Why, Madam, your moustache is lovely.....


Who here bleaches, waxes, plucks, rips out or otherwise tries to conceal a moustache worthy of Salvador Dali? What do you use? Do you have any reactions to waxing (acne, redness that won't go away, etc.)?

In my more wizened years, I'm starting to get a little Groucho-like. I've tried all of the above methods and don't like them. Short of taking my face off with a belt sander, I'm hoping for some insight from the educated (and oh so patient) crowd.

Bleaching for me.

Your title made me laugh--once I was in line at the grocery store & the checkout guy said "oh, you have such a cute little blond mustache." Needless to say I was mortified. So I just trim it every couple of weeks to keep it from becoming too "Groucho-like." :+
It's called Surgi-Wax. I'll never use anything else again. I also use it to wax the bikini line. You don't use any strips, just heat it up, slap it on, wait a bit and then pull (not rip). It's painless for me. I love it. quick, painless, & inexpensive.
I have tried it all and over the years have found the best option for me is to use one of those little facial hair electric razor thingies (As Seen On TV!) to buzz the hair off once a week or so. My facial skin breaks out in a horrible rash from depillatory creams. And waxing is no good because you have to let the hair grow to past a certain length before you do it, and I don't like having to grow out my moustache! :p Plucking with tweezers hurt too much, and was so time-consuming. I have even tried the belt-sander technique and it was a bust too. (Seriously, I tried that "hair-buffer" from Conair, and it was a joke!)
My 'stache is not THAT big, but I do get rid of it. I used to have it waxed, but now I just use this little battery operated shaver dealy that I got at the grocery store. I always got acne with the waxing, plus it just grew back too fast before I could get in for another waxing.
LOL, I bought a used car that has a sunroof, and a mirror on the driver's side visor. One day with the sunroof open, LOTS of bright sunlight coming in, I decided to put on some lipstick. Was MORTIFIED to discover a 'stache!

Now I go every 4 weeks to my salon and have their esthetician wax it off for me. Cortizone cream keeps any bumps away, and the more I go, the less I need the cortizone. It also gets less painful with every trip.

For my next trick, I have to go have my whole body waxed for my competition. YIKES!!! That, I'm not looking forward to. Mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I'll try the shaver thingy. The waxing doesn't hurt too bad, but the acne following it was more embarrassing than the 'stache itself! I always just worried that shaving/trimming it would make it more obvious. Not that I look like Wilford Brimley by any means! :)

Maximus - I woulda run that guy down with my grocery cart!
I don't have dark hair on my face, but the peach fuzz bugs me. I've started using one of those little trimmers.

A former office mate of of mine who had a dark "mustache" (she's of Indian descent--as in from India) always had hers waxed professionally.

Doesn't ageing suck? A few years ago, I noticed a long black hair on the side of my chin. About 1/2 inch long. I hadn't seen it before, because it was kind of hidden underneath. I wondered, though, who else had seen it!! I plucked it. It came back. I plucked it again. It never came back. Now I occasionally run that little facial trimmer (Emjoi something or other) under the chin area, just in case there's something there I can't see in the mirror!

Maybe mama nature's starting to get back at me for having no leg hair or arm hair, at least not any that's very noticeable. I swear I used to when I was in my teens and twenties! But now, I haven't shaved my legs for over 20 years, except for an occasional plucking of a few stray hairs at the ankle (or on the toes!).

I've seen some older women with chin hair that either they don't care about, or don't see.
Yes, Kathryn, ageing sucks. I have two of the little nasty chin hairs. I noticed them a couple of years ago, now I pluck them every other week or so when they try to escape from the follicle. It feels liek I'm tending a garden now when I do my skin care regimen, what with all the weeding and watering and tilling of the skin. Sigh, to be 9 again.
Why is it when you look in the car rearview mirror, after looking real good in your bathroom mirror, you can see a hair as long as a ponytail??? Honest to goodness, the bathroom mirrors lie!
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So true! Maybe you should have a rear view mirror installed in your bathroom to pick up the slack from your regular mirror! :)
My family is from Latin America and we are a hairy people. We never say we have a moustache or chin hair, we affectionally call them "stray eyebrows."
That almost made me spit water on my keyboard! I can just picture little stray eyebrows all over my face! }(
> Sigh, to be 9 again.

Though I think 9-year-olds might still have that "baby" peachfuzz (that we develop again as we age: like we're turning young again!)
I had chin hair so bad from hormonal problems that I had to undergo electrolysis once a week for almost 2 years - I would lie down in a soothing room with floaty music and candles and have a hot needle stuck into my hair follicles zzzZZZAPPPP over and over again!!!

Once she tried to do one of my 'stache hairs which *really* hurt!! Since then I tweeze what I can in that area and ignore the rest.

Compared to electrolysis - tweezing feels like massage!
So far I don't have any hair issues. When I was suppose to be going thru puberty, I was wondering where the hair was! LOL. I've plucked my eyebrows so much from the age of 13 that the hair barely grows back on the brow. Kinda nice.

>Snazzy- even your forearms?

Yeah, it has to do with the lighting, shadows, and tanning product. Didnt used to be that way for local level comp, but the comps just getting tougher at every level. Have to seek out any and all advantages. LOL

I have that 9-years old blonde peach fuzz on my butt (my DH informed me!)...that's got to come off too...at least the part that will be sticking out of my suit. Thank God thongs are still illegal in those comps. I don't think I'll EVER be ready to face the world in a thong! LOL
There's an East Indian technique called threading that works really well. The hair is pulled in a fashion that is a cross between waxing and plucking. Basically thread is used to twist multiple hairs around and then yanked. Unlike waxing there is no skin removed which causes the redness and it is very clean looking. No bumps. The only catch is you have to find an East Indian beauty salon.
That wouldn't be difficult. There's a large East Indian population where I live. It sounds painful, though. Is it?

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