Workout log for week of September 7th


Hey ladies! I hope everyone had an excellent week. We had our rollarcoaster of emotions, as some of you know from other forum postings. In short, we are having a baby boy in Jan/Feb and we are estatic!!! This week I was able to keep up with my exercise regimen--which is such an accomplishment based on my last 2 week accomplishments. I"m getting rounder & I've noticed people looking at my belly at work. It's kind of a "is it a beer belly, or is she pregnant kind of look". I'll let them continue to wonder. ;)

Sun: Franny's Cardio Parties--Step portion
Mon: off
Tues: Step Jam & mowed part of the lawn
Wed: MIC--step portion
Thurs: PUB
Fri: Step Jam
Sat: off

*Just borrowed these step videos from a friend. I had them in the past & did them so much that I had been sick of them. It's nice to be re-acquainted with them. I forgot how fun Step Jam was!!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hey everyone!Melanie-how many weeks are you?Do you have a boy name?I think boy names are so much harder than girl names....
my week was:
Sunday-4 mile walk
Monday-Ctx upper body& 3.6 mile walk
Tuesday-Prego step mish mosh& 3.6 mile walk
Thursday-Power Hour
smiley2, I am 22 weeks along. No, we don't have a name picked out yet. We just found out Wednesday that it was a boy. We were going to let it be a surprise, but we had a Level 2 ultrasound done b/c of the results of our triple test (alpha fetal protein test). We figured that since we did so much worrying & saw a perinatalogist, we would go ahead and find out. Next time we won't. ;)

BTW, do you have any suggestions for a boy name?!?!?

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie-you are 4 weeks ahead of me...A few boy names i like are Kyle,Ashton(these are the 2 we have picked out right now),Marcus,Ryan,Barrett,Gregory, I was kind of into Mason for awhile.My prob. is my husband is so picky about boy names-the only one he really likes is Ashton.
;) For a girl name we have Chloe Laren
I love your names....and regarding the husband thing. Does he say...."no we can't name him that, because I knew this kid who....." We have settled on some really unique names just so he won't know of some nerdy kid who had that name. Too funny. It must be a male thing. Many congratulations on this little boy Melanie!!!!

AND Melanie, what's your take on this.....On September 17th I will be exactly 3 months away from my due date. This puts me in the last trimester correct????? Let me know so I can start celebrating or NOT!!

I'm glad you guys had a great week. I had a great week too.................... and that's that.


(if you notice a lack of info regarding w/o's there's a very logical explanation......and I'll think it up really soon and let you know)
Workout Log:
Sunday-Firm-upper body plus Not so tough aerobics
Monday-Firm-standing legs
Tues-Cathe-step heat-modified low
Wed.-Firm tough tape 2
Thurs-Gay Gasper-step and strike
Friday-Firm-tortoise, many breaks, thought my bladder lost control, but alas water had broken. Workout 2 on Friday-birth/del.
Shopaholic, nothing like working out right up to labor! Wow, that's just so incredible. NOw that your baby is here, you're going to take some time off of the exercising, right? You're such a strong girl!!

Briee--not this again!!!! Okay, here's my take on it. On 9/17/03 you will be exactly 6 months pregnant and entering the begining of the 3rd trimester. Am I too technical or what? :D :D Of course, you've probably been celebrating your 3rd trimester for a few weeks by now, eh? So, how many WEEKS are you? I have to adamit, I've been telling people that I am 5 months pregnant, when technically I won't be until the 25th... What's a girl to do?!?!?

My husband was okay with the girl names I had picked. He doesn't like ANY of my boy names. He can't give me a reason & he hasn't come up with any himself. We have time yet. ;) My names were: Caleb, Joshua, Jacob, Alex. For girls: Abigail, Alyson, Briee, and some others--I forget them now.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Briee-yup!!pretty much like that or he says he wants a more manly name...;) he loves Ashton tho.What are you kids names?I am so into names...for girl names we have Chloe for the first girl;) then we like-Cameron,Claire,&Sasha.Congrats on entering the 3rd tri.!!!Lucky you!!!:7

Shopaholic-Congrats on the baby!!!!
I can hardly wait til that day comes for me!!:)
Man, shopaholic just kind of worked the birth right into her workouts didn't she. I was wondering if her water broke while she was working out or later in the day, she is something else!! Just for the record guys, I did a great upperbody lift this morning and ab work on the stability ball - from the oxygen mag a month or so back - so all is not lost. I'm loosely following the HST workout. My legs still feel like led, but I'm planning to do PLB in the morning so they better get their act together!! }( }( }(

Melanie, I'm 27 weeks, Marci and I are really close except her due date will be quite a bit sooner than mine :p :p :p :p . AND according to you I will never be nine months pregnant unless I go a day over my due date x( x( x( (I hope you know how much I appreciate you and that I have a tendancy to be a bit sarcastic!!!---just for the record!!) And your workouts are looking great!!

Well.....there really isn't anyone really close now is there - or am I missing someone???

Looks like YOU will be next Briee. Month 9 just around the corner. :D Briee, you are too funny, I have a tendency to be on the sarcastic side myself. I won't get my feelings hurt. ;)

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
For those interested I posted more details of labor under she is here. And yes, I have taken time off from exercise. So glad Maggie had her baby before mine. i know she was very ready.

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