Why do all other workouts seem Lame after Cathe?


I'm in a 2wk break period from my current program, (BRX), before I begin Cycle 1 again and I decided during this time to mix things up a bit and try some other stuff, so I dug out Tough Tape 2 from the Firm last night. I'm an old Firmie, have many of the original Firms and used them a lot til I found Cathe and her strength tapes.

So I'm going along w/TT2, using 15-25lb weights and even w/a tall step for the leg work, it barely phased me. I was shocked when it was over cause I was still waiting to get going! The speed at which the Firm moves was a little hard for me to adjust to again, but overall I don't feel like I worked out too hard, even w/upping the weights used.

Anyone else feel like this? Am I totally spoiled now?

I think so! :)
Hi, Mindi! A bona fide Cathe Monogamist knows exactly what you're saying! I absolutely will not buy a workout from any other producer anymore!

You are totally spoiled by and for Cathe now. Unload all of your non-Cathe workouts; it's just not worth the time. Now that La Cathe is rolling out The Intensity Series, especially the DVD version with about 75% MORE bonus features than even she had announced at the onset of the presale, you'll be good to go.

In fact, for me (shhhhhh) even many of Cathe's workouts feel a little light for me these days. My fave butt-kickers are (of course) I-Max, the step-circuit segment from Body Max, the circuit segment from CTX Power Circuit, Circuit Max, the MIC hi/lo segment, the CTX interval segment from StepIntervals, and the 10-10-10 hi/lo segment. Just for a change of pace I did Cardio Kicks a week ago Sun. and it was a cakewalk. BUT - I have no doubt that The Intensity Series will kick us all to the next level!

Cathe Forever!

Mindi, I was a FIRMIE too until the day I did a Cathe workout. I've never put a firm tape in since then. They sit there and I wonder should I dump them. (I paid $49.95 for the first one, it's hard to sell it yet I NEVER do it anymore). I might do one someday just to see how it goes now that I've been doing Cathe for so long, but then again, why waste time!!!! And the intensity series should be hitting my step any day right!!!


It's hard for me to do a Firm tape too. The last one I did I sat down on it because it just wasn't motivating to me like Cathe's are. I ended up selling the majority of my Firms because I knew deep inside that I was not going to pick them back up again. I use to have about 28 Firms now I am down to 8. Cathe is so much better and motivating for me. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up with no Firms left.

---Kimberly C
Because they ARE! Just yesterday I was doing Kelli Roberts' Ultimate Step (because I was feeling weak and ill from a cold) on an 8 inch step. I used to love this workout and compared to other step workouts I still appreciate it. Anyway, there I was still breaking a sweat because normally I use a 6 inch step with Cathe...but it was rather dull. I kept doing it and kept thinking,"Yeah...uhuh...yeah..ok, get on with it. OOOHHH a jump and a hop, oh really? Woooo!!!" This is me with a cold already.
So funny. My attention span has completely disappeared! Anyway, I wouldn't throw out your FIRMs or old Faves because they sub well during sick days,lazy days and just to add variety. But yes, THEY really are LAME.

Do Standing Legs again and you might remember why you invested in the Firms. Really, when I tack that on to S&H legs, it is a KILLER. Holding 20 lb. dumbells I would be very hard pressed to make it all the way through Standing Legs even now...

The Firms are not a total waste. Beleive me, when I get Cathe burnout, they sure are a breath of fresh air, even if I end up feeling lazy!!

Mostly, I cannot get over the ladies' voices in The Firms...just so porno like sometimes in comparison to Cathe...

I say keep Standing Legs, Upper Body, and TT, but sell the rest when Jan. 1st hits and everything is in demand. That is my plan....

See, I am hoping that this will be the case with me too..that they will be a breath of fresh air, but right now, i am so enthralled with Cathe, that I can't stop doing her videos!
I have seen SUCH A HUGE improvement with her stuff, I just haven't been motivated to do many FIRMS lately. And you are right Mindi, after doing Cathe, FIRMS seem a little..boring.
I hate the music in them now! It is wayy too slow, and there isn't as much variation in speed and intensity as w/cathe.

I am holding onto mine for now..I don't want to leave them!

I don't mean to bash the Firm at all, I think they have a place in fitness, a very good one! I guess I just like Cathe's style better in the sense of it being more gym-like weight training which I enjoy a lot more.

I'm keeping my old Firm tapes, I think they're way better than the new ones, I got that infomerical set, (bought the tapes from a friend who ordered it and didn't like it, didn't get the fanny lifter), and only kept one.
I've been getting increasingly irritated with my Firm workouts. They are good workouts and I like them but they have a few bad qualities.

Let me just say I'm not Firm bashing - and I still can't get through a lot of their tapes! I don't have a lot of strength yet. But they do have a few idiosynchrosies.

I don't mind the porno voices. But the strength workouts sometimes don't seem to have any flow. You will work your quads with one exercise, go off and do something different, then come back and work your quads again, then later on you'll work your inner thighs. Why not get a body part over with, already?? And is there something wrong with doing, say, all of the upper body muscles in a row, then progressing to the lower-body muscles? And I do get annoyed with standing, lying down, standing, sitting, standing, sitting, lying down and standing. Once I sit down in a workout, that better be all the standing 'coz I don't wanna get up again!

The Firm is all I've really tried (other than Susan Powter) for strength workouts so far, so maybe these are things they do in every tape. But it has started to drive me batty! I am branching out to try some different strength tapes to see if they're a little better.

I'm still too intimidated to try a Cathe strength tape yet. I can barely get through a 45-minutes Firm video, so I can only imagine what one Power Hour would do to me!
I agree, that Cathe gives you a terriffic workout.
I have all the Firm tapes up to when Anna left and the first two FitPrimes. I did the two FitPrimes once and it just didn't get it for me.
I've gotten so much more strength, endurance and muscle definition with Cathe in two years than I ever got with the Firm in 10. The Firm did get me from the couch to Cathe though.

I'm thinking of selling my entire collection. My holdbacks are the original clamshells Vol 1-6 were so expensive and I hate to go through all the stress of having to mail out the videos and wait for the checks. (lazy?) Maybe someone would buy the whole series? LOL

I'm so jealous of the girls who ordered the new DVD's with all those extra workouts. I look at my Firm collection and tell myself I could have Cathe on DVD and a player if I would sell all these videos that are just gathering dust.

Hey, whatever happened to Susan Powter anyway? Did she gain all that weight back and fall of the face of the earth?

Anyway, I recently did a two-week non-Cathe rotation because I was feeling burned out from Cathe. It included Mindy Mylrea Circuit Body Bar, Tae Bo, and Step Champions (really annoying), with Circuit Max for my one Cathe fix of the week.

RE: Susan Powter

I think Powter filed for bankruptcy. Just shows to go ya what can happen when you have a great message but no business skills. Plus, Powter's visual image kind of scared me - kind of like an albino Morticia.


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