Workout log for week of November 16th


Hi to all my wonderfully supportive prego buddies! I know I am really late posting. I was hoping I wouldn't be missed, b/c I am so embarrased of my workout week. I've never done so poorly before (except when I sprained my ankle 2 years ago & had to lay off the workouts). Hope you guys don't think I"m a big slug. Here's my workout log:

Sun: off
Mon: off
Tue: FIRM Max Body Shaping
Wed: off
Thurs: off
Sat: off

To my defense, I was fighting off some sort of viral/cold thingie. I am feeling much better this week & have vowed to workout at LEAST 3 days this week. I am continuing to paint & shuffle rooms around. I am getting rounder by the day. I feel like my cardiac output is zilch. When I walk up a flight of stairs I am severely out of breath---my little boy must be squashing my lungs. I can't wait to see that little guy.

Oh, and I think I've had a couple of braxton hicks contractions. It felt like really hard kicks?

No excuses ladies! I know you did better than me, I want to hear from you!

Briee, you are doing so good. Only a few more weeks. Yahoo!!!! I'm officially 32 weeks along now--8 months, right? Briee, what names do you have? We're contemplating over Nathaniel (Nate) & Malcolm.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Whew...Melanie....I was REALLY worried! Glad your doing okay, but hope you get over that bug. Please don't get stressed over the workouts. You make me feel better, I feel like I've missed so many weeks throughout this pregnancy!! Sometimes you just need a few days break, ESPECIALLY if you are under the weather!!

Cardio is below zilch for me, I don't know what the deal is, the minute I get pregnant, cardio just slides out the door.

This was probably my best week of working out since I've been pregnant...just had all this energy for slow and heavy type of work.

Mon - PUB heavy as I could
Tues - Slow and Heavy Legs and PLB stability ball work, good long stretch. (I haven't done slow and heavy legs in a while and my legs were screaming for the next 4 days, I went really heavy.
Wed - Imax II and did the alternate blasts, on the off blasts I did S&H Chest work and shoulder work. Again...very sore.
Thur - S&H Triceps
Fri - Rhythmic Step warm up, first section and stretch, S&H Biceps
Sat - PLB and S&H shoulders
Sun - rest

My muscles feel sooooo good from the S&H work, hope I can keep this up till baby comes. Actually I wish that BB would get here so I can try it before baby comes!!!! Hurry Cathe, hurry please!!

Names hmmmm....boy names are Ezra, Noah, and Christian. Girl names, absolutely none!!! What if it's a girl????? Any ideas for unique names, we are kind of partial towards bible names, but I'm not even sure about this. Dh and I really need to talk about this soon!!

Our last birth was an underwater birth and I wanted a name related to water so we choose Brooke (which is also mentioned several times in Psalms). Actually her middle name became Brooke and her first name is Hannah. We are tentatively planning another water birth - maybe we should be thinking of Moses if it's a boy (doesn't this mean drawn from the water - I could be wrong can't remember ;-) ;-) ;-) ). Enough rambling. Have a great week everyone.

We should have some new people checking in right????

Briee-You could use the girl name I am going to use if I have a girl.The name is Chloe and that is in the Bible too.:)
Hi smiley, thanks for the suggestion. When are you due??

Melanie, how has your eating been lately? I think with the baby pressing on my stomach, I just don't feel like eating. Anyway, I was surprised when I got on the scale this morning and I've lost a pound or two. I know my belly's growing, but I've been at this weight now for a few weeks (not complaining), I was actually up about 3-4 pounds more than I am now, maybe 5 weeks ago. I feel fine, I'm just not that interested in food all of a sudden. Are you feeling full with the baby in there? Just curious? This is the least I've weighed compared to my other 5 pregnancies. Maybe I'll shoot up in the next 21 days. Someone mentioned to me that maybe this will be a Christmas baby and I almost hit them. That would be 8 days past my due date!!! - How dare they insinuate that this could EVEN POSSIBLY happen. }( }( }( What an evil thought!!

Also, how are your platelets coming along, have you had them tested again?

Hi everyone-I have been debating whether or not to workout so I decided to come and read emails instead! I will have to go workout, no more excuses. I am probably down to every other day at this point. I will try to get better at noting which videos I am doing.

Thurs-Firm prime fat burning
Fri-off cardio weights
Mon-Firm -max. cardio and weights

I will probably try to do power hour tonight with modifications. Briee-How much weight to you use when doing slow and heavy? Do most people modify their weights? I have now gained 19 pounds in my pregnancy and I couldn't imagine using my barbell on top of that when doing lower body. But I really want to keep working on my legs....
We'll see. I am due in nearly 3 weeks and went to the dr. yesterday. Not dilating but I am 70% effaced and the baby is at Stage 0 (or something like that...first baby so not up on all the verbage) So he is sitting right in my hipbones making it very uncomfortable to do much of anything. And my appetite has diminished b/c there is so little room left in my stomach so I have definitely switched to smaller more frequent meals.

Keep up the good work everyone. I wasn't going to workout until I saw what everyone else is doing......
Thanks for your feedback hdh, so it's not just me that doesn't feel like there is any room in my stomach for food. And with thanksgiving upon me....I don't feel like making anything. Actually the family is going to a restaurant type facility tomorrow that serves the homeless etc and they will get a huge dinner there after they serve for the day (family tradition) so I really don't have to worry about cooking anything, but I'd like to make "something" maybe on Friday. (there is a huge turkey thawed in my fridge - gotta do something with it).

I hesitate posting my heavy weights on slow and heavy type stuff. Keep in mind S&H is my "thing". I just love definition that comes with it and I'm really working on my shoulders and that bicep vein. Last week when I did squats I used 60 pounds (I normally do 78) and 45 -50 for lunges and plies (I've dropped here as well). I get under my bar from the back of a weight bench....I do not lift it over my head. When I do PLB I do 35,40,45 and back down for squats and 30,35,40 for lunges, sometimes 5 pounds less. Last week I had all this energy and everything felt great. This week I'm a little tired and may back off a little. My legs were REALLY sore cause I hadn't done this in a while. I'm still lifting the same for upper body in S&H work. I find that I have to take potty breaks while doing squats as it is "imperative" for the bladder to be empty while doing them. I have to take some breaks during PUB or skip the 4th set.

Thanks for checking in hdh, we are so close, let me know what "signs" your encountering....please!! I really can't say that I have any, except I'm starting to get those sharp pains that seem to stab right into my bladder or cervix, can't figure out which it is. The BH are getting longer and stronger too, does that count for something???

Good for you Briee. You are obviously in great shape!! I don't thinkg that I could do 60 lb. for squats even if I wasn't pregnant. I ask only becuase I am one of those overly paranoid first time mothers that wants to make certain that I don't "do anything wrong". I am getting a lot of feedback from Non Exercisers at the office that I shouldn't be working out like I am in my ninth month. But after reading everyones posts, I see that if you have been exercising regularly for years, you can continue.

I haven't really experienced any strong contractions?! The Dr. says it's normal but I WANT to feel some contractions. But the baby's movements are definitely strong.
Thanks again for the feedback on your workouts.
hdh...when I was pregnant with the last baby I didn't start working out with weights until month 3-4, before that it was (embarassed to admit) Jane Fonda (don't even know if that's considered working out :p :p :p poor jane, she gets such a bad rep around here). I was using Francesca Gern back then (about 2 years ago) and it is basic weight lifting, boring but effective. At the end of the pregnancy I was probably doing squats with 20 lbs on my shoulders and I think it made delivery much easier and I remember doing this up to the day of delivery if that gives you some ideas of what a "new to weightlifting" pregnant person can do. And I would stress, my body felt fine doing this, someone else may have back problems or other pregnancy ailments that may limit weight work, your body will definitely let you know. I would be hard pressed right now to do LL with even a 20 pound bar or no bar at all - too much endurance for me and I'm NOT an endurance person, but S&H is just fine...we're all different!!

hdh, you are doing awesome with your weight. You'll be happy later when the baby is born. Even though I've gained about 23 pounds now (I'm 32 weeks), people tell me that I'm little. I don't feel little, but it appears that I"m all baby (one can only hope).
Briee, your names seem fun. We didn't have a girl name picked out when we had our 1st baby. Thank goodness it was a boy. Sometimes I think we just know & that's why we don't have names for the other sex. Anyways...BRIEE would be a cute name. You've contemplated it before, right?
My appetite hasn't been as much as it has been in the past. It's strange. I am not complaining though. I'd like to go a month without gaining any weight. That'd be awesome.
Happy Holidays everyone! Where are all the new preggos? Love to hear from them...
Hi ladies! Melanie - I was getting worried about you! I am so glad that you posted! Anyway, last week was pretty normal so I was able to get all of my workouts in. Here was my schedule:
Sun: Off
Mon: Firm-Max Body Sculpting
Tues: CTX - All step cardio
Wed: Firm - Strong Body
Th: C&W cardio only (really sore from day before)
Fri: Yoga Mama
Sat: Firm - Strong Heart

It sounds like all of you are doing so awesome!! Briee, you are my idol! I haven't had much desire to do S&H type training lately, but I sure do miss it!! Also Briee, Sarah is a biblical name! ;-) Good luck making a decision - you are getting so close!!!!!!!
Isn't BRIEE a biblical name? Just kidding.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Sara, you are too's you cardio queens that I look up to. Honestly....any endurance type of work is sooooooo very hard for me, I am completely void of any slow twitch muscles (I think that's the right kind). I am so envious of runners.....and aquajock, but that's another story :7 :7 :7 .

I like the name Sarah very much!!!, sara. Our oldest daughter Bethany was almost a Sarah when she was born. that Bible and see if you can come up with anything remotely resembling Briee (I'll have to look at a Hebrew concordance and see if I can find anything there - you never know). When we named our 19 month old daughter we found some neat references to brook's in Psalms which became her middle name (Brooke).

This baby was settled in head down, but yesterday while sitting in the car he/she was doing flip flops until he/she was completely transverse and I was ready to scream. My stomach looked so funny, you could see the whole outline of the baby laying sideways with two lumps sticking out of either side....AND IT HURT. Finally it moved into a vertical position, but head up. At night I pushed baby around and now it's head down again, but boy did that hurt, this is one active kid....and I thought they really didn't move much at this point, anyone else noticing this????

I cannot tell what position the baby is in. My doc says that the baby is in launching position & she had me put my hands toward my pelvis and feel the head. She said, "This is the head, can't you feel it?" I felt something...but I wouldn't have been able to differentiate it from another body part.

Briee, I'm so glad you told me it hurt. No, I'm not being's just my baby has been moving around so much that it hurts too. My eyes actually bug out of my head & I say outloug, "Ouch!". I don't remember that with my first one. So, if it makes you feel any better, I feel better knowing that you're in pain too. :) :) This way I know it's normal. Hee hee.

Sara, your cardio workouts are awesome. I long to do a real tough aerobic workout, pushing myself to my outer limits, getting all supper sweaty & slippery. I also long for my favorite blue jeans. ;) Uhmmmm.

I just woke up from a nap. I plan to do a workout shortly & post later today. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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