Wierd Bruise


My husband has a bruise on his bicep that he doesn't remember getting. It seems to go away but the nights that he lifts for biceps the bruise comes back. I know blood goes in to feed the muscle but could it be feeding his bruise as well? Or maybe something is wrong in there and the bruise is something wierd?:confused:
I would love to hear what others have to say about this. Both my mom and I get dark huge purple bruises on our legs all the time and we never remember hitting into something or the like that would cause them. They are painful too.
Another one chiming in who would love an explanation. My husband has bruises on his legs all the time.

I doubt this is related to the original bicep bruise issue, but for the ladies who have unexplained bruises on their legs:

my sister in law used to get huge purple bruises on her legs and never knew where they came from. She went to the doctor and it turned out she was very anemic. She got her iron up (mostly through diet) and the bruises stopped.
It could be the anemic thing, but also, as we age (not sure if age is an issue for him), our skin gets thinner and it's easier to bruise.

I have noticed that if I hit myself on the leg or anywhere with thinner skin, a bruise appears much faster and darker looking than it did just 5 years ago. I am 52.

I can remember seeing this on my Dad as he aged too.
dh is 32 so age shouldnt be an issue.

i called him earlier and he said its been more like 3 weeks. he took a rest week (sick) and the bruise was almost gone. lifted for biceps and it came back as purple as ever.
Bruises are caused by capillaries (itty bitty blood vessels) leaking. I suppose he has some capillaries close to the surface in his bicep area that are irritated by the lifting. If he gets any bruises elsewhere, he should see his doc to get bloodwork drawn. I doubt it is anything to worry about though.

Kate, are you sure you aren't hitting him in your sleep?;)

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