Workout log for week of July 13th --everyone welcome!!


Hi ladies! I certainly hope everyone is having a great time & enjoying their pregnancies! This past weekend the family took a short trip to Moose Lake, MN for Agate I wasn't able to workout for a couple of days. I walked an awful lot though, that counts for something, right!?!?

Sun: 2 Jamming Workouts Part 2
Mon: off
Tues: CTX Step & Intervals
Wed: PUB abs, IMax 2 Parts 6-10 & IMax 1 Parts 6-10
Thurs: Leaner Legs (a.k.a. Meaner Legs)
Fri: off (Agate Days, also celebrated my 30th B-Day!!)
Sat: off (Agate Days)

Today is the first day of my 2nd trimester! Yahoo!!! Now I'm going to just glide through the 2nd trimester without nausea, vomiting & fatigue, right?!?!? J/K

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Happy 30th Birthday Melanie. I see you followed suit and got 2 jammin workouts. Also try greatest step workout by Gay. They have become my 2 favorite pregnancy videos. Greatest step doesn't show pregnancy mod. but is easy to modify.

My workout Log:
Sunday-Firm-Upper Body
Monday-Firm Standing Legs
Tues-Two Jammin workouts-Step
Friday-2 Jamming workouts-hi/lo section +step and legs from Fit for 2
Sat-Firm-Body sculpt

Due date 9/21/03
I purchased Greatest Step from eBay. It's coming, any day now. 2Jammin Workouts is really good, although I was unable to do all of her kickboxing moves b/c she goes through them so quickly. I also just received Fit for 2 Step Aerobic Workout for Pregnancy. Is this the tape you did on Friday? It had really good reviews. I was really hesitant to purchase a "pregnancy" video b/c most seem to be for beginner exercisers & aren't stimulating enough.

Have I told you how good you are doing? I'm just so amazed at your consistent hard work, and so far along! I'm so proud of you. My only hope is that I will be able to follow your footsteps. Good job!

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie, you'll find working out in last trimester is easier than expected if you modify. Fit for 2 is the video I did on Friday. For a pregnancy video it is pretty good although the step portion is short about 22 minutes. The legwork is really good. The only other pregnancy video I use is stepping through pregnancy. I have Kathy and Denise's pregnancy videos but they are too easy and I'm trying to sell them . You should really like Greatest step, I found prior to pregnancy, adding power ,I got a good workout and pregnant modifying low I get a great pregnancy workout. I am glad to know I am not the only one who gets lost in the kickboxing sections of 2 Jammin workouts. It does get easier to follow though each time I do it.
Welcome to the 2nd trimester, I remember feeling so relieved at that point after fearing miscarriage the 1st trimester.
RE: Workout log for week of July 13th --everyone welcom...

Hi everyone!
Here is my log Thursday thru tomorrow
Thursday 17th--Meaner Legs, 30 min stationary bike
Friday--CTX UB
Saturday--Step Fit
Sunday--MIS Legs, 30 min stationary bike
Monday--Step Jam-warm up, parts 1&2, 20 min stationary bike*
Tuesday--plan to do MIS Upper Body, 30 min stationary bike

*Had fairly painful Braxton Hicks, so I had to stop. Hope this doesn't become a regular thing.

Happy 30th Melanie. I am 35 and boy does pregnancy take more of a toll on one's body when one is older. Yes, walking does count. In some ways walking is more challenging for me that the other forms of exercise I do.

Also, although I am not familiar with the videos that shopaholic was talking about, I agree with her that it is easy to modify in the 3rd trimester. I've lowered my step to 4" and do almost no jumping, for example.

I hope your nausea, vomiting, and fatigue goes away soon!

Due 9-8-03 (7 weeks to go:) )

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