Why do people invent online identities?


Ok, not assuming anything as regards another thread, but I've seen made-up identities on the Internet before. I'm curious, why do you think people do this? Are they bored with themselves? Looking to be connected with others? Trying out other personalities?

What do you all think?
Marie, It's beyond me. Maybe I don't have enough imagination. The whole idea is unsavory and seems outright evil to me. Honesty is a value I hold very dear.
Because they can. Nobody knows them from Adam and they can be whoever and whatever they want to be, with little chance of being found out, like they would be in "real life".

Maybe they're lonely and aren't very good at interacting with people in person, and on the internet they can be the person they'd like to be.

Then there are those who do it with a darker purpose, like men who pretend to be young girls in order to lure young girls into a friendship and hopefully a meeting.

The internet is a pretty scary place, when you think about it. What do you really know about anyone you talk to?
I am guessing it is an attention getter.
Personally, I am me. My pic's are of me . I think this is a site where you are you or you don't come here.
I personally come here for motivation.
Now, if i was on some chat room with @$##^@^&. I may be someone else.
Take me as i am .
Ok, I am off to have a beer and smoke a pack of cigarettes now...
Just kidding.

I think all of the above could be true. I'm really an IDEA Fitness Instructor of the Year.

About that other thread. I don't think there's any proof here of deceit. The comapny that took those professional photos could easily be based in another state and have branches or affiliates all over the country. Olan Mills anyone? I suspect the company travels to wherever the competitions are held.
Michele, I agree with you that there's no proof of deceit, but you have to admit, it is all very odd.


PS: I'm really a 50 year old man in drag. Love wearing my false eyelashes and turquoise tights to do MIC!! :7 :7
Marie (if that's your real name... or is it Marv?): We need pics of that, please and thank you.

Michele, the pics say that they are from a gymnastics academy photoshoot and when you go to the academy's website using the link, it's in California.
>PS: I'm really a 50 year old man in drag. Love wearing my
>false eyelashes and turquoise tights to do MIC!! :7 :7

LOL! Now this is an image I don't need first thing in the morning. :p


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
>Marie (if that's your real name... or is it Marv?): We need
>pics of that, please and thank you.
>Michele, the pics say that they are from a gymnastics academy
>photoshoot and when you go to the academy's website using the
>link, it's in California.

I agree it's odd, but if you go to the gymnastics academy homepage and click on the link for photos, Adri's picture isn't there!?!?!? That's why I wonder if they were taken at a competition where gymnasts from all over the country were gathered together under one roof. Ooooh...I love a good mystery. --lol!

Marie--you are too much!:7
I'm still relatively new here but I just wanted to say that fear may be a factor. All of those terrible news reports may prevent people from interacting online with honesty. Many people may be scared to reveal their real identity simply because of the potential risks involved. The only other thing I would like to say is that I also hold honesty very dear. I mean, if you don't have honesty & integrity, what on earth do you have? Also, I came here & lurked for a long time & was so motivated that I finally joined & started posting. So I feel the need to say "thanks" to everyone here for welcoming me with open arms! Also, you guys are all too funny!!! LOL at all your crazy comments!

Thanks again!

P.S. - Yes, that's me in the avatar... a little furry, but cute, don't ya think? :7
CHARLOTTE! How are you, woman? I haven't seen you around much... hope all is well with you. :)

aka Marv, an Executive Transvestite
I think there are probably a lot of reasons:"
Some people may feel safer being more 'anonymous.' (But one can do that by not divulging much personal information as well).

Some people might be bored and think it's fun to role play (I'm thinking adolescent boy, maybe).

Some people may have more nefarious purposes, like befriending people under the guise of a 'safe' online friend, in the hopes of somehow taking advantage of that in the future. (Criminal types, pervs, slightly unbalanced individuals).

Or maybe some people have multiple personalities, so the online identity is really 'them' as well?;-)

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