Workout blender

sha m.

New Member
hi. I've been using the workout blender to customize a workout. Are the individual chapters supposed to seam together to play continuously? When I play the video I have to hit the play button after each chapter plays. Is this correct or have I missed something?
hi. I've been using the workout blender to customize a workout. Are the individual chapters supposed to seam together to play continuously? When I play the video I have to hit the play button after each chapter plays. Is this correct or have I missed something?

It sounds like you're using an Apple mobile device? Staring with iOS 8 Apple mobile devices no longer play continuous video playlist. Don't know if this a bug with the Apple iOS or if for some unknown reason Apple doesn't want to allow video playlist? Regardless if Apple fixes or changes this our mobile App when it is released will solve this issue for Apple mobile devices. FYI: the WB premixes will play fine on Apple computers, PC's and Android mobile devices.

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