Working out after dinner?


I was looking at the rotations that people here are using and it makes me so envious. Most of my free leisure time is in the evening, after dinner. That is, I usually get home about 7:30 and we're done with dinner by about 9:00. Then I'm usually up for at least another 3 hours. This is my largest block of time that I have for leisure, and I usually don't have much to do during this time.

Is there anyway of working out after dinner? Maybe by eating a larger lunch and a smaller dinner? Dinner is usually my largest meal, so I'm digesting for several hours. I wish I could use more of this free time for working out, rather than rushing through my workout when I first get home. How do others handle this?

Thanks for any input.

I too often have to wait until the baby is in bed and after dinner. I do keep this in mind when I'm eating. However, unlike running or swimming, I have less problems with cramping with Cathe's workouts. Weight workouts are never a problem. The step workouts don't cause much cramping. But the bouncing high impact and cardio kicks are hard to do after a meal. I would prefer to get it over in the morning, but I can't get up early enough and I have more energy at night. I sometimes have trouble getting to sleep after a late workout. I also went through several months where I was too tired to workout at night. Believe it or not, but I cut back on tunafish. I am not sure if it was a coincidence, but it made a dramatic difference in my energy and fatigue level. I feel normal again.


Just to add I am a late night exerciser I have found for myself allowing at least 1 hour before working out after eating is good I eat simpler meals during the week anyway drink water etc. I don't find I suffer from cramps at all during my workout.

However what I also do is drink a sugary drink when or if I feel a little light or weak during my workout and this helps. Another suggestion would be could you split your workout doing 30 mins when you get home and the rest after.
Hey Nancy,

I have a friend that is a nite owl. She is up until midnight almost everynight. She finds it easier to squeeze in her workout at around 10 & sleeps quite well at night. I've read conflicting information about working out that late--mostly that it will/can interupt your sleep. Some information has said that if you are physically fit, this really doesn't happen. For my friend it is true.

I usually work out at around 7:30 myself & have no trouble sleeping at all & I feel I'm getting great results.
I workout when I can fit it in to my schedule ,as well.The thing with me is that my schedule is always the same.So I have everyday figured out:) My working days, that is.On my days off, I try to consider what everyone else will be doing and if I need to tag along.
If you finish eating by 7:30 then you should be able to work out by 9.Dinner is the biggest meal for me as well so if I am going to workout after dinner I try not to eat as much.LAst night we ate at about 6.I had already worked out in the morning but my husband was going out and I was falling asleep at around 8.So, at 8:45 I had my sneakers tied up and ready to do bootcamp.
Have you tryed breaking your routine up into two seperate workouts? One you can do in the morning and then continue in the evening? I think if I were more pressed for time I would consider doing this.I think I would do my cardio in the morning and then my weights in the evening and maybe some pilates.That way if you want to do a rotation, you can.Instead of spending 2 hours working out.
Just my opinion, but then again I don't know what time you go to work and what time you already have to get up.Hope I helped....:)
Generally speaking, you should not work out for at least 2 hours after a full meal, because one of the physiological responses to intense exercise is to shunt circulatory blood away from the stomach (where it has gone to assist in digestion) and toward the working muscles; cramping and nausea are real risks when that happens because the food goes largely undigested. It could be that people who exercise soon after a full meal unconsciously take down their exertion level during the workout bout to avoid that very response, diminishing the productivity of that workout.

If after-dinner time is the only time you can consistently work out, I think your own suggestion about eating a larger lunch and a much smaller meal during the dinner hour (light complex carbs, very bioavailable proteins that are easily digested, good hydration) is a very good idea.

Not a bad idea. My current rotation looks something like this:

Sun Treadmill or step aerobics, PLB
Mon Rest
Tues Rest
Thurs PLB
Fri Rest
Sat Treadmill or step aerobics, PUB

My last rotation went something like this:

Sun Treadmill or step aerobics, one S&H body part
Mon Rest
Tues One S&H body part
Wed One S&H body part
Thurs One S&H body part
Fri Rest
Sat Treadmill, two S&H body parts

VERY wimpy compared to most of you, but those who visit these forums should see that not everyone is exercising everyday! You'd be surprised how physically fit you can be doing a simple rotation like this.

I can try doing the pyramid aspects of the workouts before dinner and the stability ball stuff after dinner. Thanks, and hope all is well Babs!
Hi Nancy!

I workout in the evenings too. I also have a teenage daughter who works some evenings so I have to plan my workout times around this as well. But here's what I do Monday through Thursday. For evening meals I switched to simpler meals - we tend to have salads with stir frys or the frozen Stouffer's and Lean Cuisine meal in a bag. I usually add more veggies and chicken/shrimp depending on meal type. It's quick and is usually done in 30 minutes. Depending on what time Amber, my oldest, gets off work determines whether or not I eat with the family. But I normally have an afternoon snack at work, literally walk in the house cooking dinner, then heading for the basement ot do my workout. I eat afterwards most nights. I may snack on a few raw veggies while cooking. My children are older so I can start a stir fry or whatever, set the timer and have one of them turn off the stove. This way I get to start working out a few minutes earlier.

One other suggestion, my sister does this, is if you tend to bake your meats, you could always bake two meats on Sundays and you'll have Mondays dinner out of the way. All you have to worry about is preparing your veggies and other side dishes.

Also the Foreman grill is great too! You can grill chicken, chops, steaks during the time it takes to get your veggies/pasta dishes prepared!

Good luck,
Hi Nancy! I don't get home until 6:30 & then there's the mad dash to prepare dinner for HUNGRY DH & son. I usually pack up for work either chicken/tuna/beef w/sweet potato or rice & a veggie for lunch. This way I'm having my dinner in the middle of the day & for my dinner I prepare a large salad mixed greens/roasted beets/tomatoes/jicama/avocado/carrots/either chicken/tuna or beef. I then workout at 7:30 or 7:45 & try to get done before 9 or 9 if possible. That way I can still do the tuck-ins w/my son & take the time to ask about what's going on in his life (he's 11) (to me I found that was the best time to speak to my son). Don't know if you have any children but anyway I found this works best for me & my family. Keep dinner simple just chicken or whatever/rice or potato & a veggie. The less time you spend in the kitchen the better is my motto!!;-) Best, Kathy
Glad to be of help

I have been exercising at night for the last almost 10 years so my body is very adjusted and I always had problems sleeping.

The new dvd's (if you have them) are much easier to adapt and split so I would go for say with legs doing cardio standing leg portion when you get home and floor work after your meal.

I will be trying your one body part for S&H it sounds really good and doable.
Hi Nancy! Yes I workout about 20-30 min. after I've eaten my salad. I weight train 4 dys. a week so it increases my metabolism & I could swear my stomach shrinks after I've workout out! If I'm going to do cardio, then I usually just make a protein shake & will drink a little of it before I do the cardio & then I'll finish it after my workout. This seems to work best for me. Best, Kathy:)

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