Workout log for week of November 23rd


Hi everyone! December is right around the corner & we have at least two ladies expecting in December. Yahoo!!! This week our family did a surprise visit to my hometown to visit my Mom & Dad. My mom has never seen me pregnant & I'll be too far along around X-Mas to travel. We left for our 9 hour drive on Wednesday & returned on Friday. It was a short stay, but definitely worth it. My mom was so shocked & excited Thanksgiving morning that she cried & shaked for at least 5 minutes! I'm so glad we did this.

My belly is getting rounder. All my family & friends from my hometown said that I was 'little' and looked great. It's so hard to tell if they were just being polite (what were they supposed to say...I look huge?!?!) or they actually meant it. I will go with the later.

I haven't weighed myself this week, but I have noticed that my appetite isn't as fierce as it has been. On the other hand, I haven't been eating as healthy as I was either. I will work on it though!!

Baby is continuing to move around. The little fellow is actually beginning to hurt me! The braxton hicks contractions I though I might have been having last week--are now confirmed (by myself) to just be really hard kicks. I have yet to have a braxton hicks contraction (maybe I won't have them).

Platelet tests came back negative for platelet antibodies. This is great news as it means my low platelet count is NOT due to my body killing/targeting the death of my platelets (or the baby's). My dr will continue to monitor my levels & hopefully they will not drop below 50,000. I appreciate everyone's prayers!!!!

Enough, here's my log. Not too impressive but better than last week!:
Sun: IMax 2 parts 1-5 + CTX biceps
Mon: off
Tue: IMax 2 parts 6-10 + CTX triceps
Wed: traveled
Thurs: traveled
Fri: traveled
Sat: FIRM tough aerobic mix + stability ball abs

With any luck we'll all be trying Cathe's newest DVD's sometime this week! Can't wait to hear from you ladies.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Melanie, you must be looking little because in my experience when someone is pregnant, nobody seems to hesitate in saying "Wow are you sure it's not twins!!" There is something they feel is acceptable in this. I walked into a store the other day and the lady looked at me and said "Wow are you still pregnant, you poor girl, are you sure there aren't twins in there??" She did apologize and said that I had stopped in several times and it seemed like I'd been pregnant forever. (I told her it's not half as long as "I" feel I've been pregnant!!!). My belly is sticking way out, but it has a lot to do with what I'm wearing too. I've gained about 20 pounds now and I'm still holding around the weight I was like 2 months ago, I don't think that's too bad - but I still get comments!!!!!

So...does this mean your platelets have risen at all?

It's December.....and I'm gonna have a baby this month, Lord willing. 16 days till due date, although I can't help but think that Aminicole, Marci is having her baby today and she is due two days before me technically, so I should be having my baby in two days right???? ha ha ;-) ;-) ;-) . Actually I'm not ready for the baby yet, have lots to do and I really feel great still. Lots more harder contractions, but other than that....great.

I'm rambling because I don't have a lot to post by way of workouts this week. I did Rhythmic step and upper body and PUB and intended to do S&H legs, but I'm doing that today, so it's down to the basement right now!!

Want to hear something funny Melanie...someone was asking when we let go of our Mastiff puppies and I told them eight weeks. We argued for a while that the puppies (which turn 7 weeks old on Sunday - yesterday) are eight weeks old by Monday because they are IN their eighth week. I told her they really don't TURN 8 weeks old until next Sunday, when they've completed 8 weeks.....and when I said this...a voice came back to haunt me. :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 Okay Melanie...I am 8 months pregnant, you win.

Hello guys, your workouts sound great. I have felt pretty good this week. I have been making myself drink 2 gallons of water a day, because it honestly gives me energy. I have felt a tad bit nautious and not that hungry because nothing sounds good at all!! Anyways, here is my workout log for last week...

Monday- Imax2
Tuesday-Power Hour in am, Rythmic Step later in the afternoon.
Wednesday-Walk/run 60 minutes
Thursday-Off...but i worked my mouth out with all that Thanksgiving eating! LOL
Friday- PUB and first section of cardio from Body Max.
Saturday- Curcuit Max- WOW forgot how tough this one is!
Sunday- off

I am waiting for my Body Blast tapes to get here!!! I would love to do the BB rotation this month. Anyways, have a great week! I am off to workout...I hope, we just finished school(i homeschool), so hopefully they will not interupt me:) Jennifer
Briee, I"m sooooo envious of you guys that are a month farther along than me & have only gained 20 pounds. That is so awesome!I've gained closer to 25 pounds now & I have 7 weeks to go!!!!! Urgh!! I'll try to drink more water & eat less sweets!
No, my platelets haven't gone up...they probably won't until after the baby is born. My prayers are that they stay above 50,000. I want to be able to deliver vaginally & I don't want a blood transfusion if I can help it.
That's too funny about your pups. I"m 33 weeks pregnant this week. If I tell people that I'm 8 mos pregnant---they asume I'll deliver in 30 days. Of course, DH thinks baby will be early. He's been kicking so much & OUCH does it hurt!!!

Jennifer, how far along are you? You mentioned you were I'm thinking you're in your first trimester. ;) It's nice to hear from you.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity" are doing great with your weight gain. I had gained about 22-24 pounds by week 30 or so and then I lost a few and now I've just been hanging here around 127 lbs now. I don't think I've really gained any (maybe 1-2 total for this whole third trimester), BUT I have been lo carbing and I know this has made all the difference in the world. For example, I'm normally vegan, BUT I decided to EAT on Thanksgiving. The only diffence was, I ate almost all lo carbohydrate food. I made lo carb stuffing and i ate 1/4 cups mashed potatoes - no more, no bread, I made a lo carb desert and had some of that and I ate TURKEY. I was stuffed and in the morning I weighed myself and I had lost a pound....I was at 126. I couldn't believe it. I will not lo carb to the point of ketosis, but it has really kept my weight down. My belly keeps sticking out more and more, but I notice that some of the fat that I was getting on my back, tush and legs is lessoning. And I feel much "lighter", like I can really work out harder...the minute I eat anything highcarb I feel bloated, yucky and tired.

So.....just to encourage may not gain as much as you think in the last trimester, and besides have not gained much at all!!!! With the first four babies, I was at 160 lbs by now....I was miserable and felt like a beached whale....way different now!!

Can't wait for those BB's to arrive...hey I'm waiting for BB's and babies!!! :p :p (Okay, so that wasn't very funny x( x( x( ).

Hi girls! I can't believe how great all of you are doing!! I am so proud of both you, Melanie and Briee, gaining so little weight!! You are doing awesome!! Anyway, with Thanksgiving and going to visit my folks, workouts were a little different but they went okay. Here goes:
Sun: Off
Mon: Max Body Sculpt (Firm)
Tues: C&W cardio only
Wed: 30 min. on my parent's treadmill (better than nothing :))
Th: ME
Fri: CTX-All Step cardio
Sat: Firm-Vol 4 (That was my birthday so I was lucky that I worked out at all ;-) )

Guess what else girls?? Today we found out what we are having!! She is a girl!!!!! Our son Zack keeps saying he is going to have a little sister - it is so cute!! :) Anyway, we are so excited to have one of each. We feel SOOOOO blessed!!!

Have a great week girls and keep us posted if anyone gets their new DVD's! I won't get mine until next week since I am all the way in Vegas, but I am so excited!!!!
Sara,I was so excited when we learned the sex of our baby! Now you'll have one of each. Perfect! :) You're workouts look great!

Briee, I went to my 33 week check up & I gained 1-lb since my last check up 2 weeks ago. I feel good about that. I'm up 24 pounds total. Do you remember Kathy from the forum? I met with her for lunch today. I was there before her & she told the host that she was waiting for someone, he pointed to me & she said she didn't think that was me. When I asked if she was Kathy she hesitantly said yes, but expected me to 'look more pregnant'. What a doll. She doesn't know this, but she made my day. :) :) The little things in life...

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Oh Melanie....I bet that was so much fun....I'm happy for you two. There are a lot of Kathy's on this forum, your referring to Kathy02 right? Wish I could have joined you. You must look really "not pregnant" I'm impressed!!! My belly is out there, from the back you probably couldn't tell, but it's definitely out there from a side view!! My contractions keep getting longer and stronger and when I did IMAX II today I had to stop a few times to let them pass. Good signs!!! But these happen to me for quite some time before the actual event, so I don't get too excited. You guys will husband brought down the Rubbermaid stock tank from up in our cabin (we store stuff up there). I had Hannah underwater in this tank last time and we said "Jesus was born in a stable, and Hannah was born in a horse tank" :7 :7 :7 . So....I am starting to prepare!!

Sara congratulations - a sweet little girl, I'm happy for you!!! So what are you gonna name her....I need more ideas just in case!!!!

Briee, yes it was Kathy02 that I met today. I was sitting down the entire time, she didn't see my huge belly that was tucked neatly UNDERNEATH the booth! :D I"m sure she would have noticed if I got up.

I haven't had any contractions. Not even braxton hicks contractions. My belly is feeling super dooper heavy today though. It's the strangest thing! Briee, are you planning on having another aquababy?!?!?

BTW, just received an e-mail that my DVD's are on the way. Should be here Monday. I just have to decided which one will be my 1st on Tuesday morning?!?!?!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Oh yes yes yes, having an underwater birth was quite a bit more comfortable, almost as comfortable as Leaner Legs, so were shooting for this again.

NOW...which one do you want to do Mel...I'll plan to do the same one and we can feel like were working out in the same class - ha ha;-) ;-) ;-) I've heard that SP&J is sooo much fun, but I'm up for any of them, so many very little time ;( ;( ;( ;( !!!!!! We can compare notes the next day...this will be fun fun fun!!!

Briee, you are so cute! That would be awesome to compare notes and do the same one. You know I am a cardio junkie, you are a strength training warrier. We should pick a cardio/strength combination. I am not up on the abbreviations of the new workouts. I haven't even read the descriptions since May. Why don't you go ahead and pick one and I'll do it. Yipiee!!!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Here's a thought, SP&J is step pump and jump and it seems to have been given "the most fun" review by others on the video forum board, but as I looked at it on the Home page, it's like 75 minutes long. Got to be realistic here....we are pregnant, so I was glancing over the timesaver DVD chaptering and I wish I would have had this many months ago. I think it was the first timesaver routine that was some of SP&J and then they work one body part per day, so you get some aerobic and one body part - it appears to be kind of like CTX, but NEW. Seems Cathe takes parts of her cardio routines and then adds a body part with "legs and glutes" being the leg day. Someone correct me if I'm wrong - it was a quick glance that I took. These routines run like 38-45 minutes or so and I thought that would be kind of nice and if you want to add an xtra set for that body part - it can be done. (I like to throw in a slow and heavy set just for fun). And you kind of get an overview of all the videos.

I may start doing these on Tuesday, of course I'll have to look them over and that may change, but it's a thought!!

Hi girls! I get my body blast DVD's Monday, too!! The time saver series sounds great to start with!! I will have to review Anne's synopsis of each workout and the modifications that she had to make and preview them to ultimately decide which one to start with!! I think that it will be so overwhelming!! Please keep me posted, girls, on which one you decide to do first! I would love to "punish" myself right along with you guys!! It sure will be a long weekend, won't it???? ;-)
Timesaver it is! Which one should we do? Are they named individually? I"ll be able to begin Tuesday. There's 5 of them, right? I like the CTX series. They are perfect for pregnancy. Especially during those days when you are especially challenged with cardiac output! Let me know! Pick any of them--EXCEPT one with legs. My legs are like lead now-a-days.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I don't care which one we do either....if we go in order I believe the leg one doesn't come until the end of the week :7 :7 :7

Hey, I just glanced at the calendar and Monday is a full moon, maybe I'll do some xtra plyojacks and hope the baby comes a few days early!!!!!:D :D :D :D . (this has never worked in the past, but one can only hope)

I almost forgot to ask.......hdh are you out there???, just wondered if you are getting any "birth is immenent signs", BH's, anything???? I went to have my iron tested on Wednesday and it is up to 11.5 which is really good for me. The nurse told me that the Physician's Assistant could do an internal check to see if I'm dilated so out of curiousity I thought I'd let her. (I haven't had a single internal exam this whole pregnancy). After we talked a long time I asked her if she was going to do the internal....she says "No, there isn't any reason for it. I've had women who are long, closed and with a hard cervix give birth 12 hours later and I've had women open to 3-4 cm and very effaced who go another month. It means absolutely nothing - so why do it". Interesting huh??

I'm getting some back contractions now, in the evening when I'm tired and of course they go away when I lay down and get some rest, oh bother!! :( :( :( I need that body blast series to get things going!!!!!

Okay. Let us do them in order then. It makes since. Tuesday, right? I can't wait. I"m so excited. Of course if Briee decides to go into labor, we'll totally understand. :) Otherwise Tuesday it is!!!!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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