Working out alone


Hey guys,
Just wondering how many of you work out with a partner! For me, I would hate working out with someone else. My exercise time is my own quality time for myself. Besides, whenever I am working out the Lord knows I have a flatulence problem! ( maybe too much information) Noone would even want to be around me. Enlighten me. Do you workout with someone or do you fly solo! :)
the Lord knows I have a flatulence problem! (
>maybe too much information) Noone would even want to be around
>me. Enlighten me. Do you workout with someone or do you fly
>solo! :)

LOL thats okay i have those days myself. i also have the days that i drank maybe a little to much water and when i get into some jumps i start to leak a bit.i prefer to do my workout videos on my own b/c i am sure i look silly keeping up with cathe, but other then that i don't mind if somebody is in the room or working out with me. but since nobody wants to play exercise with me(except viola during floor work and yoga)i am flying solo.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
I make faces and grunt and groan(and pass wind too sometimes) so I prefer to work alone. I also sing to the ipod on the treadmill. When I do go to the gym I really have to make an effort to not make faces or sing.

I workout alone most of the time too. When my husband is home from offshore we run together or do a Cathe weight workout. I tried to get my mom motivated to workout with me, but no luck there. She's not ready I guess.

I generally workout alone. I really don't want anyone seeing me (or hearing me) grunt, groan and sweat. But, when I do just weights, my DH will join me. (He started getting jealous of my muscles -- BTW Cathe kicked his butt quite a few times) heeheehee I feel I can consentrate better when there are no other distractions.

Oh yeah, DH and boys know "don't get in the woman's way when it's workout time". They understand the better mood I'll be in when I'm finished.:7
Same with me -- my workout time is my quality time -- usually my hubby or someone else is around -- but they do not actually workout with me.:)
I have worked out alone since I began in May 2002. On and off before that when I would go through "phases" of exercise and I would pick up a partner here and there...had my mom (and lost of others too!LOL) join me at Jazzercize class for a year or so. Had my best friend join a couple of gyms with me but we never lasted more than three months. Since 2002 I have been "a loner". I wouldn't mind the company and even would LIKE the company at times but I do fine on my own and in the end I guess it really makes no difference. This is how I live my life now and nothing will change that even if I have to work out alone for the rest of my life!;)

Edited to Add:

The only thing I miss about not having a work out buddy is that I have no one to talk to about my work outs. I mean, I can talk fitness with my SIL but she's it. No one else can relate. It's also different talking to SIL now then it was before cause she's a PT so her viewpoint is always from the teacher's/trainer's angle as opposed to just a person exercising to be fit and healthy and because they LOVE IT.
alone for me.
My DH does his own thing. When i try with someone else they can't keep up and it is too crammed in the room.
It is my hour+ a day to myself.
I fly solo also. I fell less inhibited doing so and can just fly through my workout. Also, I don't know anyone who would want to exercise with me at 5:30 in the a.m. :)
I prefer working out alone...but I don't really feel 'alone' because I'm working out with the folks on the video/DVD.
Definitely solo - I need my alone time. Plus I know I look positively scary at the end of a workout. I'd hate to subject anyone to that!
I workout alone but I prefer a partner, for lifting anyway. I made strength gains much more quickly & easily when I had someone to spot me. Also it was motivating when I had to meet someone at the gym--no excuses!

The downside was it definitely made the workouts longer, but it didn't seem that way b/c it was more fun.
Most of the time I work out by myself for a variety of reasons including the fact that I am using DVDs, that clumsy me can learn step aerobic routines in the privacy of my home, and that I am only competing with myself. I do go to Jazzercise at least twice a week however and I do find it nice to see some familiar faces and have some inspiration from others on days I am not feeling so motivated for cardio. Our instructor is an athletic Jane Fonda in leg warmers!
I work out alone the majority of the time; my friends say they wouldn't be able to keep up with me if they would go inline skating or biking with me. I did train with 2 co-workers for 8 weeks prior to the 5K Riverbank Run in May. They ran a bit slower than I did but it was nice having people to talk to.

I just wanted to add that my mom turns 71 this Thursday and absolutely loves to bike. So I do push her to go on the paved trails with me while I inline skate. I get a better workout this way rather than both of us riding bike. Her goal is to go on a 26-mile paved trail in August. :)


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