Hi to all my wonderfully supportive prego buddies! I know I am really late posting. I was hoping I wouldn't be missed, b/c I am so embarrased of my workout week. I've never done so poorly before (except when I sprained my ankle 2 years ago & had to lay off the workouts). Hope you guys don't think I"m a big slug. Here's my workout log:
Sun: off
Mon: off
Tue: FIRM Max Body Shaping
Wed: off
Thurs: off
Sat: off
To my defense, I was fighting off some sort of viral/cold thingie. I am feeling much better this week & have vowed to workout at LEAST 3 days this week. I am continuing to paint & shuffle rooms around. I am getting rounder by the day. I feel like my cardiac output is zilch. When I walk up a flight of stairs I am severely out of breath---my little boy must be squashing my lungs. I can't wait to see that little guy.
Oh, and I think I've had a couple of braxton hicks contractions. It felt like really hard kicks?
No excuses ladies! I know you did better than me, I want to hear from you!
Briee, you are doing so good. Only a few more weeks. Yahoo!!!! I'm officially 32 weeks along now--8 months, right? Briee, what names do you have? We're contemplating over Nathaniel (Nate) & Malcolm.
Baby boy due 1/25/04
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Sun: off
Mon: off
Tue: FIRM Max Body Shaping
Wed: off
Thurs: off
Sat: off
To my defense, I was fighting off some sort of viral/cold thingie. I am feeling much better this week & have vowed to workout at LEAST 3 days this week. I am continuing to paint & shuffle rooms around. I am getting rounder by the day. I feel like my cardiac output is zilch. When I walk up a flight of stairs I am severely out of breath---my little boy must be squashing my lungs. I can't wait to see that little guy.
Oh, and I think I've had a couple of braxton hicks contractions. It felt like really hard kicks?
No excuses ladies! I know you did better than me, I want to hear from you!
Briee, you are doing so good. Only a few more weeks. Yahoo!!!! I'm officially 32 weeks along now--8 months, right? Briee, what names do you have? We're contemplating over Nathaniel (Nate) & Malcolm.
Baby boy due 1/25/04
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"