why is my body go back on vications?



first of all i have a confession to make i have neglected cathe workouts for the last 2 months. i have discoverd the park next to my home (after i have been living next to it 2 years:eek: )and since its summer and its very hot in the basement where's my gym is i started to walk/run for about 70-90 minutes.
last week we (the family) went on a vacation and i didnt workout for 5 days and its seem to me the the skin that was tigthend while i was running, wasnt so tight like my body went back. i did not gainde weight on this vicatin just my belly poped out again. why??????;(
it was only five days after runing for 2 months 4-5 times per week. why is my body so treacherous

thank u


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