Why do people have more than 2 kids?


I was thinking about this this morning, taling with hubby, we were stumped (we are childless so far).

Usually having your first child is an "oopsie" or a big decision. Sometimes you make the decision not really being 100% confident it is the right one, but once the maternal instinct kicks in, you manage, and find you love your baby more than anything. Agree with this?? Few people regret their first.

Then, maybe, you start thinking that the baby needs a sibling or he/she will get lonely. So you decide to have another.

But what happens with the 3+? I mean, each child you have is more $$ out, more responsibility. You have already experienced having two before. Tell me the reasons why people decide to have 3+ children. I just don't get it. Seems like with 3+ children you would be so busy all the time that you barely have time to catch your breath. And broke, in many cases..Do you just like being pg?

Englighten me. ;)
Hmm... it will be interesting to read other responses...

for me, growing up in a 2 child household, I always wanted a bigger family, with more brothers and maybe a sister or two.
I do enjoy being pregnant but that is not the reason.
I now have 3 girls and think maybe we'll have one more (I originally wanted 6, but have since been rethinking!)

I just love children and always wanted a somewhat large family!
I grew up in a family with four other siblings, and my husband has eight. We have a boy and a girl and are planning on having another one soon...we've talked about six, but aren't sure whether or not we'll have that many or not. Big families are amazing and you probably wouldn't really understand unless you've had experience with one. You learn so much from living in a big family, especially things that I really think kids need to learn, especially in today's society. Such as work, sacrafice, working together, unconditional love, and you always have friends no matter what. When I was in high school and was going through some rough times with friends, I always knew I would have my sisters to talk to when I got home. I think kids need responsibilities and I think I was blessed to learn how to work hard, in my opinion too many people are lacking that quality.

In our case, we wonder why anyone would have less?

Some people love babies. Some people just want big families, so their kids have a strong support base. Some people keep going to get one of each sex. Sometimes if we listen to God, he whispers in our ears when we are through, or when we should keep going. All in all, it's in God's hands.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
>Sometimes if we listen to God,he whispers in our ears when we are >through, or when we should
>keep going. All in all, it's in God's hands.

Very well said, Melanie.:)
My husband and I decided to be open to having as many children as the Lord opted for us. We have been extremely blessed! With each baby we have had we have gotten closer to each other for we share this common thing of love for our children.

With each child we have been blessed with more income - we own two houses - one with 3 acres, seven bedrooms - the other is a house on a lake with six bedrooms, four bathrooms, two family rooms with 140 feet on the lake - a speed boat, three seadoos and a pontoon.

My husband has owned his own business for 21 years - we do not have any financial worries. I take karate with eight of my children which runs $400 a month - my husband and six of my boys play hockey, which runs about $1500 per child.

So, we have ten children and we also pay $1800 a month for our health insurance.

We have time for each other - but we do not have time to be selfish - we have learned to be giving -we have even taken in another child who needed a home. We have big hearts and loving arms - when I look at my children I am often overtaken with the love I have for them.

My children are all worth more than a million dollars each - they are irreplaceable. I have been a parent for 32 years and my youngest is 5 years old - so by the time my yougewst is 18 I will have invested 43 years into my parenting - time well worth spent in my opinion.

I have been home schooling for 13 years - I teach six different grades. Yes, I have time to work out everyday, too. It can be done. Where there is a will there is a way!

I hope this helps -

<<Sometimes if we listen to God, he whispers in our ears when we are through, or when we should keep going. All in all, it's in God's hands.>>


<<My husband and I decided to be open to having as many children as the Lord opted for us. We have been extremely blessed! With each baby we have had we have gotten closer to each other for we share this common thing of love for our children.>>

Yes. I confess I am just now accepting this.

Oopsie baby? Oopsie? Janice, it is 2006 and we know how babies are created. There are really no oopsies. ;) This is not meant to offend anyone who has become pregnant when trying to avoid. All those years in the family planning clinic have given me a dose of reality.

Wow, this post made me sad kinda. Our kids were definitly planned. I agree with one post that said some people love babies. I happen to LOVE babies and children. They are the sweetest most innocent beings you could ever witness. But I don't think I want more than 2. Just because I think that's perfect for us. But you never know if you'd like a 3rd, because once you've experienced children...anything goes. That first year is soooo amazing and when they're 1, uh, sooooo cute. I can imagine missing that age very much and wanting another. It's not so much about the child "needing" a sibling.
I'm the youngest of 3 girls and loved how growing up our home was always filled with people. I want to have that too. My dh and I love to do things, go on the boat, snowboard, have bbq's. You absolutely can continue the things you enjoy WITH your kids. If you feel you can't do anything for yourself, that's a decision you make and create that. Children won't stop you from everything, you just have to figure out a balance for everyone because, yes, your children do come first.
Everybody's financial situations are different. And should really be taken seriously when deciding how many. Although many families get by fabulously and raise brilliant beautiful people on very little money.

There's no way to truly understand til you have your very own. I would never have understood the love and change of perspective on life you get when having them;-) ;-)

Mommy to Hannah Lilly born 3/25/05
Thank you for the responses everyone. If I offended anyone, I did not mean to. I am childless right now and was just trying to understand something I have absolutely no experience with. I was not trying to be judgemental, just curious. Thank you for the feedback!!!:)

I find it quite humorous that I was posting on the open discussion to you when you were responding to this one. I hope you read my response on that one. You are great!

Cheryl really explained it very nicely:) Children are a blessing from the Lord. I am expecting my 5th and we are soooo excited!! I just love my children and enjoy being with them. We homeschool too, so it is a balancing act... but we would not have it any other way. Yes, I do go through periods of selfishness and wish I had more time to myself... for maybe a day... then the Lord brings me back to my priorities. As far as financial concerns, the Lord always provides there too. There is a quote that I just love, I hope I dont botch it up too much...

"The bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing, however in today's society we sign up for a curse and reject the blessings"

WOW...isn't that soooo true. Sometimes we just need to get our eyes off of ourselves:)

Love, Jen
<<"The bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing, however in today's society we sign up for a curse and reject the blessings">>

<<Sometimes we just need to get our eyes off of ourselves.>>

Jen, Thank you for a very timely statement! Even something that I need to remember.
I think the wonderful changes that a child brings to your life you cannot truly understand until you have one of your own. It is like nothing else in this world. I have always known I wanted children and at least two, and my husband wasn't real sure about becoming a parent or having more than one child. But before we ever left the delivery room he was asking when we could have another. It is just such a miracle, by far more special that I had ever dreamed.

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