Women's padded bike pants


Hi everyone,

Was wondering if anyone knows where I can purchase padded pants for bike riding. It has to be padded, my old butt just needs that protection.

I've search the internet but not getting very far.



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I just did a 150-mile, 2day ride to benefit MS.

If you are going longer distance, I'd say, defnitley invest in the more expnsive shorts; you'll be glad.That's the info I found online and I found it very true.

I purchases Pearl Izumi's Ultrasensor shorts; you can get them from REI, a local bike store, or on ebay (NEW, not used!!!).
I'm only doing (at the moment) 10 to 15 miles per bike ride. Hey who knows by the end of Summer, it may be 20 miles. My goal.

Thanks for the info, I'll take a look on the internet.



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I got mine at a local store. They are awesome, just enough padding to make longer biking MUCH comfier. They're TYR brand. My biking buddy got a pair off ebay though, so you might even check there or if you have a local biking/ running store go try on a few pairs and figure out what style you want (how long) and size to order online for cheaper. Oh, and I did see some at Dick's Sporting Goods last time I was there also!

Happy biking!
I bought the cutest pair from LL Bean of all places. The padded shorts are covered by a short black skirt. Great camoflage for the padding and much more flattering IMO.

From now on, I'm going to be more decisive. Possibly.
There is a vast difference in cycle shorts, but one thing I must stress, get a women's specific short! Don't be swayed by the one-size or gender-all type shorts. Our pelvis and sit bones are quite different from men. An overwhelming chamois is also not good, friction sucks on long rides!

Best shorts are 8-panel and at least 10 ounce lycra shorts. They will move with you and feel awesome on the long rides. Who makes them...Pearl Izumi, Sugoi, Bellweather, Primal, Shebeest, to name a few. Try going on line: estrogen.com always has great close-outs along with sierratradingpost.com under their biking link. Performance has good buys, but I don't like their brand of shorts as the chamois is uncomfortable and they haven't lasted for me. Ultrasensors by Pearl Izumi are expensive but worth the investment. Sugoi also. Primalwear.com are sooo comfy and not as expensive. Yikes, I could go on forever, so it depends on how much you are into cycling. I have 7 pairs of shorts, one for every day of the week if necessary and some cost me over $100. But my cheeks thank me for my extra-long long hauls on those days! :D During the spring, summer and fall, this is my cardio.
Thank you all for your information. This is going to help me a great deal in deciding what to purchase. I new I would get experienced help trying to figure things out on these cycle pants.



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Try your local bike shop.
There are also quite a few cycling supply shops online (but I can't remember any of their names right off hand). Do a search under "padded bike shorts sale" (I always like to find things on sale, ;-) ) and see what comes up.
I have a bunch and I swear by Pearl Izumi. I have a winter pair and a summer pair. The summer shorts are called "Sugar Shorts", they're a bit shorter but still ample and the padding department. Don't buy no-name shorts. I have a few from Performance and they always leave me with saddle sores. Make sure the shorts you buy have flat lock stitching on the pad.
DeSoto 400 mile bike shorts. I don't ride that far but these shorts are phenomenal...and what's so great about them is that Emilio DeSoto will stand by his product. We've been dealing with his company for years now. They're pricey, but you truly get what you pay for.

I have a pair of Castelli bike shorts and the seaming began coming undone a few months after I got them. Disappointing since those things aren't cheap. If this happened with a DeSoto product, they fix it.
I get mine at Terry Bicycles www.terrybicycles.com. They are all women's designs and they are awesome. Lots of styles to choose from and they have skorts too. They are pricey as well, but yes you do get what you pay for. That padding is priceless;-)


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