Workout log for week of October 5th


Hello my fellow pregnant ladies. How's everyone doing? I really have enjoyed weeks 14-24, but this week was week 25 & I've really felt a difference. I'll make my complaints heard, and if you've shared them or have any suggestions it would be wonderful!

My back has been hurting for the past two weeks. I have a maternity belt that I occasionally wear. It seems to make a difference for the first 30-60 minutes & then it becomes irritating and I have to take it off.
Secondly, my ankles are swollen & my socks leave indentations on my ankles. I"ve invested in some compression knee high's for at work. It helps with my swelling, which I thought was correlated to my third complaint.
My third complaint is my achy feet!!! This is my worse symptom. It actually hurts to walk. I have began walking like a penguin--not b/c of my size but b/c my feet hurt so much.
Lastly, I worry b/c the baby's movements don't seem to be getting stronger or more frequent. I try not to worry b/c I know that if he's moving at all he must be okay. I guess I was thinking that the kicks would gradually become stronger & the movements more frequent? It almost seems as if they are LESS frequent? Maybe I'm getting more used to them & don't notice them as much?

Okay enough. Here's my workout log:

Sun: off
Mon: off
Tues: Imax2 intervals 1-5
Wed: CIA Cardio Parties (first 40 minutes)
Thurs: **FitFor2
Fri: FIRM max body shaping
Sat: off

**This is the first time I did FitFor2. I really liked it. I got sweaty & it was shorter than most step/strength videos. I think it was 40 minutes. I'll be doing it again.

Ammendum: I feel so bad complaining. I want to add how blessed I feel to have this wonderful experience of pregnancy. When my baby boy moves inside of me I dream about holding him in my arms and I feel so fortuante. I love him so much already & I thank God for this miracle growing inside of me.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Good morning preggo pals:)

Melanie - sending you hugs punkin :* So sorry you are feeling so bad. Funny you mention it as I was just thinking today...(I am in week 22) how wonderful I feel and how much energy I have. I was wondering how long it will last?? I am sure it won't be long and I'll have more aches and pains too. I am no pro but here's a few tips that worked for me...hopefully the other girls will have better advice....
1. Back Pains - Have DH give you a Backrub every day. Maybe try a yoga tape or something to relax your muscles better? How about a hot bath or treat yourself to a pre-natal massage?
2. Swollen legs/feet - put your feet up! Drink a ton of water (you probably already are!). I was swollen a couple weeks ago and increased my water to 1.5+ gallons a day and it seems to be helping. I constantly carry my 32 oz. Nalgene bottle with me. Also, I heard bananas and grapes are good to help. I also switched my prenatal vitamin and that seemed to help too???
3. Sore Feet - hmmmmm....don't know what could be causing this? Get some more rest. Maybe treat yourself to a new pair of comfy tennies?

Hope you get better soon! Hang in there! It will all be worth it in the end! Plus we're over 1/2 way there! Yeah!

Here's my workout log for the week. This was my best week since I had morning sickness. I was able to hit my workouts really hard and can feel my endurance coming back a little bit even tho I am nothing close to pre-preggo.

Sat - Rest
Sun - CTX Kickbox - PS chest/shoulder/tri/bi
Mon - Rest
Tues - Imax (entirety!! w/modifications of course)
Wed - C&W
Thurs - Rest
Fri - Gauntlet ( all except last segment & terminator climbers)

Today I think I am going to do Pure Strength again w/some cardio from one of Cathe's older tapes.

Hope you all are enjoying your happy Sunday! We went to church lastnight so I got to sleep in this morning! Yeah! DH left for Florida today so I get to spend all day w/my darling 3 yr old son! Yeah!

edd 2/15/04 (wiglet)
Fitnut, thanks for your suggestions. I can increase my water intake. I currently drink maybe a liter a day. I too carry my Nalgene jug around with me (I have about 8 of them). I don't think I'll be drinking 1.5+ gallons a! That's a lot of water!!!! Glad your week is going well. I think maybe I will do PS Series this week too. We'll see. I never have a schedule, I just do what I feel like doing that particular day. Have a great Sunday!

PS Thanks for the hugs!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi girls! Melanie - my thoughts are with you! I definitely know where you are coming from with all of your problems. With my first son, I pretty much had all of the same stuff happen to me. I got the "elephant ankles" and my feet were achy too. Just like Fitnut suggested, elevate your feet as much as possible and try to drink at least a gallon of water a day. I know it seems like alot but it will help! I have a back injury, so I am already having alot of back trouble and I am only about 11 weeks along. I have bouts during the day where I can't even stand up. I know that it will be so worth it in the long run and I know that you know that too!!! ;-) I will keep you in my prayers! Hang in there!

Anyway, here is my workout log for last week (which was much better than the week before, thank goodness!):
Sun: C&W cardio
Mon: CTX Step and Intervals with Chest
Tues: Imax in the morning and YogaMama in the afternoon
Wed: BodyMax-upper body
Th: Off
Fri: Circuit max-cardio only
Sat: Firm Maximum Body Sculpting

Have a great week girls! :D
Sara, I borrowed Yoga Mama from my ob/gyn. I've never done Yoga before. It's very challenging. I'm just doing small sections at the end of each workout. It doesn't feel as good as everyone makes it sound-- I'm a pretty stiff person I guess. ;) Great week Sara. The 1st trimester is so difficult for workouts.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

I am so sorry you are having a hard time. One of my books said that sometimes if the baby get turned around he may be kicking inward and you don't feel it as much. Also he might be more active when your asleep and you might not be awake to feel it. I hope that helps a little. I'll be thinking about you this week.

my workout log:


Sorry Cathe, I had a firm week. Oh I'm 23 weeks.
Hi all! Not pregnant, yet, but am still going to post, so there!
Melanie, being that you are in the pain that you are, I think you are doing great as far as your workouts go. I think if I was expereincing that stuff I don't know if I would continue on, I'm such a wimp! But my prayers are with you right now. When is your next ob visit? Maybe you can go in earlier than you are supposed to just to voice your concerns that might help you feel better.
Briee, I do the new Tae Boe videos, the get Ripped series. Not the brand new ones though, they have't been out long enough for me to order them yet. I don't trust just anyone to blindly buy their videos before reading reviews, just Cathe.
Well, lets see if I can remember last weeks workout here. Oh yeah!

Mon. Rhythmic Step first two sections and MIS Lower Body
Tues. MIS Upper Body
Wed. IMAX2 Intervals 1-4 (too hot!) It was I think around 85 that day. In Minnesota that is HOT for the beginning of Oct.
Thurs. Off
Fri. Hiking up in Lutsen Minnesota!
Sat. Hiking again!

Friday and Sat where so much fun, oh if you have the chance to ever go up to Lake Superior in the lutsen area, you have to go Hiking to see some of the waterfalls. They are the most beautiful scenes I have ever experienced in my life! Melanie, when you have your baby you and your family should go up there, SO MUCH FUN! My three year old went with and kept up like a little champ, I am so proud of him. He was exhausted and slept quite a lot when it was nap time and bed time, but he said that was his favorite thing to do last weekend.
Anyway, I had a great week, thanks to the mini vacation that I took!

Fitnut, you truely live up to your name, all of IMAX, I can't even fathum that while pregnant, way to go! Even with modifications, that is amazing, same thing with the gauntlet. I haven't even bought the terminator yet, because I'm afraid, and look at you, wow!
Anyway, you are all doing a great job, as usual!

Thanks for your concern everyone. I don't feel unhealthy, just uncomfortable. My next ob appt is beginning of November. I've been increasing my H20 intake. Today I"ve already drank 1000ml! Yahoo! Did I mention I have to go all the way downstairs to use the bathroom ladies? Hee Hee.
Again, your prayers mean everything to me. Thanks ladies.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Kathy - thanks but you give me WAY too much credit! Trust me, when I was doing IMAX I definitely had some MODIFICATION! No plyos for me baby! Plus, it was one of those crazy days ya' know. Like I said I am feeling awesome the past couple weeks. I know it probably won't last too long so I am just gonna go with it while it does!

I think you all are doing fabulous! Just the fact that ya' work out even once in awhile is more than a lot of non-preggo people do!
Be real proud of yourself for working out when you feel as lousy as you do. Do what you can. I can't give advice on your soreness because I did luck out and felt well to the end. In terms of fetal movement I would mention it to your ob but not worry. I didn't feel movement until about 6 months, dr. ordered a ultrasound due to concern of this but boy was Alexis moving. Movement did increase with time but I never felt a ton a movement, maybe because I was always on the go. I thought Alexis would be a sedate baby since I felt so few movements but I can't believe how much she moves for a newborn. For a one month old she is full of energy. When I posted here concerned about lack of movement, I was told if I feel 10 movements per day all is well. I hope your pregnancy gets easier as you deserve it. Thank you for all your kind words during my pregnancy.
Melanie...this is the place to come and complain because we can all pray for you and at some point we know what you're going through!! So don't feel bad. Let me tell you....the first two trimesters I thought I was complaining a lot and I could have done a lot more as well...they just weren't fun. My first four pregnancies seemed like a nightmare, but that was primarily because I was not exercising and eating the standard american diet. I can't complain now as I'm actually enjoying this trimester FAR MORE than the first two....and the pregnancy in general is improving. I wish I could give more advise...but I'm always willing to listen. :) :) :) .

I have been pretty boring with my workouts, but I'll continue to list them!!

M - I think I rested.
T - Upperbody CTX and a portion of Tae bo at the end
W - PLB (I'm beginning to give up on those stability ball leg lifts - the ones where you hold your one leg up in the air and the other presses the ball. I do the rest of the stability ball stuff and my hamstrings still really feel it. What we have to realize is that we are holding a weight on our abdomens and it really is a lot tougher!!)
TH - Tae Bo
Friday - 8 minute Tae Bo (for a warm up) and Heavy lifting upper body
Saturday - Okay get this, I jumped on the trampoline with my children for 35 minutes and my legs WERE SORE. It was quite a workout and we all had a blast. We just bought a tramp with the netting around it so I don't have to worry about falling off. IT WAS REALLY FUN. (I'm always glad at times like this that I don't have an OB/GYN to tell me silly things like don't jump on trampolines while pregnant - I'm sure the baby had fun too!! :p :p :p ). more thing...what is your diet like...and it's okay to be honest!!! This may effect how you are feeling and increasing water intake should help so glad to hear you are doing this. I know when I was eating lots of dairy and (actually I ate everything in sight with my first four pregnancies) I had so many aches and pains and heartburn and some swelling of the feet.

Just to encourage honesty...I'll share my secret craving this pop. Keep in mind I haven't drank a drop of pop for years, but for some reason...I want caffeine free, diet pepsi, I'd drink it all the time if I could and I know this is terrible!! I just read the effects of pop on the system from the Hallelujah Acres site so I would stop drinking this junk and it did help...I haven't had any for days, but man is it good. AND just to come completely clean...I've even bought the 64 ounce KWIK TRIP diet pepsi and I can put that away on a hot day in like 20 minutes (imagine how many bathroom breaks must follow girls). Phew....I feel like a weight has been lifted after confessing this....I know it sounds silly...but in our family pop is like taboo, we never buy it....and I've been a closet pop drinker during this pregnancy. x( x( x(

Hi ladies,

I have been reading your posts and decided that I would introduce myself. My name is Trina and I am 10 weeks today (EDD 5/11/04). I am excited about my pregnancy, but I have been extremely tired. The exhaustion is worse than morning sickness. My scheduled workout for this week is:

M-S&H Legs only
T-S&H Chest & Shoulders
W-C/W Timesaver step & S&H Triceps/PH Abs
TH-Cardio Kicks
F-S&H Back & Biceps
Sa-PS Legs (floor), PLB (ball)
CTX All Step-Cardio

I am trying to do Cathe's October rotation. I asked my doctor about lifting weights and she gave me the green light as long as I didn't lift heavier than I've been accustomed to. I used 5 lbs less weight on my barbell work. I'm not doing plank work nor pushups.

Before I became pregnant, I would workout 6 days a week religously; now I'm lucky if I get 4-5 days in.

I hope to be logging in more often, probably with alot of questions!
Welcome Tpridgen & congrats on your pregnancy. 1st trimester was the worst for exhaustion. Hang in there... you'll be in 2nd trimester soon.

My diet has been pretty fair. Before I got pregnant I didn't eat much fruit/veggies. Now I eat veggies & fruit as much as I can. For the past 10 years or so I've been a Mt Dew addict. I gave up cigarettes 7 years ago, so it is the lesser of two evils. When we were trying to conceive, I brought my addiction down to one can of Mt Dew per day. (With my 1st pregnancy 10 years ago I drank about 6 cans a day + smoked a pack of cigarettes per day--talk about confessions!!!). During my first 21 weeks I was 100% soda-free. The past two weeks I've been craving more & I even had a pop a day for a couple of weeks straight (maybe this contributed to my edema). Since my post on Sunday I haven't had any soda pop. Just water. Oh, I have to add that I just began to drink milk again-- I had a strong aversion of milk for the longest time during this pregnancy. I want to make sure my baby is getting plenty of calcium, so I have about 2-3 glasses/day now.

Here is my diet today:
breakfast: homemade egg & cheese biscuit + 10oz 100% fruit juice
lunch: a bowl of honeynut cherrios + 2 squares of chocolate
mid afternoon snack: an apple
dinner: philly steak & cheese sandwich/fries + 10oz V-8 juice
snack: 3 squares of chocolate
I drank about 2000 ml of water (2 liters) today

Not too bad. I could do without the chocolate, I know. Also I ony got 3 servings of fruit/veggies & very little milk today. I did take a calcium supplement with my breakfast though. All-in-all this is a typical diet pregnancy diet.

Babies moving around a bit more now, still not as strongly as I had thought. Definitely more than 10 movements/hr. I think my baby had the hiccups earlier this evening. My stomach bounced a little. It was fun. My ankles aren't as swollen, but I've slept a whole lot more (about 11 hrs/night)!!! I kicked it into gear today and was able to do 1st 5 intervals of IMax2 PLUS PS CST!!! I feel this circle of prayers around me. Thank you so much!!!!! I love this forum & you ladies!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

SIX Mt. Dews a DAY!!!

Wow, you are amazing. I stopped drinking reg. sodas a couple of years ago (I drink one maybe once every 3 months). Now I drink diet sodas (1 maybe 2 a day).

Your diet sounds a lot like mine, maybe a little better. Before I became pregnant, I ate veggies all the time. I had to have them with every meal. Now, I am struggling to eat them. I was eating spinach like 3 or 4 times a week; now the site of it makes me nauseous. I can't explain it. This baby will not let me eat too healthy. I was on WW before getting pregnant, so my eating habits were not too shabby.

Congrats on getting your workout in today. I wish I could get 11 hours of sleep!!!

Melanie, thanks for sharing your history.....way to go you have really changed your habits for the better....major congratulations on giving up the smoking and now exercising and even giving up Mt. Dew :7 :7 :7 :7 . You are doing so very well.

Regarding eating habits....I think it's really hard to change while pregnant and if you are working outside the home it's even tougher. I do remember that when I was consuming meat and cheese I had lots of heartburn and leg aches and cramps. In fact it was interesting about two weeks ago I had a leg ache and cramp and it occurred after I ate some dairy (we ate at the Country Buffet), I had a big salad there, but then ate some cheese cake for desert which I haven't had in a long time and I believe there were a few other things that I shouldn't have been eating that day too. The more animal products especially milk and diary that is consumed the less calcium is absorbed. I had to get back to eating a huge spinach/romaine lettuce salad at lunch time with tomatoes and lots of raw brocolli on it and I felt better immediately....helps digestion and everything. Don't know if it might help if you could eat a big yummy salad at one of your meals...brocolli has protein and is high in calcium I believe and just an excellent choice all around...I'm trying to work it into all kinds of things. Use whatever dressing makes you happy as it's most important to be eating those raw veggies. I know many times I'm just not in the mood for a big salad and I almost have to force myself to eat it, but I always feel great after I do. You are doing so very well and I don't want to push too much, just a few thoughts. You are truly amazing!!!

Briee, Aren't YOU the cheesehead (I mean Wisonsinitie)?!?!?! I LOVE my cheese. I can do without the cigarettes, and maybe without the MtDew...but to take my cheese away from me too? Don't I enjoy some pleasures? ;)
I do have salads usually daily. I make them with romaine lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, CHEESE, sunflower seeds, and whatever else is left in the fridge. The salads don't tie me over as much as other items, even the larger salads. I don't get home from work until 730, so if there's left overs from the night before I usually bring that and try to eat it around 530 or 6 to tie me over. If I don't bring snacks to work, I buy them in the store or at local restaurants (soups, sandwiches, or CHOCOLATE).

Briee, I thought for sure you were going to tell me to get rid of the chocolate. Whew! I'm glad that one slid past you. ;)

Seriously, I did have about 1/2 a Mt Dew today, and only 1000ml of water and my back is sore again today. Maybe it has something to do with the carbonated beverage. I should just give them up for a while, eh? I'll do my best to powerslam the H2O! I really think it helps.

I went into town today for a tall stool for work and I couldn't find one. I was pretty bummed. I just checked at Wal-Mart, but I didn't have time to stop anywhere else.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hey Melanie. Yes I live in the cheese saturated state of Wisconsin and when I get pizza from pizza hut I order a veggie with no cheese on it....they look at me funny, but I've never been completely normal to begin with. Actually I have to be honest....I was completely addicted to cheese, couldn't have lived without it, but I was forced to give it up. When I gave it up my seasonal allergies disappeared, no more hay fever, (and I've dealt with that my whole life), and eventually the craving for cheese went away. I also haven't had any colds (and I used to catch EVERYTHING that came around) at all and it's been about 4 years now that I have been cold free. If I ever cheat and eat some dairy like a few weeks back I will end up with a sinus type headache. Anyway...I feel so much better without it....I'd probably sooner eat meat than dairy as the effects of dairy are so adverse. And pregnancies have been heavenly without it....okay heavenly is an exageration to some extent!!!! :7 :7 :7

I did notice the chocolate....but you got to have something right!!!! I was just trying to focus on the culprits for the leg pains and such. Actually the caffeine in the chocolate blocks the absorption of calcium like the dairy does which contributes to the achiness. Now all this being said.....I do not have a perfect diet and will be the first to admit this!!!! Just throwing out some info that might help. So glad you got a stool. I think you have made such incredible progress in the area of your health that I don't want to make you crazy by throwing too much out, but I would love to see you feeling better!! :D :D :D Also, if giving up some things makes you even more frustrated then it's definitely NOT WORTH IT!!!! You can only do so much and quality of life (such as happiness while eating some foods) can out weigh making yourself crazy trying to give them up - ESPECIALLY WHILE PREGNANT!! Hope I didn't depress you here that was not the intention!!! AGAIN-----YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!

Briee, I am just giving you a hard time. If you guys stopped giving me advice I'd be seriously depressed!!!! I so appreciate all of you guys. I was raised in WI and am still a cheesehead. Did I mention that I was eating MILK chocolate? ;) ;) I like chocolate quite a bit.

My legs feel better today, although I was really sore today and barely able to workout. I did bootcamp yesterday & I think it made me sore (although it didn't seem that difficult when I was doing it).

Baby's moving around a lot and that makes me very happy :D :D

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
So glad to here that baby is moving so much. I think this is one of my most active babies....feels like he is doing bootcamp internally, most of the time. I rarely feel him/her sleeping and I'm starting to worry that he will be like my first who was a MAJOR handful.....I am really UP for a calm baby, but don't think this will be it.

Where in Wisconsin were you raised?

I grew up in Kenosha, my hubby grew up in St. Germain. :eek:) We really like it in MN. It's not much different weather wise & we are fortunate enough to live on a lake! We moved here 10 years ago when real estate was still reasonable for lake homes. :eek:)

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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