Workout log for week of November 2nd


Hey ladies! Where did everyone go? There are lots of new preggo's out there. I'd love to see your workout logs. The more the merrier. Love to hear from ya'll.
Okay, my week went pretty good. I did find out that my platelets continue to be low. Next week they will do a more extensive lab study to determine the cause of the low platelet count. Currently they are at 68 (nl range is 150-300). My platelets have progressively decreased throughout this pregnancy, but treatment usually doesn't begin unless in drops below 50. If anyone has experience with this, please share.

Here's my workout log:
Sun: off
Mon: off
Tue: Body Max step
Wed: RS (plus challenge) + stability ball abs
Thurs: PUB
Fri: Step Works part 1-2
Sat: off

* I felt so strong on Wednesday. I was a little stressed b/c this was the day I found out about my platelets. I needed a good workout. Speaking of sounds like the release of Cathe's DVD's are right around the corner!!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi everyone! My week was pretty good. Starting to feel really preggo though. Can feel the belly getting heavier and it is slowing me down a bit!

Here's my log:
Sun - Step Heat + PUB
Mon - Off
Tues - Viper (about 3/4 of it)
Wed - Off
Thurs - off
Fri - Off
Sat - Imax 1-5, PH upper body

I am having a hard time working out more than 3 days a week. I was just so busy this week and so tired I can't hardly make it to 4. I am going to try hard this week and see what happens. However, doc told me I am still not out of the clear as far as preterm labor is concerned (I delivered a month early with my 1st and was on bedrest from 28 wks). With my spotting this time he wants me to take it maybe 3 workouts a week is plenty for me??

Melanie - sorry to hear of your platelets. Unfortunately I don't know anything on the topic. I will keep you in my prayers this week. Hope all turns out alright. Your workout log looks great and truly motivates me! We are proud of you! Keep up the good work.
Okay Fitnut, stop apologizing for 3 workouts. This pregnancy, I have had one thing after another seem to come between me and my workouts and I'm always thinking..."How am I going to explain this in the weekly check in???" So you make me feel a little better just knowing that others are not getting in their 6 workouts per week!!!! I did Tae Bo advanced early in the week and about 3/4 of the way through it I pulled something in my back, upper and to the left a tad. Right away I cringed and knew that this would be another set back. Last pregnancy it seems I hardly missed a workout and this one has been a bear. The good news is my weight has been about the same as the last which stayed just below 30 total, but I always worry that delivery will be tougher if I'm not in tip top shape.

Melanie, I really want to know what you find with your platelet counts, I'm going to go look mine up on the chart that they copied off for me. Do a check on the internet and see if you can find any information. We checked out the anemia thing and found that in other countries 10-11 is considered just fine. There are different standards (although I'm NOT saying that your platelet count is perfectly normal - just encouraging you to check it out and see if there is any information that might help you remedy the situation).

I read the book by Dr. Swarzbein this past week "The Swartzbein Principle" - very interesting, I'd encourage you to pick it up from the local library.

Glad you all are doing well!! Hopefully others will check in - even if they don't have PERFECT workout weeks!!;-) ;-) ;-) Hint hint.

Hi girls! I was reluctant to check in this week because my son got croup last Monday and then my husband and I also got sick. It was a rough week but I worked out whenever I could or felt up to it. Here was my schedule:

Sun: Off
Mon: Firm-Max Body Sculpt
Tues: off - had to take son to doctor :-(
Wed: C&W-cardio only
Fri: CTX-All step (cardio only)
Sat: off - I was too sick this time

Melanie - Please keep us posted on your platelet count. I don't really know what all of that means, but we all worry about you! Of course, you will be in my prayers this week!!

I go to the doctor on Friday for a regular check-up, but I should be able to schedule my ultrasound to find out if we are having a boy or girl sometime in the next couple of weeks, probably the first week in December! I can't wait and obviously, aside from DH and grandparents, you guys will be amongst the first ones to know!!

I hope that everyone has a good week! :D
You ladies are all doing marvelous! I know how you feel about 3 workouts/week... I really aim for at least 4 workouts/week. We're all going to have 'down' weeks. It's sooooooo important that we post our good & bad weeks. That way we all feel good about having our down weeks. Does that make sense?
I"m really not too concerned about my platelets at this point. It's all in God's hands & it'll all work out. I just know it. ;) I"m really at peace about this, and I"m determined to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy to it's fullest. I will not let this or any other test rob me of my enjoyment. I do welcome all your prayers...this is why I'm so peaceful!!!!
I won't know how the results come back for at least 3 weeks, I'll let you all know then.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Okay....I have been lurking out here for awhile admiring how much you ladies are working out while pregnant. I have been reading on a regular basis and decided to share my workout log for the week of November 2nd. It's pretty sad compared to you ladies but I figured I would share nonetheless.

Sun: Off
Mon: C&W (cardio only)
Tues: Off
Wed: Off
Th: Off
Fri: MIC (hi/lo cardio only)
Sat: Off's only two days but it's something. I have gained so much weight during these past 5 months (33 lbs!) that it hardly seems worth it!

Due date - 3/7/04
Thanks for sharing. Remember ANYTHING is better than NOTHING. We're never going to be happy with the amount of weight we gain, are we? Keep drinking lots and lots of water & working out when you can and you WILL make a difference. Remember that the workouts you are choosing to do are not easy by any means. These are tough workouts. There have been weeks when I've been excessively tired/busy & I've dropped down to non-Cathe workouts, such as FIRM & Fit4To and others. It's a nice break. Also there have been many weeks when I've done only 30 min workouts (such as yours) and it feels good just to move.
Your doing great! Only a few more months to go...

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi vgigi10 (cardio queen), I'm so glad that you are sharing. I don't think my last few weeks could be too intimidating!!!!! It's helpful to know that it's not just tough for me. Believe me I went into this pregnancy thinking "I'm going to be superwoman and I will continue to increase in weights and be very committed to my 6 workouts per week". Boy was I knocked off my block in short order x( x( x( .

Pregnancy just takes a lot out of you. I'm amazed that you are doing so well with cardio, I'm a cardio failure right now. I'm focusing on lifting weights and trying to get in a little round of tae bo here and there for a tad of cardio. Climbing the stairs feels just like IMAX when I wasn't pregnant, honestly!!!! I'm getting out of breath really quick.

I'm so glad you aren't stressing about the platelet count Melanie. Try eating some beets, spinach, any kind of good blood might give some energy too. Keep posting girls...good or bad!!

Thanks for the vote of confidence ladies...that's why I enjoy this forum so's so nice to "share" your experiences with others.

I can't until we all share the stories of how we are taking off the weight and caring for our newborns.

Failed to mention that this is my 2nd! First one is a girl...this time it's a boy...we are very excited!

I will try to get some exercise in tomorrow morning. Want to make sure I have some type of log for next week!

Due date - 3/7/04 (boy!)
Where are all the ladies?

Thought I'd post a question here, have you past preggos always measured pretty equal to the # of weeks you are? For example, I measured 31 at my 28 week check up & I had read that it is usually equal to your weeks pregnant. Just curious.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
This is a great question Melanie. I have come to realize that this is a highly fluctuating measurement. If the "measurer" holds the tape right at the pubic bone or slightly above, or if you curve the tape around the top of the uterus verses a little higher, also.....sometimes my baby is laying off to the right side and the uterus is actually higher on the right side than right in the middle, etc...... Or maybe the baby is laying sunny side up and the uterus is actually a little concave. Anyway, I measured 28 at my 25th week and then I measured at 36 when I turned 34 weeks, but yesterday when I was measured it was like 34 cm and it was my 35 week....go figure. I think the babies position has a lot to do with it. I'd be interested to know what others have experienced. I know my friend who had twins was measuring 49 cm when she was around 39 weeks....I can't imagine that (she ended up having twins, full term, 8 and 9 pounds). Now that would be uncomfortable!!!! This pregnancy I am right at the same weight as last time, but my belly is measuring about 5 cm larger around (girth).

I did the 24 pushups on Tuesday from PS CST on my toes and touched my belly to the ground with each descent (okay I really didn't do all 24, but I did 18 of them and took a brief break for the other 6 ;) ;) ;) ), my belly IS getting in the way.

How do you guys do with barbell rows, I bump it every time and this gives me a braxton hicks contraction :7 :7 :7

Hi guys! I'm lurking on your thread, waiting for your joyful arrivals with great anticipation. I had to post, though, because of the barbell row comment, Briee. Yes, my range motion was very small especially during the last trimester . Also, when I did barbell biceps curls, the bar would brush right along my belly on the bottom half of the motion, because I was so "out there":p :p

take care everyone

Maggie,don't think of yourself as a lurker, you'll always be a friend here--even though you alreday hold your precious baby in your arms & we are all carrying ours in a our belly.

I haven't had that problem with the barbell yet. I'm unable to do effective push ups though. Ih haven't had any braxton hicks contractions. Some women don't get them I guess. I got them with my last pregnancy. I don't mind, as long as my baby keeps kicking himself around I'll be happy. He cannot kick me enough... I just adore this part of pregnancy!!!

Briee, thanks for your input on the measurements. I'll see what happens on Tuesday. Again, not too concerned, just curious.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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