Windsor Pilates?


Hello Educated Crowd! My knees and feet have been talking to me so I need to cross train. I have been checking the Windsor Pilates Website out and it sounds good--no impact,easy on the joints, but will strengthen your body.
Do any of you own it, use it, like it, or dislike it? Pros and Cons?
Do you need any equipment to do it besides the videos?
I love Cathe and her workouts, but I hate having pain in my feet and joints. I don't feel I am healthy if things hurt.
I need to cut down on the step and the lower body workouts with all those lunges and squats--very hard on my knees.
If any of you have other instructors or videos or types of exercise that would help strengthen the body without putting so much strain on the knees please let me know.
Thanks in advance,
ps. where is the best place to buy the Windsor Pilates?
Hi Heather. I've been using windsor pilates for over a year now. Thank God for Mari Windsor!! Like you I suffer with joint pain in my knees and this workout is great - all floor - no impact and it works your core. I enjoy the 20 minute workout - I use them all. The teaser - will never be able to do this - it's when your have your upper body and lower body form a "V" shape - yeah right - LOL. I purchased mine directly from the infomercial. Collage Video also carries them. Try other forums, someonw may want to trade or sell them. Hope this helps!

Take care,

RE: Winsor Pilates?

I really like Winsor Pilates too.

You can purchase them separately at

Out of the whole set, "Advanced Body Slimming", "Ab Sculpting" and "Buns and Thighs" are my favorites. They are only 20 minutes each and get the job done.

I heard they came out with new workouts, but haven't tried them.
Hi Heather. I purchased the Windsor Pilates DVDs at Target for $39.95. I believe that's the same price as the infomercial but without having to pay shipping costs. You could also try ebay as I've noticed them there.
RE: Winsor Pilates?

Just wanted to add if you are doing a search on ebay or collage video or wherever make sure you spell it "W-I-N-S-O-R". That's the correct spelling. You might not get any hits on ebay or collage if you spell it the other way.
RE: Winsor Pilates?

This is probably somewhat of a deviation from the thread but, I got an Urban Rebounder and started using it for all of Cathe's non step hi/lo stuff and that also helped my left knee which is prolematic for me quite a bit.

Edith :)
RE: Winsor Pilates?

As a matter of fact, I forgot that I spelled it that way in Ebay and did have a problem.

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