Workout Blender not working??

aqua girl

:( Probably for the last half-hour I have been trying to use the blender but it just sits on "loading"......
I used it fine earlier today, but now I can't get it to work....Are you having a problem? I don't think it's
my internet cause other things load fine.......
I just tested it and it seems to be working fine. You might want to try clearing your browser's cache and/or rebooting your router
Nope, that didn't help....I can get to Cathe Live and On Demand, but blender just sits on Loading with little red circle going round, and it
was even a little square red box for awhile, never seen that before, It was fine this afternoon. I've tried on several devices, all the same.
Seems to be fine this morning......I did nothing different.....the whole website was very slow last night...and the blender just wouldn't work
but going to other sites, etc. was fine......must have been some glitch with it.....never have seen the little red square going around instead
of the circle......just glad it's going now !!!!!

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