Why do relatives like to comment about weight/food?


I have my DH's family down for the weekend....after going out to dinner my BIL focused on MY dinner. The comments ranged from "what do you eat" to "if a gust of wind came by you would blow away." I did feel like saying I could always hold onto your fat overweight wife to anchor me. During the entire dinner he continued to prod me for what I would eat or would not eat. I tried to explain that it was not what I would or would not eat....it was what I prefer or choose to eat. Does anyone else have these problems with inconsiderate nosey family?

OH YES my MIL. always with the "your so skinny, you should wear this and that to show off your figure" or "where do you put it all,do you eat at home?". and i can eat believe me. and i was thinking "well i don't drink,smoke, or eat like we were at a bbq eating contest,and i don't sit on my arse,which is why am i so skinny". and i really hate when they comment on what i should wear to show off my figure. i will be damned if i am looking for that kind of attention from other perverts. i feel good and i dress how i want to express myself, and that is all that should matter. i do make her feel bad,unintentionally(SP?) though, when i spend more time on the trampoline with all the kids then she does b/c why?!?! i eat right and exercise.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
"I did feel like saying I could always hold onto your fat overweight wife to anchor me."

I don't get the judgment from my relatives all that much, but they do question me like crazy.

I get most critiques from coworkers. Drives me absolutely insane.
Robin, it seems anymore that its more exceptable to be overweight than skinny.

Alot of people feel threatened by skinny people, cause we are what they aren't, they don't want to put forth the effort. But then family feel that its ok to make comments.

My MIL bless her heart told me a few yrs back that she though I had lost enough weight. I wasn't intending on losing anymore, but I think that is my call lol. See my MIL is a sweet lady but she could stand to lose about 80 lbs.

Anyway, I do know how ya feel....

"I did feel like saying I could always hold onto your fat overweight wife to anchor me."

I'm there on the floor with Elaine.

Nothing, but NOTHING, is free in life. The true cost of being healthy and fit is not the time and energy invested in being healthy and fit. Instead the cost is the relentless boneheaded patter the fit/healthy have to cope with from the vast Lardass Contingent politely and with grace.

I was thinking of that very issue just this morning as I was doing my third set of isolation curls with 25-lb dumbbells. Most people ARE dumbbells. I just lift 'em.

Hi Robin,Yesterday my husbands Uncle said to me out of the blue. When are you going to grow up. I wasn't sure what he was talking about he said a women my age shouldn't exercise. I am 47. He told me to grow up. I tried to be kind and said you don't know what I do and I know my body and its limitations. Working out makes me feel great! I listen to my body and rest when needed. Some people are just ignorant. I suppose he would like it if I just sat around and was fat like him and his family. I hope to stay strong & healthy my whole life. I just don't understand the negitive comments sometimes.
Keep doing what makes you feel great!

Susan G.
Well, yes, but in an opposite kind of way. I can't eat anything with a single unnatural ingredient without someone in my family calling it "poison" or looking at me like I can't possible be related to them. Everything they make is cooked from scratch with organic ingredients. I like organic ingredients too, but don't always have time to get to the one store that sells the organic stuff.

I quit smoking 10 years ago, my cholesterol is great, my blood pressure is low, my weight is at just the right place on the BMI scale, I workout as often as I can, and my doctor thinks I'm doing great. But my family makes me feel like pond scum. What's up with that??

I get annoyed when they say something like, what do you need to exersize for? You're thin enough.

I have this battle with family at every holiday and get togetherx( x( They all shovel so much food and junk in their mouths and then ask why am I not eating healthy??? WTF!! I eat normal portions and I do at holidays lighten up on my restrictions. People have just become so accustomed at being glutenous they don't know what is a normal portion anymore. My DH always reassures people that I have a healthy appetite!!

I hosted Thanksgiving for the family last year and catered to the traditional food, which I indulged in. OMG, I got so sick and puked so much after eating the foods my body was not accustomed to that my family no longer gives me any grief regarding my healthy eating and exercise habits.

So Robin, go puke on the family members who harass you.:eek: }( :7 :+
It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation I think. If you eat healthy, you get comments, if you are having a free day or enjoying the holiday treats or whatever, than you get comments about "I thought you were a health nut, what are you eating that for?!" Either way it's irritating.

Along these lines, I played bingo at one of the casinos around here a few weeks ago. First time, it was fun. The food served in the bingo hall was hideous though. I'm not one who is strictly healthy but this was even too much for me!! At one of the breaks I went in search of something, anything, approaching healthy, and finally found some dried cranberries and almonds at one kiosk. Of course when I got back to the table my aunt and cousin were giving me the worst time about it, as they sat in front of plates of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and rolls. My aunt is about 100 pounds overweight (and has cancer) and my cousin, who is only about 25, is probably 50-70 pounds overweight! Call my crazy but if I were big I wouldn't be commenting sarcastically on the food choices of the ONLY fit person within spittin' distance!! Boggles the mind.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
My mom thinks I'm getting too thin and will comment to that affect though not often thank goodness!

When I worked at the bank I would get strange looks and comments in regards to what I would bring for lunch or snacks, etc. I just ignored it. :)
Hey Robin...try going Vegan....OMG the backlash from my own family!! On most occasions I am fine but sometimes...my sarcasm shows thru! I am also on the floor with Elaine an A-Jock...great comeback...:)
>I get annoyed when they say something like, what do you need
>to exersize for? You're thin enough.

LOL! I love that one! Some people are "thin enough" naturally (Bless thier hearts! Like my DH and his family!) but MOST are not NATURALLY thin so the question is...How do these people that ask that question think we got to be "thin enough" and how will quitting exercise help??? :p
Yeah, worried moms, you can't escape them.

When my mom is in town and we go to out for dinner she'll always say, "Oh, but you can't eat anything there, so we can't go there." Or something like, "ohh, that's right, you can't eat this because of your diet."

I've told her a bunch that I'm not dieting, that I'm adjusting my eating style to a healthy one...but I guess without having done as much research and reading as I have on the subject :) , it's understandable that she doesn't get my change in foods (of not eating white pasta, rice or bread, or anything processed anymore) !
>Hey Robin...try going Vegan....OMG the backlash from my own
>family!! On most occasions I am fine but sometimes...my
>sarcasm shows thru! I am also on the floor with Elaine an
>A-Jock...great comeback...:)

Oh yes...I do eat vegan (its been about 5 or 6 months now) so I really do understand, ...I guess that was part of the "problem" to them. I ordered a spinach walnut salad and for my main meal had 3 sides of vegetables (asparagus, grilled vegetables and green beans). Oddly, my other overweight SIL who calls herself a vegetarian (she eats eggs, milk and a lot of junk food) who ate with us was not tortured with all the food questions at the dinner table yet she order a meal somewhat like mine with cheese on the salad.

Ah, to be different......

I get it from my friends and my family. My granddaughter, who is 10, is very curious why I won't eat french fries and love veggies. I just explain it to her while my daughter rolls her eyes at me.

When I start feeling uncomfortable from the comments of other people I remind myself that not residing in the mainstream of the ways of society whether it's eating or other behavior has it's pros and cons. I make the choices that I feel are best for me. I can live with that :)
Hi all,

I like this thread and know what you all are experiencing.
We live in the laziest, fattest country in the world so as
frustrating as these comments are I now take them a compliments
and even say "thank you" when somebody makes a rude comment about
what I eat, don't eat and that I use weights and cardio so that I
can enjoy good health and better quality of life. I think a lot
of people are jealous so they make these ignorant comments, it is really a reflection of their own negative image of themselves.

I have lost over 20lbs the last year. When people ask me how I
did it and I mention good eating, eating less, cardio and
weight training, you should see the scowling faces I get when I say
"weight training". he he he


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