Workout log for week of July 6th


I can't believe we're already in the middle of July! Amazing! This will officially be my last week of 1st trimester. I'm so excited, as I'm waiting for the 'glory days' of preganancy...the 2nd trimester!!!! It's been a bumpy week with lots of highs & lows. This is what I've done:

Sun: off
Mon: PS CST & Step Heat Abs
Tues: CTX All Step--cardio only
Wed: Body Max Parts 1-2 & Power Hour Abs
Thurs: Kickbox--cardio & arm drills only
Fri: Imax2 Parts 1-5 & PS BBA
Sat: off

Hope everyone had a great week. I look forward to hearing from all of your pregos out there! We're all in this together...and it's a great encouragement to hear from so many women. Keep up the great work!!

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hopefully your morning sickness will be going away soon. I'm impressed with all your ab work. I have done none:( , so I will have my work cut out for me after Mr. Baby is born.

My week:
Thu.(July 10)--Meaner Legs (no abs), 25 min stationary bike
Fri.--CTX Upper Body
Sat.--Step Fit*
Sun.--MIS Legs, 25 min stationary bike
Mon.--Power Max
Tomorrow--planning on MIS Upper Body, 30 min stationary bike

*My first time with Step Fit. Had to modify a bit because jumping doesn't suit my huge belly much. Also used a 4"step. I guess that I am one of the poor fools who didn't learn the Macarena way back when, but I thought it was a fun workout all in all.

Keep up the good work everybody!

Due 9-8-03, 8 weeks to go!
Maggie: I love how you put "Meaner" legs. Too funny. I've been avoiding PS Legs & Abs and Leaner Legs b/c it leaves me sore for at least 3 days. I'm such a baby!! As far as my ab work goes, abs have ALWAYS been my downfall. I've been genetically made to hold all my fat in my abs. I've tried to work them as hard as I can for years...and I want to continue as long as I can w/this pregnancy. I know this is a tough area to get rid of if I keep it up as long as I can during the pregnancy, than at least I know I did the best I could! I probably won't be able to keep it up too much longer though.

Oh! By the way, I never learned the macarena either. I always fast forwarded that portion of the cooldown. I don't like to learn new routines when I'm suppose to be cooling down. I'd rather thaw my brain and march!

Only 8 weeks to go! Wow, you're almost there!!!!

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi guys, I don't think I have step fit or I'd be messed up on that macerena thing as well I'm sure!!

Maggie, I'm impressed with all you're doing with only 8 weeks to inspiration.

I feel like my intensity has just been zapped lately. And I feel like my tush and my legs have chubbed out. I started a food diary today and I'm going to stick to healthy stuff and cut the carbs down a bit. I did IMAX I this morning and felt like a ton of bricks and yes the baby weighs under 1 pound currently.....can't make excuses that it's "all baby"!!

Tuesday CTX upperbody and abs added
Wednesday LL and abs and PLB ball work
Thursday PS all upperbody and abs
Friday IMAX II
Saturday Power Hour....oooo those lunges
Sunday Rest
Monday PUB with abs (missed about 4 of those pikes and the rest were a little sorrier than usual!!)
Today did IMAX I and was sweating buckets Interval 10 was a wash.

I get so frustrated with the dropping intensity, but keep reminding myself that anything I do is better than nothing. I'm taking some short breaks in between weight work and doing IMAX at less than full throttle x( x( x( . Don't know if any one saw the ab work on the stability ball in OXYGEN magazine last month. I'm trying some of this. You are at kind of an angle so as not to be flat on your back and this may be what some are looking for for ab work while pregnant. It's fun and I hate loosing my abs!!! Course it's obviously going to happen soon enough!!

Here is my workout log:
Due date 9/21/03

Sunday-Cathe-wedding tape-step
Monday-Cathe-wedding tape-weights
Tues-Firm Not so tough aerobic mix and cardio sculpt
Wednesday-Firm-max. body shaping+ upper body section from firm super body sculpt
Thurs-walk (about 40 minutes)
Friday-cia 2000 something with the sinister sisters-hi/lo section+ pumping rubber with the exertube
Saturday- Zumba

Still feeling energetic even though the tummy is getting bigger by the day.
Hi Guys!
I can't take credit for "Meaner" Legs. I snitched that title from someone else, but boy is it true. I am using a very light weight because my lower back is bothering me a bit, so the soreness afterwords isn't too bad.


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