Work from home?


Hey lovely ladies.

Ok say I am home with Joey on maternity leave through the first week of July. I am not returning to my job though. I want to be a stay at home mom BUT I would like to find myself some part time work that I can do from home to make a little extra money for us. I know that there are a million opportunities out there on the net but I'm sure lots of them are too good to be true. I'm not looking for a get rich quick scheme...just some honest work to make a little $$. DH suggested I post on here to see if anyone can give me suggestions on where to look.

Any advice or suggestions are appreciated! TIA!:)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!
Well, you could practice your stripping skills and get yourself a webcam! "Hi, I'm Wendy!! Come see me on my webcam!";)

Seriously though, what skills did you use in the job that you're not going back to that you could use working frome home?
I haven't been able to find anything good. Some things that might work are becoming a sales hostess for things like Party Lite or Discovery Toys. The things they advertise on the Internet are pretty much too good to be true.
Why don't you talk to that lady from Active You? Maybe you could sell workout clothes part time, or workout paraphenalia, or something fun like that. That way you could get your own stuff at wholesale prices & have fun w/what you're doing at the same time. (OK obviously I've considered doing this myself LOL)

BTW Wendy, how is motherhood? Are you enjoying it? Is it exhausting? Tell us everything!
Shelley-You are priceless!!! LOL!:7...The job I am leaving is in collections for a bank. I am the one that everyone hates. I call you at home and at work when you don't pay your loan and badger you for the money!}( :p It really is an awful job to have...I kind of fell into it though and it paid the bills...

Donna-I know...everything on the internet seems like a scam...anything that asks you to pay them I am wary of and, well, that's EVERYTHING! lol

It's funny that you mention Partylite...I used to be a consultant for them several years back. It didn't last very long's A LOT of work and I was working f/t already. Even what is considered p/t with them is a lot of work and it's not what I was looking for...the product is great though and I got lots of great stuff for free or cheap while I worked for them! Maybe I should just look on for a p/t work from home job with a "REAL" company?

Maximus-That's not a bad idea...actually, when I have school age children I will be returning to work outside of the home and would love to get into the fitness industry. My SIL recently got a job in health club and they are helping to pay for her certifications for personal training, etc. She has no prior experience. Just a love of me, she would work out at home all of the time.

I am adjusting to motherhood. It's a lot to get used to though!...The sleepness nights (and days) lol! The frustration of putting Joey down so that I can get something done after he has been sleeping soundly on me for 15 minutes and as soon as I start to do whatever it is that I wanted to do, he starts to cry!

But seriously, I love him with all of my heart and as hard as it is to adjust to this new life, I wouldn't give him up for anything! I know I will get used to it and everything will settle down into a routine and I will be's just going to take some time. DH and I have some plans made and babysitters booked for the next few months so that we can get some "stress relief" time. I don't look forward to leaving Joey for the first time (that's supposed to be hard for moms), but I know I will need some time away...


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!
What about medical billing? That way you can call up the insurance companies and badger them. They deserve it!

Good luck to you. Wouldn't life be so much better if we didn't have to pay for everything? ;)
Hi Wendy,

Congratulations on the birth of your son!

I have two children, 6 and 2, and since last March I have worked from home 3 days a week and worked in the office 2 days each week. I'm a legal assistant for in-house counsel at a property management firm. Since your background is in banking, have you thought about maybe doing loan officer work or something similar from home? I have a friend whose husband does this - I think he has to go into the office once every two weeks or so.

Do you have some secret dream career you'd like to try? There's a lot of stuff you could do that maybe you wouldn't usually consider - doing nails, hair, flower arranging, anything creative that you're especially good at?

Just some thoughts. I hope you're able to find something that works for you :).


BLEAH! I did collections for a while when I worked for a lawncare company. I hated it. I can't stand being a pain in the butt!

I also sold Party Lite for a little while a few years back. I didn't enjoy it either. I'm not into the whole idea of going to strangers houses - I always felt out of place. Plus whenever Party Lite sent me product, they'd put it in these HUGE boxes with massive amounts of styrofoam peanuts. That just made me nuts because I'd get a dinky little box of tealights in a box large enough for a bread machine, and it would be all packing peanuts! And I didn't like people calling me after their shows for customer service. I was like, "I did your leave me alone."

See...I wasn't cut out for that AT ALL! Even though I did make some good money at it.

I felt like puking the first day I went back to work. Just because I hated leaving Teri at the daycare. She was only 8 weeks old. I went back in stages. The first day back, I worked 4 hours, the next 6 and the 3rd 8. The first day, Teri slept the whole time she was there - so she didn't even know we weren't together.

Honestly, though, it's not as awful as you think it is - IF you get a high quality daycare center. Teri is an incredibly happy child and very well behaved. All of the kids in her class are nice and polite and well prepared for kindergarten. I've never once regretted my decision to go back to work. You get what you pay for though. Child care is not the place to bargain hunt.

There are times when you drop your child off, though, that your heart is just about ripped out because of the child's separation anxiety. The grabbing you and feel so mean for leaving. But they always stop crying as soon as you're out of earshot.

But...if I had a job that I didn't like, I don't think I would have been so willing to go back - IF my husband had made enough for us to live on. That wasn't the case with us, though.
Hey Wendy,

I work from home but am employed by a hospital. I am a medical transcriptionist. If you have good typing skills, take some medical terminology at a local community college. Some comm. college also have formal transcription courses. Well speaking of work, lunch break is over, I gotta get back.
I was going to suggest Medical transcription also. My daughter did that from home for awhile.
I am also a medical transcriptionist working at home for a hospital. You can make really good money, but you need loads of experience and you need to be a smart typist. There are courses you can take online and once you are finished with school, you probably would need to work in house for a good year or two.

Good Luck with whatever you decide.

"Wendy, could you not do collections from home?"


Well, not with the bank I'm with now...they are so far behind the times, they'd never agree to that. I doubt they would even have a clue how to make that happen! lol Besides, I'd prefer to get away from that nasty job. lol I'm looking for something that would have me on the computer more than the phone...Not having to be on the phone at all would be the ultimate!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!
Ebay. Like designer clothing and know where to get it Ebay can bring you in some money at certain times of the year. July is the worst for Sellers, but picks up again in August thru October. Don't even bother selling November thru February. Was the worst selling time for me then.


I actually have a bunch of stuff I want to sell on ebay but I am sooo clueless about it and scared that I would mess up so I haven't done anything about it yet...One day I'll have to print out all of the info and just dedicate the time to reading it all and figuring it out...


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!

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