Workout log for week of August 10th


Hey ladies! I hope everyone is enjoying their pregancies. I've had busy, jam-packed week. I did some daycare interviews for our future baby (daycares fill up really quick around here) & I worked a lot of hours. In other words, I didn't get a chance to workout as much as I would have liked to.
Also, beginning yesterday, I've been getting some pinching pains on the my left side. I"m not exactly sure what that's all about. I've read that it could be the pelvic muscles/ligaments stretching. They lasted for a couple of hours today, if anyone has any insight it'd be wonderful. I don't remember these pains (feels like my baby is pinching my insides) from my previous pregnancy.

Here's my week:
Sun: CTX Power Circuit
Mon: off
Tue: CTX 10-10-10
Wed: CTX Step & Intervals
Thur: off
Fri: CTX All Step
Sat: off

My belly is growing (not quite into maternity clothes yet) and this week was tough with the workouts. I'm not mentally ready to bring my step to 4inches...but I fear that it may happen in the near future. My appetite is strong, and my scale says I'm 4 pounds heavier this week than last week...this is scary!

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi guys...I too experienced a WAY too busy week. We had to take two dogs to be bred to two different sires in opposite ends of the state, so I was on the road for 10 hours almost every day. By today I was completely WIPED OUT. My attitude is greatly suffering, just ask my family!!! So workouts were scarce, but I plan a great week...I hope!!

I did one day of CTX upperbody, and one day of LL and I'm hoping I can count the one day of waterskiing on Friday. My legs were like rubber when I was done, very similar to LL and my back muscles were sore from pulling on the rope. Yes....that is it and I hope to get my act together this week!! The heat sure doesn't help much!! (whine, whine, whine - so sorry)

My belly button has disappeared and my jeans that I currently just leave unbuttoned are starting to slip down, oh the joys of fatness!!

Hope everyone has a cool and comfortable week!!

I am still doing well, but hungry all the time. Wake up nightly at 1 am for a snack. Gained 3 1/2 pounds in past 2 weeks but it does look like mostly baby. For those of you worrying about lowering your step, although I've lowered intensity, I haven't needed to lower step yet.

Sunday-Fit For 2
Monday-Firm Strength
Tuesday-Firm Cardio
Wed.-Cathe-wedding tape-step
Thurs.-Cathe-wedding tape-toning
Friday-Christi-Still Jumping

Due date 9/21/03
Melanie, I forgot to mentioned about the pinching sensations your getting. I can't tell you exactly why you get them, but our doctor that we saw with baby number two called them "baby bites" and said lots of women experience this. He said not to worry about them. Don't know if this is the same thing, but just a thought. I know it seems each time I do lots of ab work and then flip over to do pelvic rocks I get sharp pains, kind of like muscle cramps and I remember getting those last time too. Mine haven't lasted for hours though, maybe Sheila can expound on this phenomena!!

Ohhhhh girls, I did PS all upperbody this morning and I survived....hope I'm on track now!!

All right I don't feel quite as bad, apparently it's an epidemic with some of us not working out as much last week! I was just too tired for the most part, plus my parents are in town, so I took one day and went to the beach with my son.
It's not even worth writing down the days, there are too many offs. I did Power Hour on Tues and on Thursday I did Rhythmic Step, yes those two are my favorites! Until I get the new workouts that is!
You all take care!
Have I ever mentioned how wonderful I think this forum is? Thanks Briee for sharing your experience with the 'baby bites'. I"m not too concerned about them. I'll talk to my dr about them at next visit. From what I've found out, it is probably just stretching of ligaments.
About lower the step, I have not done this yet. Hopefully I won't have to. It means a lot to me to know that women are going almost the full 9 mos without lowering their step. It might be a toss up b/w modifying & lowering the step. I'll take it one workout at a time!
I'm going to try to eat healthier--to keep the weight in check. 4-lb's in one week is too much! More fruits & veggies. Anyone have any real good receipes they'd like to share?

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi everyone,

Oh those sharp one sided ligament pains! Sometimes they are so intense that I cannot move until they pass.

I've had to lower my step and modify, but then again I had only just got into a renewed exercise program just before I found out I was pregnant:) .

My workout week:
Thursday 14th--Leaner Legs
Friday 15th--CTX upper body
Saturday--the Wedding Video Cardio
Sunday--PS CST, warm up and 1st segment of Power Max, heavily modified of course:)
Today--PSLA-no floor work or abs, 30 min bike
Tomorrow--plan to do PS BBA (no abs), and at least 1 more segment of Power Max, hopefully 2, but I will have to see how I feel.
Wednesday--REST! (I am loving my rest day)

I am "nesting"--a flurry of getting rid of "stuff" and organizing things. This is not normal behavior for me:) . I am also getting more weepy and anxious. Our 4th child was born with Down Syndrome and a heart defect and a severe eating problem (for the first year--he eats fine now). That first year was a real roller coaster. Don't get me wrong--he is the sweetest little guy and we all absolutely love him to death just the way he is. I am just afraid of going through something really intense again. I know that God will give us the grace, should He give us another difficult situation, but my heart's desire is just to have an uneventful labor and delivery and a healthy baby. I hope that doesn't sound like I don't see the blessing in our disabled child, I do. I'm rambling--hope this all makes sense.

due in 3 weeks
Maggie, isn't it wonderful to be able to count on God's strength, and not our own? You are doing wonderful with your exercises, and it's going to pay off!
I am one of those people that love to organize, and re-organize, and organize again. I like thinks to be orderly. I am not sure if I'll be able to tell when I begin 'nesting'. My husband's office is going to be our baby's room. We are going to be reshuffling the house around for the baby. It involves a 4 room shuffle. My husband is a procrastinator and will no doubt wait until the last minute, which will drive me nuts!!! I'm pretty relaxed right now, but the days are numbered!

Briee, I really think that skiing can count as an exercise activity. I cannot think of one muscle group that is left untouched. I'd like to see a picture of it though. I can see it on a postcard, "The amazingly fit & firm pregnant woman from WI skiing at 5 months pregnant"! LOL

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie I do have some good recipes for veggies that I got off of

Green Beans with Lemon and Browned Garlic:

3/4 Cup Water
1 Pound Green Beans, Trimmed
2-1/2 Teaspoons Olive Oil
3 Garlic Cloves, minced
3 Tablesppons fresh Lemon Juice
1/8 Teaspoon salt
1/8 Teasppon pepper

Bring water to a boil in a larege nonstick skillet; add beans. Cook 3 minutes; drain and set aside. Heat oil in skillet over Medium-high heat. Add garlic and beans, and saute 1 minute. Add juice, salt and pepper; saute 1 minute.

It's obviously got o grams of fat and only 66 calories per serving, so eat up!

Another good one is, my favorite part of that one is they have raings from people that have tried the recipes so you can pick and choose what others have seemed to like.
Maggie it is very obvious that this little guy is a blessing in all that you wrote. I think it is so very normal to have apprehensions especially while pregnant when hormones are running high. A friend of mine specifically prayed for peace when I was pregnant last time and I honestly felt this, so I'll have to pray that for you!! The funny thing is when she was pregnant after me, she went through all the same apprehensions...will this birth go okay, will the baby be okay, etc...and she was the one reassuring me that everything will go fine when I was pregnant. My trial is going to be after the baby is born I'm afraid. I have incredible battles with reoccurring breast infections, very bad ones. And I produce WAY too much milk which makes it even worse. are invited to my house for the month to organize, reorganize, and organize again. I actually went through a big clean today and I get phases of "wanting to be organized", but I swear with 5 children, things are constantly getting moved. I'd love to have you around to keep order!!!!! I'm blushing regarding the water skiing postcard. What I think will be intensely funny will be doing sumo squats when I'm 9 months pregnant - won't this be a sight!!

Oh almost forgot to add a thankyou to Kathy for posting the great bean recipe. I'm going straight away to the garden to see if the beans are ready for this, I love garlic sauteed ANYTHING!!
Thank you all for the encouragement. I am not in a constant state of anxiety, but it comes and goes. And I know that much of it is hormonal.

Kathy--the green bean recipe looks really good. I have been eating lots of green beans this pregnancy. Been craving them. Unusual for me to crave something healthy:p. I think my husband would like this recipe too.

Melanie--You could come to my house and organize also :). I understand what Briee means about with an abundance of children, things always getting moved around. They help out with chores, but it always feels like we are battling mess. And yes, I am so grateful for God's strength. When it comes to trials, I really don't have any of my own, so I don't know what I would do without Him.

Briee--I have had lots of people praying for me so that I would be free from anxiety and I believe that is a huge reason I have had so much peace this time around. But the closer it gets, those fears start creeping back. Are your breast infections mastitas? (spelling?)I had that several times with my daughters. It was not fun at all--high fever and incredible pain.

Okay, off to do my workout, although I must admit I'm not feeling very motivated ;) ;).

2 weeks, 6 days and counting
Okay, finished PS back and biceps (no abs) and only the middle section of Power Max. I was going to bike for 15 min, but I am bushed:p

Tomorrow I REST:7 :7 :7

HI!! Congrats to you and your pregnancy!! I have a question for you...I am not pregnant (yet) but I am confused on how you need to measure your body heat (if you even have to)? I have heard that you cannot get above 100 degrees? Cannot overheat...How do you know fo sure? Do you know any info about that? Just wondering! Thanks.
Keep going - you are inspiring!
I'm not an expert, but I can share with you what I've done & what I've been reading from experts and fellow pregnant ladies. It is important that you don't get overheated, this is why I drink plenty of water before, during, and after my workouts. It is also important that you do not become anaerobic while exercising. To ensure that my HR doesn't get too high, I take breaks during exercising when I feel like my HR is high (or I begin to gasp for air) & I make sure I can speak in short sentences during my workouts. Since I am making the above adjustments, I am confident that I am not harming my baby during workouts.

I hope this helps. Have fun working on the pregnancy endeavors. ;)

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
THANK YOU!! I really appreciate your advice! I am so happy that I found this chat service because it is great to know that there are women out there with the same interests and concerns that I have. I will keep you posted if the big thing happens! Keep us posted on your experiences, too!


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