Workout Summary For 2010


I didn't think to check the workout summary in the Workout Manager before the start of the new year. I'm interested in my totals and would like to know if there is a way to set the date back or some other way to see the totals without manually adding everything up for the previous 12 months.
WM Reports

Don't worry. With the release of WM 3.0 you will be able to see and print results for any date range. This should go live this week. On a side note everyone should print any workout cards they need for the week as we will have to down the WM for the update. This hopefully will only take a few hours, but a major update like this can have all kinds of unexpected problems.
Nancy - good question! I thought about that too. I didnt get to see my year-end totals. Thanks SNM for the great improvements in the software updates.

I love it so far, especially the weight loss forecaster!:eek:
Could it be that this still is not possible to see the stats of the previous years summarized? If yes, please let me know how to find this.
Old Thread

This is an old thread that is no longer relevant. There is a problem with stats right now, but this is because of the server move and out dated PHP scripts and cron jobs. This is something we're currently working on.
True, it is an older thread, but it was still relevant to me, as I was still not able to see stats of the previous years- even before there were the problems with the stats. But I'll try to be patient and see, if it's solved when everything is up and running again. Thank you!
Stats Page

To see stats from previous years you have to use the custom dates on the main page. The actual stats page only shows results from the current year, but right now that's not even working. Hope to have this fixed soon.

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