WORKOUT Thursday 07/29


Goood Moooorning everybody,

I'm running late, so I'll keep it short:) Didn't do CTX UB yesterday, so I did it this morning. Which means I have to do my 6K tempo run after work.

Have a great day.

Hi Dutchie, I did Imax1 today the whole thing in one shot. With an audience, of course the same little girl. Asked me what I was doing it for and what did it do for me. :) Also asked me if I had just taken a shower or was I sweating:+ of course I was sweatin buckets with the humidity and all.

Anyway my weight is waaaaaaay up and I am hoping that is it only my cycle playing with my body and that as soon as it comes and goes I will go back down.:( My eating has not changed.

Have a great workout!!:D
Hi! I'm losing weight too and retain weight just before my period, and also during ovulation. I'm losing about 2-3 lbs after each part of my cycle, but my weight definitely fluctuates. For example I was up 2 lbs yesterday and was 1.5 lbs less today (still .5 lb away from my "low"). I'm 2-3 days away from starting my period. Starting to think about chocolate....

Take care!
Liz :)

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