Workout log for week of August 3rd


Wow ladies! I almost hate to put a new post up because the last workout log post was so incredibly good. I was tired this week, so I took more days off than I usually do. That makes me feel lazy, but I'm just listening to my body. I feel bigger this week, but my scale says I'm 5 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight (I wonder if it's broken). Yesterday I put away all my pre-pregnancy clothes (except for things with elastic waist) with great mourning. My maternity clothes are lined up in my closet all ready to go (they don't fit yet but I know it's only a matter of time now). Here it goes:

Sunday: Gay's Greatest Step Workout + planks/Step Heat Abs
Mon: off
Tue: Cardio & Weights
Wed: off
Thurs: Mindy's Awesome Intervals Parts 1-3
Fri: off
Sat: Step Works + planks/Body Max Abs

Week 17 here I come! I'm counting my way to the 1/2 way mark!!!!!

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
My energy was a little less this week due to humidity. Also, my stomache definely seemed to grow this week. The time is getting closer though. 6 more weeks to go. Due date 9/21/03

Workout Log:
Sunday-Gay Gasper's-Greatest Step-step portion
Monday-Firm-Upper Body +Firm cardio sculpt blaster
Tuesday-Firm-Standing Legs
Wednesday-Reebok-Step, Rythym and moves
Thursday-Philip Gray-Cardio FX
Friday-Gay Gasper-Two Jammin workouts-Step and Strike
Saturday-Firm-Super Body Sculpt +Body sculpt blaster

Melanie, how have you been liking Greatest step? Have you gotten Fit for 2 yet? Just curious.
I liked Greatest Step. I was thinking that the choreography is kind of basic, until the 4th section...I had no idea what she was doing. Then she keeps adding on, so I was lost. I've only done it once though, next time it should get easier. I did get Fit for 2. I haven't done it yet though. I watched the stuff that she has on the video prior to the actual workout. I thought that was informational. I'm still able to keep up with Cathe, I'm holding onto the video for that point when I just can't keep up anymore. Maybe I'll reward myself with that video when Cathe's newest DVD's arrive at my house. It's going to be so hard to have those DVD's if I won't be able to do them!!! The only reason why I'm able to do Cathe's current vids is b/c I'm so familiar with them that I can modify & mix/match as needed. I won't have that advantage with the new DVD's.
By the way, I've noticed you haven't done Fit for 2 in a while. Is there a reason?
Wow, 6 more weeks. That's great! Did you preorder Cathe's newest vids?

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I actually did fit for 2 today. I really like this workout but find the aerobic section too short. I do really like the lower body section though and find the aerobics gets my heart rate up but I feel I'm cheating myself doing this tape. Today, I figured after working out all week I could do an easier tape. Another similar one is stepping through pregnancy , a sold workout but the aerobics are too short. Up until about 5 months I was still doing my intense workouts until doctor told me to keep everything low impact. Now, I know my stomache would not let me do high impact, but I can still do a low impact intense workout. Unfortunately there aren't many out there. I think you will really like greatest step and step and strike especially as your pregnancy progresses. These workouts seem so easy to modify low but continue to get heart rate up. Prior to pregnancy I added impact to greatest step and got a solid workout. So far I am still fine with moderate choreography. I think I'll do wedding tape in my rotation this week.
Well, my energy level hasn't gone up so far, there's a big surprise! Ha, Ha.
Mon-Power Hour 1st Half
Tues-I honsetly can not remember!
Wed-My own version of MIS and Kari Anderson Fitness Formula
Fri-Power Hour 1st Half

That's all folks, pretty sad when I look at what other of you are doing at 34 weeks along. I loaned out my MIS tape and haven't gotten it back yet, but I remember what most of the reps are and what weights I used and what not. So I just chose to try to do it by memory on Wed. I can't believe that I just don't remember what I did on Tuesday, I did something, but what I just can't remember. I thought it was Rhythmic Step, but now I'm questioning that, I'm thinking maybe it was Hi Low Heaven, but no, I don't think it was that either. OH boy, here we go with the forgetfulness. Ha, ha!
Who does Fit for 2? I unfortunately can say that I have the Denise Austin Pregnancy video from my last pregnancy, I think I used it a whole three times. One of my friends was thinking back about that last week and told me that I was sore and tired after doing that tape. I don't remember being sore, but I guess I was, she was laughing about it, because now I would be thinking, how is this a workout?
You are all doing a great job at keeping fit. Way to go!
Oh Kathy! Don't feel bad. You are deep into morning sickness, right?
That is the worst. You will feel much better when the 2nd trimester comes around. Hang in there.

Well, my energy level is certainly declining. It took all my mental effort to work out this week. If I wasn't so stressed about losing the huge amount of weight I have to lose after Mr. Baby comes, I probably wouldn't be motivated to do anything at all.

Thurs 7th--Leaner Legs (lo weight, no abs)
Fri--CTX upper body
Sat--the Wedding Video (cardio)
Sun--PS CST, 1/2 Step Fit
Today--PSLA (no floor work or abs), 10 min stationary bike
Tomorrow--plan to do PS BBA, 30 min stationary bike

I honestly think that the only Cathe step video I can do at this point is the Wedding Video. I can't move very fast anymore and I can't modify any more than I already have. So that and the stationary bike will have to do for now.

My MIL garage sales a lot and offered to look out for videos for me if I give her a list of what to look for. She says she sees them all the time, so I am compiling a list composed of your suggestions from last week.

Take care!
4 weeks to go:D
You guys are guys are awesome....(I hear that in my sleep after doing IMAX II, sometimes). Maggie...your amazing, LL even at low weights is beyond incredibly hard....and what do you mean low weights...didn't you say that you've gained 40 pounds, I've never done LL with a 40 pound bar on my shoulders...keep that in mind!!!

Much better week!

M - CTX upperbody
T- IMAX II, intervals 1-6 while doing weighted leg work in between each set ala Aquajock, this was great!! highly recommended!
Wed - PS upperbody with abs
Thus - rest
Friday - rest
Saturday - Upperbody heavy weights ala Aquajock - very sore the day after!!
Sunday - rest

I'm feeling like there is hope again!! There were many rest days but the others were really good workouts so I'm satisfied. Have a great week ladies.

I honestly don't feel too bad about being so tired, I actually am trying to find the humor in it. But I did remember what i did on tuesday! I did Power Max.
I am starting to feel the pulls of morning sickness. But with me it seems that it is all day sickness. It's not anything too violent yet, just feeling ill and not really feeling like eating. My husband told me today that it looks like I've lost weight, according to the scale I haven't lost anything, but I haven't gained anything either. Ya hoo! Being that I haven't even reached the 2 month mark, I would be sad if I had already started to gain. One week to go though!
Kathy.....super, really, good're getting sick. Signifies great hormonal changes and a good strong pregnancy!! :) :) :) :) :)

Thank you, I have heard that before, I'm kind of happy about it too! Never thought I would be so happy to feel so yucky!
Hmmmm. I hadn't thought of my body weight counting. So that means if I reach my goal weight, I'll have to heft a 75 lb barbell:eek: :eek: :eek: ?

I can't wait to try the Imax/leg suggestion by Aquajock, but that is definitely a few months post partum. I don't know about her upper body heavy weights suggestion, but I'm interested in all her advice.

Sounds like your energy level is much better.

I am always relieved when I feel sick in early pregnancy, even though I hate it. So the sickness is a good thing and for most women doesn't last much beyond the first trimester. Hang in there!


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