Will Cathe ever make an infomercial??


Active Member
I just saw the FIRM's new infomercial(yes,ANOTHER one!) and it got me thinkin'...
I wonder if Cathe would ever do an infomercial....

What do you all think?
Personally I would hate to see Cathe go "commercial." I look at what has happened to The Firm & just think it would be a bad choice. The original creators of The Firm have all kinds of legal issues they are fighting since they "sold out." What you see now in those infomercials are some of the old instructors but the creators have move on & not to better things in my opinion.
ROTFLMAO.....can you see people all over the world running to turn OFF their TV's as they see their 1st Cathe workout in an infomerical?!

I think she would scare folks to death when they see all the tuck jumps, plie jacks, sumos, long hop turns, straddle taps, then the
40 lb barbell to top it all off!

No, she has to stay out "little secret!" :p :D
she doesnt need an infomercial..she gains new fans daily from fit tv..i am very proud that she is associated with DISCOVERY channel family....thats more clout than an info in my opinion!
I am agree w/ Joanna Cathe dosen't need to make a infocomercial. The quality of her workouts is enough. Cathe is the best.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
The first thing that came to mind when I read your post was "god, I hope not!" I don't know why but I have a huge negative association with an infomercial!!! I guess it is b/c most of the things you see on an infomercial (even those that are not related to fitness) are so "gimmick-y!"
If she did (which I hope Cathe won't) we would need a token crier..."boo hoodoo, see how wonder I look...boo hoo. I can’t STAND that!
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Hell no!!!! Not my Cathe. That would just cheapen her. She is a good and solid instructor and does not need any more publicity. People come across her because of her reputation and in my opinion, an infomercial would certainly taint this rep in some way or form. Besides, she is our Cathe and I at least don't want to share her wth the infomercial world.
ABSOLUTELY NOT! People make informercials when they're trying to attract new people (usually beginners). As a result, their workout videos try to appeal to this group and it becomes too easy for us long time Cathe-ites. Plus the DVDs are TOO Expensive to even think about marketing through an informercial (no one will understand the programming options).

Please, please, please do not let Cathe.com go the way of the FIRM. Let word of mouth be her only source of advertisement. I will stick w/ her as long as she continues to produce excellent, advanced & high quality workouts.


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