<---Woman, won't you come back home ....................


<--had a fire call last night and didn't get home till am
<--says it was a structure fire
<--body is aching this morning
<--did alot of hard work last night
<--realized when I put moisturizer on today that my face is windburnt, ouch
<--is really hoping you all have a wonderful day and that it isn't too cold where you are
<--is off to work!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

<---posted at the same time as Maeghan:

<---wishes she could go to the antique show with Michele
<---hasn't figured out what to do with her "free" weekend, since we had to postpone Finger Lake trip (DH has a cold)
<---knows Cardio Fusion is one thing
<---can't decide what to do with the other 23 hours
<---absolutely doesn't want to spend it cleaning
<---but should
<---will ponders lifes deep questions (and the answer - 42) with another cuppa
<---waves to Meggy and Robinellers
<---says, take it easy Meggy, you done good ;)
<---tells Robinellers to come hang w/ me...would love her company!
<---is enjoying some dunkin coffee and waiting for DH to come back from a haircut
<---has mucho errandizing today
<---sings "dontcha wish your weekend was HOT like mine..."


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<---would love to hang out with Debzilla
<---probably wouldn't be able to keep up with Deb and the Boybs
<---will probably take DD, DGS and do some errandizing too
<---may spend part of the day reading in front of the woodburner
<---thinks Chill may be the thought of the day
<---hopes all youse are chillin
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<--- runs in and yells GOOD MORNING:D
<--- has no idea what's going on with any of youse
<--- thinks Maeghan should just CHILL today
<--- tells Robinella to think of her newly acquired free time as a gift and to use it doing things she wouldn't normally:)
<--- thinks Debbers leads a jet set life;)
<--- is freezing and is off to a hot shower
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<--trots in and is very glad to see Shelley running around
<--is also glad that she got her yelling out of the way before <--heads to bed!!!;)
<--is very sorry that <--is going to have to unpack <--self from Robin's luggage as the Finger Lake trip is postponed!!!
<--KNOWS that <-- would not be able to keep up with Debzilla!!!
<--hopes that Sparkley takes it easy today and keeps moisturizer on her face!
<--is heading to bed now!!!
<--SHHHH, sleeping zone ahead!
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<---waves Mornin' Glories
<---tells Megadoodle to get some rest
<---hopes Robin enjoys her day and does something just for Robin
<---hopes Deb enjoys her HOT weekend in the CHILL
<---has much errandizing to do but it looks too cold out to leave <--'s warm house
<---hopes Michele has fun antique shopping
<---loves Mel's avatar but hopes she stops banging her head against the wall soon
<---misses Ame
<---hopes Nance is happy with her decision
<---wants to make a big pot of turkey chili today
<---is off to look up a recipe for turkey chili
<---will BBL

<---waves nitey nite to Amy
<--- wildly waves at Sparkly, Robin, Deberella, Shellerella, Amy, Tammy, and all who follow
<--- hopes our little hero, Sparkly, will just rest today
<--- would love it if Robin could come to the antique show with <---
<--- strongly advises against housework today
<--- hopes Robin's DH is feeling better soon
<--- was thinking she could not have Shelley over because her house is a PIGSTY!
<--- says OTOH, maybe Shelley is JUST the person to have over:7
<--- knows her weekend cannot match Debbiedo's for hotness
<--- hopes Shelley is all warmed up after her shower
<--- wonders what Shelley and Miss Sophie have on their agenda today
<--- wonders who Amy was yelling at
<--- tucks Amy in and blows her a kisshie
<--- tells Tammy she doesn't have a turkey chili recipe but that Ina Garten (the Barefoot Contessa on the food network) has a fantastic chicken chili recipe at foodtv.com
<--- wonders if Tammy is going to participate in the CC press and play day next weekend
<--- just bought the workout and plans to do it:D
<--- is leaving now for the antique show:D
<--- wishes all a youse a fantastic day:*
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<---tells Tammy that Sunmaid also has a killer chicken chili recipe on their website with golden raisins
<---thinks you could substitute turkey and get good results
<---tells Shelley <--is looking for something abnormal to do
<---agrees that it is cold for errands
<---has lovely snow flurries, but no forecast for accumulation
<---will fuse some cardio now, then maybe errands later
<---'s DD wants to to to TJMAXX and <--may look for something totally out of nature for self to boast about to Shelley
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<---thanks Robin and Michele for pointing <-- in the right direction for the turkey chili recipe websites
<---doesn't have any turkey chili ingredients
<---is making lentil soup instead
<---put turkey chili on the agenda for tomorrow
<---tells Michele that <--- WILL be participating in CC day next Saturday and will download the workout today
<---is off to workout
<---will BBL
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<--waves good morning
<--wishes Meg lots of rest today
<--assumes that Robin will not be swinging by here to pick up <-- for our finger lake weekend ;)
<--is disappointed :(
<--isn't sure what a "woodburner" is
<--wishes Amy a nice, peaceful sleeping zone
<--actually doesn't like Mel's avatar
<--doesn't like to think of Mel banging her head against the wall at all :(
<--wants some of Tammy's turkey chili or lentil soup
<--can't keep up with all of Michele's new workouts
<--wishes Michele lots of fun at the antique show
<--enjoys antique shows but never buys anything
<--likes learning about history, but doesn't enjoy ownership
<--would like life better if she could rent her furniture and clothes rather than own them

<--is trying to pick up her rose-colored glasses from the floor and have them repaired
<--is of no use to anyone without her illusion that life is warm and fuzzy
<--is disturbed by the jealousy of her co-worker over <--'s compensation package negotiations
<--has never done anything to hurt her and has always tried to be supportive of her
<--had no idea she could be so bitter and nasty
<--is the sort who would sooner give it all up then get someone angry at her, so thank goodness for DT and the others in <--'s cheering section
<--doesn't know if she's making any sense
<--needs a refill
Edited for grammer
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<---pick up her pom-poms and yells "Rah, rah ree, kick her in the knee" for Nancy
<---thinks her co-workers jealousy is her co-worker's problem and Nancy should try not to let it upset her
<---knows it is easier said then done
<---has, with total predictablity, dusted and vacuumed the family room and done a load of laundry
<---thinks my free day for my self is rapidly getting away from me
<---will go check on poor sick DH and climb into the shower in preparation for Errand Drill
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<--is replying to self
<--has decided that, after tweaking memo and doing some work at office, <--needs to do some fun shopping
<--will go to Bloomie's and buy herself something indulgent
<--really needs a lift
<--will take DT with her and then go out to dinner
<--thinks that should perk her up :D
ETA:<--thanks Robin very much for being in <--'s cheering section!
<--says the same goes for all of youse :D

ETA2: <--is now questioning the wisdom of shopping after a week of ice cream and peanut butter
<--is supposed to get cheered up, not more depressed
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<--waves good morning to all the girlie girls
<--hopes Megsie is resting after such a hectic night
<--hopes Michele finds something she likes...knows zero about antiques
<--tells Nancy to ignore her jealous co-worker
<--thinks her shopping and dining plans sound great!!
<--is sorry Robin's plans fell through, but a sick hubby is no fun
<--hopes Deb gets everyting done
<--hopes Shelley warms up
<--would gladly send Tammy <--turkey chili recipe but the one Robin mentioned sounds yummy
<--thinks <--may have to go look it up
<--hopes Melody's head doesn't hurt too much from all that banging}(
<--just finished an hour walk and needs some brekkie
<--will bb
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<---hopes Nance is out shopping with Mr. Nance
<---can't believe how windy it is here
<---joins Robin in the never ending cleaning
<---did enjoy DrillMax this morning
<---wonders what Elainee is doing today
<---apparently <--- is doing nothing:(
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<--waves howdy all, just got home from work
<--is so HAPPY-- found out at work that we SAVED A DOG last night!
<--says dad, <--, and Uncle found the dog after the fire was out
<--thought for sure it was gone, but the rescue squad was able to bring it back with some oxygen!
<--feels really good about that
<--sends Nancy a hug and hopes she has a nice time with DT
<--agrees that the jealousy is that ladies problem, not Nance
<--waves to Elainee and hopes she had a nice brekkie
<--hopes AMy is having sweet dreams
<--hopes Tammy's soup iss good and warm since it is so freeakin cold
<--hopes SHelley warmed up in her shower today and has a good one
<--waves to Michele and tells her <--will rest
<--hopes Robin has a good time Maxing TJ today with DD and GS, and that DH is alright
<<--will probably head to the couch in a few and watch the boys play

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<--thinks Meg is absolutely the bees knees
<--has been working on The Memo for the last few hours with DT
<--says DT was a great help!
<--is getting ready to go to the office and do some stuff
<--hopes there will still be time for shopping later
<--tells Tammy that doing nothing is perfectly acceptable for a cold Saturday afternoon
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<---thinks Nancy could make a fortune renting out Mr Turnipski - he sounds like a peachski
<---seconds the proud out loud for Ms Maeghan, the dog rescuer
<---is back from shopping trip
<---sould turn in my second X chromosome - can't shop worth a darn
<---found a pair of shoes
<---saw a pretty bowl that would make a nice fruit dish, but talked self out of it
<---saw a nice purse, but talked self out of it
<---talked self out of stopping at bookstore for copy of the new edition on the Joy of Cooking
<---talked self out of stopping at starbucks for a cuppa
<---hangs her pitiful head in shame
<---will never be a shopper
<---is grabbing copy of Marley and Me, reheating a cup of coffee and heading to the couch
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<--YAAAAY MEGSIE!!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
<--is glad to hear that Megsie is taking a well deserved break!
<--also thinks Mr. Turnipski is peachski
<--hopes Mr. and Mrs. Turnipski have time for some shopping today
<--finished scrubbing, dusting and sweeping the whole house except the family room
<--will do that now
<--thinks <--need to take Robinella shopping
<--says she apparently needs some lessons}(
<--tells Tammy that <--would love to be doing nothing
<--will be doing nothing shortly, though
<--thinks DH will come home about that time and want to go out to eat
<--feels like a fat hog
<--gained 3 pounds this week...wonders if its water retention from meds
<--must finish chores
RE: <---Woman, won't you come back home ..................

<---says YAY MEG!
<---agrees that Mr. DT is a PEACH!
<---wonders if he can give out DT lessons
<---is also lacking in the shopping gene
<---invites y'all over for a bowl of hot lentil soup and fresh crusty italian bread:9
<---(((HUGS))) Elainee
<---blames it all on Jean

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