my daughter decided to wake up at 5:30 instead of 6:30, so I only got through PUB (minus the stability ball work). I'm so disappointed too because I was really looking forward to my workout this morning. Now I almost feel like I didn't do anything at all. And I know that by the time I get home tonight and get dinner made, the baby bathed, fed and put to bed I'll be too exhausted to do anything.:-(

Hope everyone else has a great workout today!

Good morning,

This morning I did HSTA. Perfect workout for today. Felt great.

Wendy - same workout as you today! I'll be feeling those hover squats tomorrow.

Jes - where'd you go? You must be hiding from the rellies.

Katie - that is very disappointing when your planned workouts get truncated like that. I had the same problem when my little one was so young. It made consistency very hard to manage.

Lisa - I've clearly forgotten the rotation I mocked up for you, because as I read your planned workout I thought "Hey, that sounds like a great combo! I need to try that!" Doh. Excellent job on Circuit Max yesterday!! It's tough, but it's fun, isn't it?

Sandy - how'd the CW and IMAX2 1-5 go y-day? Fun? Since you described your pic with your friend as being so awful, I'm going to go back to the friends gallery, look at them all, pick the most awful picture, and call it you. That is, unless you pony-up and tell me the truth! :7

Haydee - do you have more energy today?

Annette - feeling better?

Carole - woohoo! Only 2 more days!! Do you carbo-load or do anything diet-wise to prepare in these last few days?

Boy, everyone around here is working very hard! I can see that "working out" will not need to be the New Years' Resolution of any of these members.

Have a good day!
Hello ladies.

Today Body Fusion is on the schedule for me, I think...My rotation is at home...and last night I did Power Max for the first time. That was fun.

I should also be getting a new Cathe order in the mail this afternoon...I couldn't resist buying myself one last "Christmas gift"!:D ...So the CTX series plus Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks should be waiting for me when I arrive home....

The question now is....Will I be able to "stick with the program", or will the curiousity kill me and tempt me in to doing one of the new work outs? :p As it was, Power Max was NOT on the schedule for yesterday! lol I'm so bad.}( I guess time will


We don't stop laughing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop laughing...Put more laughter into your life.
HI and yes, Sandra I am feeling better. Though my stamina isn't up to par yet. Today I only managed Slow and Heavy Legs, just couldn't bring myself to do the shoulders also. I will have to tack shoulders onto another workout this week. sigh.

Anyway we got invited to a New Year's eve get together with some other families so that will be fun. I have to make a dessert so I have to bake again when I thought I was done.

Have a great day!!:)
I'm with you Wendy! I am zapped this week. i am doing the WOs but not 100%.

I'm here Sandra...just woke up. The "rellies"(i love that!)are gone!!! happy dance, happy dance, happy dance.....ok, there's my cardio today!:p

i think today will be ME lower and the lower body add on from BF and the cardio from Allstep. i am going to try the HI/LO from SJP on the small trampoline this week and see if that is easier in the bottoms of my feet. i really want to do that WO in it's entirety dad-gum-it!
Does anyone else do this?

gotta go!

jes :D
I know what you mean about feeling sluggish lately. I'm still doing my workouts, but I just don't have as much energy. I am almost 2 weeks into a cold though, too.

I'm going to get out for a long run today and then some abs...

I just found out that they might let us go early from work today! If so, I can go home and finish the parts of my workout I missed before I have to pick the baby up from daycare. Yea!!!!!

I think there's a lot of "after the fact" stress going around. I've read that the body & even the mind respond more to stress AFTER the stress is over. Makes sense to me, because during the stress the body would be in survival mode.

Also it's cold or at least colder & it's getting dark earlier & earlier. I feel a little sluggish myself...although am currently battling my 3rd cold also. I haven't had a cold in at least 5 years. Now I've had 3 in one season. What the heck's going on here??

Annette, glad you're starting to feel better. Mogambo, hope your run cleared your mind...usually does mine.

Today I'm going back to S&H exclusively. I just can't get excited about any workout either, but that one usually kicks me up a notch, so we'll see. Today is L&S (yikes!) and some kind of cardio, don't know what yet.

Hope everyone has a great evening,
Ruth :) :( :)
I have been feeling a little sluggish lately as well. I'm not going to get to workout today -- totally my fault. I forgot I had my last Christmas gathering to go to tonight. This is what I get for not staying organized with workouts. I am so NOT a morning person, so usually I workout at night...well I forgot I was gonna be busy tonight. My life sure would be easier if I could get up earlier. Maybe I should make that a goal for 2005. :D

Wendy -- let me know what you think about CTX when you get it...I'm on the verge of ordering it.

Take care all. :+
Ciao tutti!

I didn't know which workout to pick today, so I chose BootCamp. I think this was only my 2nd time doing it - that is one hard workout, but I enjoyed it more this time than the first time attempted it. I have found that the more I do Cathe workouts, and really learn them, the more enjoyable they become. I will have to add this one to the rotation more regularly.

Enjoy all of your workouts - you ladies sure pack a punch into each and every day!!!

Til tomorrow,

Hi all!!

Today was C&W step and intervals 1-5 of IMAX2.......woooo I really liked it although I must confess that if I didn't report in to you guys every day, I think I would have quit halfway through the a big THANK YOU to all of you for helping to keep me in line:7 }( :) !! The C&W step really pre-exhausts the legs so I think that is why I felt like pooping out in the middle of interval 3!! wouldn't DARE.....or would you???:eek: You are simply terrible, I tell you!! I plead the 5th!!! I will tell my friend to post a much better and acceptable for civilized society pic then I will reveal myself, how about that???!! :p }( :7

I wish I could respond individually to everyone else but I am soooo tired! Looks like you all had some great workouts planned for today...great job!!

Have a good night!
Actually Sandy, i looked at all the pics and i didn't see any bad ones, so fess up! I'm with Sandra on this one! Good workout by the way! sorry you're so zonked...


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